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Timber Feedback Thread - PINNED

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5 minutes ago, admin said:

There will be a timber update this week
The philosophy will remain

Oaks - HP
Teaks - Resistance
Firs/Cedars - Speed
Other - Specialized with unique qualities.

Other woods will lose some of the qualities that were abnormally high. Locust is one of them. They will remain stronger/strongest in 1 parameter but will not be universally balanced/strong. 

Do we get any compensation for the change of meta? Since some of us decided to make space for newer wood ships and scrap the old useless ones?

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5 minutes ago, Louis Garneray said:

Do we get any compensation for the change of meta? Since some of us decided to make space for newer wood ships and scrap the old useless ones?

If you are getting compensation for that I would like to get compensation as well for my 15 obsolete ships that sit in the dock collecting sea life...

Dreams XD.

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We're not in alpha anymore... so we shouldn't have to go through those things unless compensated.

Or *novel idea* maybe have a secondary server for updates before they get in the game so we can test them without impacting our regular character.

That's what they do in Elite Dangerous.

Edited by Louis Garneray
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20 minutes ago, Louis Garneray said:

Do we get any compensation for the change of meta? Since some of us decided to make space for newer wood ships and scrap the old useless ones?

Go to PZ have fun. In WoW (warcraft) they change meta with every addon/content update nobody gets compensated there. No need to start doing it here. Its nice enough that old woods somewhat stayed the same and that they are still a valid choice -  in my opinion (just not meta anymore)

Edited by z4ys
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Dear Devs,

Please stop changing stats of the woods. I know you are working on balancing but I'd be grateful if the stats doesn't change too much so we don't lose too much time collecting one type of wood so the next day it eventually loses what it had potentially. I hate giving up Labour contracts, Labour hours, reales, and resources for one type of rare wood to then realize the next day it isn't the best option anymore. I hate to see it once, And I would hate to see it twice. Please keep down the changes in stats so players don't lose their minds knowing which woods to collect.

To be fair I don't think you will repay every single player the time and money loss for woods that they won't use anymore because of changes in statistics.

Kind regards,


Paulo de Antigua

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I agree with Paulo and Louis.  We are out of alpha.  If you want to re-balance woods on a test basis to find ideal system them provide a mechanism to compensate players for lost resources, time, upgrades etc.

Seasoned woods are hard to replace.  The pop is getting lower and it is getting harder to find pvp during usa times or getting enough people together to do a privateer fleet.

Alternatively, provide seasoned woods and permits as compensation or allow a breakup of the ships to recoup the resources.

Atm the game is inching closer to an exercise in frustration and futility with these constant changes.  

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I don't mind balancing, but why not doing it before going life ?

Testbed anyone ? There you can equip each player at start with a ton of new woods and have them test it at no reales/dub cost.....

Better than compensations later.....


Edited by Jan van Santen
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1 hour ago, admin said:

There will be a timber update this week
The philosophy will remain

Oaks - HP
Teaks - Resistance
Firs/Cedars - Speed
Other - Specialized with unique qualities.

Other woods will lose some of the qualities that were abnormally high. Locust is one of them. They will remain stronger/strongest in 1 parameter but will not be universally balanced/strong. 


Since time has been taken to consider nerfing what has only just been implemented after a delay BECAUSE of balancing... i wonder if you have taken the time to consider compensating the players / clans that have already built fleets of the woods that will now be "nerfed" as well as invested them into ports.. and placed many buildings and upgraded them to level 3?

I mean.. seriously??? if your going to delay something..... at least make sure its RIGHT before implementation, you control the attributes, the stats you have released the game.. so stop prematurely implementing updates and using use like lab mice. instead please test these things BEFORE adding them in to avoid wasting dedicated players time.

please respond to this, im interested to see whether you care enough to compensate players for your mistakes.

Edited by Raxius
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On 6/20/2020 at 11:58 AM, admin said:

New woods are brought from distant lands and are very rare and extremely expensive. 


If the new timber supply is very low but stable.
Then - New woods must be sold by traders in predictable places so you don't have to wander around searching for them. 

Current prices for rare woods will get even higher
Malabar teak will stay without contracts a control group. But we think players will eventually prefer to be able to buy it at high price using contracts than to camp the port.

So the differences in buying this woods, is when using contracts, only the rich afk traders will be rewarded. A player with multi accounts will profit here. A playerwith one account will have no chance at obtaining these woods by way of buying. Let alone a player that just started this game. That's what I like about the tradergoods. Yes, you need money, but need to active check it.

But it should then drop on more ports so you have a chance on a lucky found stash. This will be my favorite, makes people check around and look for it. Dropping from npc traders also not bad if that didn't happen already..

Negative of not using contracts, is that players need to stay in port to check the goods for a new drop, not the best way of playing this game




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That this balancing now still has to be done, is already understandable for me.

But that things would not be so bad if we could convert our ships, stocks and production facilities in limited time and on a limited scale (only certain varieties among themselves and the very expensive ones excluded)

These were also "earned" with effort, so no one would enrich himself through this.


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2 hours ago, admin said:

Other woods will lose some of the qualities that were abnormally high. Locust is one of them. They will remain stronger/strongest in 1 parameter but will not be universally balanced/strong. 

well is good that you try to balance game and woods, but dont make us crazy with that. I was one day moving stuff for make a Locust forest, and wasting all my labour hours in seasoned locust and you nerf 5 days after... I hope that nerf dont make Locust on an useless wood like the caguairan was

Edited by Despe
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I understand the frustration and the work put in. I know I was the one that had to build a Locust farm.

But in all honesty, Locust needed a nerf and is something that needed to be done and was simply broken. It simply replaced almost all woods in basically being the only one worth using other than the rare woods in regards to PVP, RVR, PZ, etc. 

I mean a frame that makes both Live Oak and Teak pretty much pointless, says a lot and needs to be changed. 

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1 hour ago, Henry Long Castle said:

If you are getting compensation for that I would like to get compensation as well for my 15 obsolete ships that sit in the dock collecting sea life...

Dreams XD.

Been throwing mine into battle. Getting some XP, reals and doubloons, medals and chests for mission, as the pay off until they sink. 5 gone, 10 to go :) 

Edited by Hethwill
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10 minutes ago, Redman29 said:

I understand the frustration and the work put in. I know I was the one that had to build a Locust farm.

But in all honesty, Locust needed a nerf and is something that needed to be done and was simply broken. It simply replaced almost all woods in basically being the only one worth using other than the rare woods in regards to PVP, RVR, PZ, etc. 

I mean a frame that makes both Live Oak and Teak pretty much pointless, says a lot and needs to be changed. 

im totally agree with you that Locust is overpowered, and need a fix, and i hope that this nerf dont make the wood usseless. but i waste time in make a farm, reals and doubs, i use time on moving staff during a day for make a free outpost, i broke up ships, and this is frustating.

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16 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

Been throwing mine into battle. Getting some XP, reals and doubloons, medals and chests for mission, as the pay off until they sink. 5 gone, 10 to go :) 

You really couldnt care less about your ships could you ?
If ships have no value to you then why even bother with crafting? Just cap some npc ships and play

Edit: Maybe you are just that rich that you can replenish all these ships in a heartbeat but many of us are not

Edited by Henry Long Castle
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1 minute ago, Henry Long Castle said:

You really couldnt care less about your ships could you ?
If ships have no value to you then why even bother with crafting? Just cap some npc ships and play

dont be salty, ships are only pixels :D

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5 minutes ago, Henry Long Castle said:

You really couldnt care less about your ships could you ?
If ships have no value to you then why even bother with crafting? Just cap some npc ships and play

Ships are to be used. If I want dock space the obsolete ones will have to go. And will have to go down fighting.

I love my veffels. Every single one of them. That's why I use them to the very last drop of water into the hold.

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1 minute ago, Hethwill said:

Ships are to be used. If I want dock space the obsolete ones will have to go. And will have to go down fighting.

I love my veffels. Every single one of them. That's why I use them to the very last drop of water into the hold.

I love them too, thats why i cant even consider throwing them into the PZ or a fight that will surely see them resting in the ocean floor. 
Pixels or not, useful or not, they are ships that I crafted and spent time with. I would very much rather keep them in the docks just to look at them rather than to destroy them in a battle to get what mild compensation they might give. 

Thats how I feel about my ships but I know most of you will disagree which is fine.

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15 minutes ago, Despe said:

dont be salty, ships are only pixels :D

If you are forced to spend hours upon hours trading to afford ships, then no, they are not 'only pixels'. But maybe you value your own time very lowly, other players value their time more highly, perhaps. 

Edited by Never
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7 minutes ago, Callaghan92 said:

well tbh it doesnt matter how much trading/pve/pvp you do to get them, the whole definition of this being a game, is that the ships are infact 'only pixels'

How you choose to spend your time to get them, does not change them from being just that

every game is just pixels.


why are we spending real money to play games then? that logic is flawed


its not just pixels. pixels are just the representation of all that went in

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9 minutes ago, Callaghan92 said:

well tbh it doesnt matter how much trading/pve/pvp you do to get them, the whole definition of this being a game, is that the ships are infact 'only pixels'

How you choose to spend your time to get them, does not change them from being just that

Except you don't always have a choice. Specially if you are a new player. Ships take time to get, if some ships today are good and tomorrow are not anymore. You are wasting the player's time. Your point is valid as long as ships aren't being constantly modified, but this discussion is about the opposite of that. 

What if today all DLC is changed to only be redeemable in normal wood and not seasoned wood? It's okay cause they are only pixels right? So no one should complain. By your 'logic' anything about the game can be changed cause the whole game is only pixels. They could close the game tomorrow and it should be fine, cause it's all only pixels, nothing to be bothered about. 

Edited by Never
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2 hours ago, z4ys said:

Go to PZ have fun. In WoW (warcraft) they change meta with every addon/content update nobody gets compensated there. No need to start doing it here. Its nice enough that old woods somewhat stayed the same and that they are still a valid choice -  in my opinion (just not meta anymore)

I don't play WoW I play Naval Action... there is nothing magical in it... it's wooded ships of the 18th century.

30 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

Ships are to be used. If I want dock space the obsolete ones will have to go. And will have to go down fighting.

I love my veffels. Every single one of them. That's why I use them to the very last drop of water into the hold.

I play during evening time Eastern US... Lately it's becoming harder to find any pvp to get rid of those ships...

Yesterday I went to the zone and ended up fighting AIs... So you might be lucky with your pvp during euro time... US time is harder with lower 200's pop.

Edited by Louis Garneray
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