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Seasonal Patch: The Missing Links Part 1


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Removing global chat in a multiplayer game because you cant, wont or refuse to actually deal with it or find other solutions for it has got to be the silliest solution to a something which is for most people not even a problem.

We've had community moderaters before, why not again? Why not actually chat ban the worst offenders? Not a chatban for 24 hours but for a week or month at the least.. 


Removing communication with other players in other nations will ruin international trade, it will ruin your community and eventually ruin your game.

Its a multiplayer game for gods sake. A game with other people, all kinds of people, like in real life, you can either deal with it or ignore it, but completly removing it is shortsighted and quite frankly, stupid.


As for the community who apparently cant deal with this kind of thing or cant deal with other people, grow a thicker skin or use the ignore function, its there for a reason

Edited by DeWoudt
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5 minutes ago, Conte D. Catellani said:

What will happen if toxic people start to change their name in insults or in a way to troll others? We will have standard names? Something like pirate 1, Danes 2, sveden 3 and so on? 


if it gets to that point well the game is finished

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Why are you hell bent on destroying  the game? Do you really hate your customers so much or do you have some literal mental problem where you feel an overwhelming compulsion to just hello kitty with people out of spite?


i dont give  a SHIT if you ban for this post. hello kitty, we all know you are just looking for any hello kittying reason to do so. Might as well be honest about how much of a retard you are. 5 years of non stop demeaning and abusing your customers.. Not many left to put up with your shit tho.


we are at 500 players now. After this patch, wont be more than 200. 





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11 hours ago, admin said:

Its a great idea. why we have not removed it before i dont know. We no longer wish to provide free communication platform for shitheads. They will just be local clowns now. Only talking to their nation.


This is not our idea btw.. Its a player proposal. There are several guys here who we always listen to. It was proposed by them.

Sure, plenty of incentive to talk to your nation, join a guild or alliance and talk to those guys.
global chat is a distraction if it's not about negotiation/diplomacy. Too much off-topic.

Edited by Slim McSauce
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38 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

Sure, plenty of incentive to talk to your nation, join a guild or alliance and talk to those guys.
global chat is a distraction if it's not about negotiation/diplomacy. Too much off-topic.

u apparently have never opened the russian nation chat as a english speaker before 

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Basically after playing a 4v4 in Oceans...

Everyone has no masts, or 60-80% of all players are stuck due to windshadow (Not fun 😢)

Group fights are dead, cus noone can move.

Edited by Nixolai
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6 hours ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

In any case an experiment with strong arm moderation provided by community volunteers should be done before the drastic last step of pulling the plug. Give moderators rights to ban people according to levels of rule infringement, escalating in duration of bans, with perma ban needing an okay from devs. That should do it and community stays happy.

Community moderators would only work if they had access to players true identity, else a banned player can simply change name/nation....

Thats a power I would not like to see in the hands of community (aka players)

On PvE its simply not needed, as chat isnt toxic

my apologies if some of the cooking recipes i posted in global turned out to be toxic :)

On PvP idk enough to propose anything, but also: no community mods should have in depth access to personal data (if that is legit at all ?)

Edited by Jan van Santen
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15 hours ago, admin said:

Announcement 14th of August

After final review of the tribunals, reporting system volumes and the levels of toxicity in general chat I have approved complete removal of Battle chat with enemies, Global chat and Help chat when this patch hits live servers. Global chat only amplifies hate and toxicity allowing jerks to talk to other nations. We have thought differently when adding those chats to the game.

Please take diplomatic precautions as necessary. 

Global chat and help chat will only be present on testbed. 


Removal of global is a good move to remove toxicity.

Removal of battle chat is not I think. There are more adequate players than trolls. Enemies often need to communicate with each other. Sometimes people ask to let them go because they have real life issues. And I do. 
With time people learn to check PMs and communicate through PM. Same thing will start happening anyways.

Can we maybe have a chat request button? If the enemy wants to talk to me he can hit request chat and I get a chat request icon popup. Then we can talk in PM.

By removing ability for trolls to post we should not cripple the game for adequate players



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1 minute ago, Nixolai said:


Battle chat is nice ;)


He is a known troll whos even name was changed by the admin. He deserves permanent chat ban. Not people like you and me not have ability to communicate because of idiots

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2 hours ago, Death XIII said:


On the other hand, Battlechat was my only real experience maker when it came to learning from my mistakes in battle and learning as a player. Sure, I've had some toxic words spouted towards me, but where I really ever improved on my skill and knowledge was by talking to the enemy player who had bested me in a fight. It was with them that I would ask exactly what mistakes I made that costed me a fight. 9/10 times this has been a positive and constructive conversation. There's no better way to learn than from that of a player who had the knowledge and skill to beat you in a fair fight. It was that critism that ever allowed me to become a better player and strive to improve my skills when my flaws and short comings were pointed out to me. 



@admin this. Thats how I learned too. And my positive experiences in battle chats are by far outweights the negative

Global on the other hand has no use whatsoever and can safely go. Can we please start with just global?

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26 minutes ago, Jan van Santen said:

Community moderators would only work if they had access to players true identity, else a banned player can simply change name/nation....

Thats a power I would not like to see in the hands of community (aka players)

On PvE its simply not needed, as chat isnt toxic

my apologies if some of the cooking recipes i posted in global turned out to be toxic :)

On PvP idk enough to propose anything, but also: no community mods should have in depth access to personal data (if that is legit at all ?)

well if a player wants to buy the game again swap nation and then still be toxic let him do it that one time imo and get banned again, he wont gain much on it. Either that or hardware ban him with mac address

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Removal of Global Chat?

Well, I guess...

Removal of Battle Chat?

Well, I guess...

Both we can ultimately live without.

Removal of Help Chat?

Not a good idea. EVERY DAY there are numerous pleas for help from new players trying to understand something or other in game that is not explained in the tutorials or introduction. Nation chat is too crowded for help discussions. This is definitely going to negatively impact player retention.


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34 minutes ago, Jan van Santen said:

Community moderators would only work if they had access to players true identity, else a banned player can simply change name/nation....

Thats a power I would not like to see in the hands of community (aka players)

On PvE its simply not needed, as chat isnt toxic

my apologies if some of the cooking recipes i posted in global turned out to be toxic :)

On PvP idk enough to propose anything, but also: no community mods should have in depth access to personal data (if that is legit at all ?)

I also think PvE server does not need moderation due to lack of toxicity.

This about knowing about identity, I think moderators would only learn the Steam ID behind an ingame name, that isn't much privacy if you look at all those stupid names people chose on Steam. Nothing about real names, addresses, birthdays. Still better than having chat closed completely and our newbies are left in the bushes without instructions where to pee... :)

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20 minutes ago, You said:

well if a player wants to buy the game again swap nation and then still be toxic let him do it that one time imo and get banned again, he wont gain much on it. Either that or hardware ban him with mac address

cant ban that way only valve can prevent that and as long as the player in question isnt in violation of the steam ToS they wont 

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this game is gonna die so fast, first off the trade system will crash, no being able to communicate with other nations to trade goods and services, next will be player activity that play NA for the socializing, then the fall of the games economy. no chat on a multiplayer game, good luck selling anymore copies once the reviews blow up about the lack of communications with the other players outside ur nation. 

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I have done several small combats on testbed in lineships and frigates. I like how the sails set and furl and I like how the ships feel. As others have mentioned, the penetration and armor thickness feels pretty good. A little adjustment to mast HP and/or mast thickness is probably needed - demasting should be an option in a fight, but with current stats it is almost always the best option. That said, it's a good change that I can demast ships a few rates bigger than me (something that is almost always impossible on the live version, which detracts from the depth of the game).

- With the change to sails, ships are less crippled by taking lots of chain or losing a mast. In my opinion, this has the potential to make the game more dynamic but only long as it is not too forgiving - losing a mast should be an impactful event.

- Masts can be penetrated from so far away, it's often the only meaningful shot that you can take at long range. Ideally, the player gets an interesting choice between attacking the hull and attacking the rigging. As long as we can attack masts from much farther than we can attack hull, it will always be the optimal way to begin a fight.

- Accuracy doesn't feel any different to me than it does on live. Have the changes in accuracy been implemented yet?

- I cannot make a final comment on wind shadow because I have yet to do bigger fights. If the effect is too pronounced, it needs to be tuned as well. The core idea seems good, though - it was cool to board a partially demasted ship from upwind by using my wind shadow instead of the traditional way of giving up the wind and blocking the target ship.

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Really no good reason to still not go full sails, even more Pros considering your opponent looses speed.

Increase self inflicted fire probability to sails if a full broadside is fired on full sails

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17 hours ago, admin said:

Totally understand your point.  See the benefits are all for you (selling stuff), but the negatives are all for me and some other players (ptsd, reports, toxicity, tribunals, bad reviews for bans, racism, homofobia, intolerance, hate). I don't like those negatives and see no positives. Also it would be better for national building if merchants supply their nation instead of other nations.

Perhaps a 'Diplomatic channel' where only the LEADERS of clans with more than 25 players in it can join?

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4 hours ago, BoatyMcBoatFace said:

Why are you hell bent on destroying  the game? Do you really hate your customers so much or do you have some literal mental problem where you feel an overwhelming compulsion to just hello kitty with people out of spite?


i dont give  a SHIT if you ban for this post. hello kitty, we all know you are just looking for any hello kittying reason to do so. Might as well be honest about how much of a retard you are. 5 years of non stop demeaning and abusing your customers.. Not many left to put up with your shit tho.


we are at 500 players now. After this patch, wont be more than 200. 





I think you're wrong. The ability to steal wind from your enemy ( like real life ) and the changes is making me come back. I got bored, this is more than welcome.

Edited by Luvstruck
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I think with the changes, there should be added a cost to sailing ships. Ships in real life had wear issues at sea. The longer you are at sea the condition of the ship worsened. I'd like to see the speed and armor durability reduce while at sea and a cost to fixing this when you port up. This would scale with the ship size, you could add perks and modules to offset this.

So if you have a ship at sea for lets say 13 days, it would develop growths on the hull, the hull would wear and work while sailing, let's say a .5 thickness reduction and a .5 knt speed loss per 2 days at sea, so a ship at sea would have a speed and thickness reduction of 7.5.

The cost to repair these ships would reduce some people from sailing exclusively first rates and ships of the line and give a perk to frigates. As frigates would have some of the lowest refresh costs.

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9 hours ago, Jarlath Morrow said:

I will truly miss battle chat. I end 99% of my battles by telling my opponents good fight. Many of these opponents have later become friends.

I volunteered to be a moderator several times. I know there are other people who were also interested in helping our community be clean and happy for new players and veterans alike.

Did any of us get a chance to help?

The excuse I was given at the time is that the game had just released, and we had to wait for the population to settle. Or something like that. That was, of course, more than a year ago.

They didn't do anything of what they suggestd they might do.  Community Reps that we pick upon release, moderators that where less bias, unilke the few we had over the years that pretty much sucks there D"s and have been caught abusing powers or they do exactly nothing when things happen and they are very much online cause they are RPing (yah you know who you are)

Than they talked about letting clan leaders displine there own members, which I thought was bad cause all you have to do is be clanless or what if the clan creater was active or even worse he is the problem?

I know you would of been a good one if picked.  I know my name came up a lot when I was in US, but I done and while I would prob do it again but I will not play on a server I moderate so I would prob either move to PvE or stop playing all together.  As that how it was on other games I modeded, I was not playing on the server I was a mod so I couldn't be bias towards a faction there.

They seem to say they want to try, than do nothing and than totally change something that was all ready working.   Hell how the hell are we suppose to help new players if the help channel is removed?  Battle chat can be turned off, how about make it so that others can too if folks don't want to hear it.  Cause the same toxic players will still be toxic just in their nation chat too.  So they didn't change anything.

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