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Caribbean server playerbase discussion


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People get bored and leave. When the game gets an update people come back to check it out then get bored and leave. When a large war is happening like the last spike in activity people play and get bored and leave. Simply put. No update, no war, no people.

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I imagine it's because the following screenshot is basically what can be expected as far as unorganized/solo pvp. I of course was able to leave the battle due to superior upgrades and skill, however, what if I had slightly worse upgrades or was a newer player trying to do missions. I have suggested many times on this forum to force more even battles, however the loudest voices are always the organized groups which are the very same groups who profit off ganking. 


Edited by --Privateer--
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In Germany today is a public holiday (Fathers day, so a lot of drinking Beer and Hang around with friends)

its a very celebrated day for man so most take the whole week holiday to stick with their Family.

Dont wonder about lower player counts.

Stop spread this Game die whining!


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5 minutes ago, Liq said:

Everyone ganks from time to time, don't be shy

It is different if you tag.

However, for arguments sake, I don't remember that exact battle, but lets say I jumped in after you had started a relatively even battle with Storm. That is the type of mechanic I would like fixed, there should be no 2min timer, if the BRs are within 10% the battle should close instantly. 

Maybe mechanics like this would not be for everyone, but I would like to see them on a portion of the map much larger than the solo patrol zone. 

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2 many politiks 


i tired of fight 4 port, then somebody decide to give port away just because. some call it content, other call it waste of time


if waste time, i can waste time doing things i like. like..... login to season woods and logoff. 


yes nonstop disbalanced fights get tired but people are cowards so they never fight alone. i like that because i hunt for them when they alone and cant get help. they rage hard. i smile. 


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59 minutes ago, Bartas11 said:

In Germany today is a public holiday (Fathers day, so a lot of drinking Beer and Hang around with friends)

its a very celebrated day for man so most take the whole week holiday to stick with their Family.

Except for some, who celebrate by drinking beer and trolling forum😂.

Unless 1/3rd of online numbers are all germans who had "fathers" day for lasts couple of months i don't see how this is relevant.

1 hour ago, Bartas11 said:

Dont wonder about lower player counts.

Thanks, but i think i will.

1 hour ago, Bartas11 said:

Stop spread this Game die whining!

I'm not spreading anything, online numbers aren't a secret and average of 1000, to an average of 700 is rougly 1/3rd. This not a discussion wether this is true or not, nothing to discuss there. The reason however is not as obvious.

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Look no further than log books, loki runes and all the seal clubbers that pray on new players for driving people out the game.  Its almost impossible for many people starting out to enjoy the game without getting destroyed by other people who they have very little chance against.

Every time numbers go up the devs dream up another idea how to drive them down again


Edited by Fletch
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2 minutes ago, Fletch said:

Look no further than log books, loki runes and all the seal clubbers that pray on new players for driving people out the game.  Its almost impossible for many people starting out to enjoy the game without getting destroyed by other people who they have very little chance against.


Maybe log books should only reveal pvp battles, and not battles between a player against AI. And Loki is one of most idiotic things ever implemented in this game. Also, only affect new player who don't know how to deal with it. Any experience player have little to fear from Loki.

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41 minutes ago, --Privateer-- said:

politics wouldn't be such a large issue if there was a substantial game for solo players

i find there is game for solo players. i solo now. no craft, dont care. just buy. waste of time move resources to craft.. just season wood now 2 sell. 


if u rely on yourself game much less toxic. u do as u wish when u wish and become better player too. like in most games

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2 minutes ago, Fletch said:

Look no further than log books, loki runes and all the seal clubbers that pray on new players for driving people out the game.  Its almost impossible for many people starting out to enjoy the game without getting destroyed by other people who they have very little chance against.


The thing you have to understand tho is that all of us were noobs at some point, all of us have been ganged when doing missions or when farming just outside capital waters or when we were simply sailing around. All of us have lost "good ships" (atleast we thought that the blue oak fir surprise with no pb's we just captured was a good ship lol) yet we accepted it, started thinking of ways to have a better chance in a gang, maybe tag an NPC and run away for 5 mins or maybe throw the circle of the npc on land. Little things like that. We grinded, got better and now we are the gankers. So what ? I think that what is driving away new players are over priced shitty ships with no port bonuses that some geniuses put on sale in ports like KPR. Noobs have no choice but to buy these and when they loose them, they go bankrupt... Do some trading someone might say, yea sure 300k for an indiaman that will get sunk to the first snow that sneezes on it... At least back in the day we could do a cargo run for 250k reals + 1000 doubs, a noob can now do at best 70-80k per run... Is that not discouraging the noobs from ever playing again ?

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2 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

Maybe log books should only reveal pvp battles, and not battles between a player against AI. And Loki is one of most idiotic things ever implemented in this game. Also, only affect new player who don't know how to deal with it. Any experience player have little to fear from Loki.

depend. if u tag big fleets (+12) or +5 elite fleets solo a loki spawning and chaining u can ruin u. u lose mobility and ai swarm kill u. or u pop sail rep and give up hull rep which again depend position of ai fleet can kill u


but if 1 of these player who tag frigate in redoutable 1 v1 u have nothing fear yes


i have destroyed many player who tag fleet when i loki in early enough 

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5 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

Maybe log books should only reveal pvp battles, and not battles between a player against AI. And Loki is one of most idiotic things ever implemented in this game. Also, only affect new player who don't know how to deal with it. Any experience player have little to fear from Loki.

Lol when you fight an elite npc you wish for a loki to join so that you kill it more easily XD

Edited by Henry Long Castle
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30 minutes ago, Fletch said:

Every time numbers go up the devs dream up another idea how to drive them down again

Devs did an awsome job bringing playerbase to 1000. I think the players the ones that brought it down...  (okay not really but never know who read this)

Edited by Emperor Ming
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Loki runes should only work against players over a certain rank, 

28 minutes ago, Henry Long Castle said:

The thing you have to understand tho is that all of us were noobs at some point, all of us have been ganged when doing missions or when farming just outside capital waters or when we were simply sailing around. All of us have lost "good ships" (atleast we thought that the blue oak fir surprise with no pb's we just captured was a good ship lol) yet we accepted it, started thinking of ways to have a better chance in a gang, maybe tag an NPC and run away for 5 mins or maybe throw the circle of the npc on land. Little things like that. We grinded, got better and now we are the gankers. So what ? I think that what is driving away new players are over priced shitty ships with no port bonuses that some geniuses put on sale in ports like KPR. Noobs have no choice but to buy these and when they loose them, they go bankrupt... Do some trading someone might say, yea sure 300k for an indiaman that will get sunk to the first snow that sneezes on it... At least back in the day we could do a cargo run for 250k reals + 1000 doubs, a noob can now do at best 70-80k per run... Is that not discouraging the noobs from ever playing again ?

If you want numbers to go up you need to give people a fighting chance, yes we all faced grief at capitals when we started out, but i dont think it was as bad as it is now. The snow and the Lebroken are simply being used to destroy noobs 24/7 outside capitals. Its sad that anyone would get satisfaction out of doing it. There should be no pvp reward for killing players in capital zones full stop. A loki rune should not work against players under a certain level, and as for log books, hello kitty off with that shit 

Log books should work in the patrol zones only

Edited by Fletch
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3 hours ago, BoatyMcBoatFace said:

depend. if u tag big fleets (+12) or +5 elite fleets solo a loki spawning and chaining u can ruin u. u lose mobility and ai swarm kill u. or u pop sail rep and give up hull rep which again depend position of ai fleet can kill u

but if 1 of these player who tag frigate in redoutable 1 v1 u have nothing fear yes

i have destroyed many player who tag fleet when i loki in early enough 

If i see anyone without a clan tag in russian nation, i befriend them and write them to get into Clan. I keep contact with them at least 2 weeks, to make sure, they found the best clan. I ask them afterward for time to time, how is it in clan xy to be a new player.


I do this since 2 years.


People, stop whining and organize new players in clans

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you know guys we've been talking about player numbers since years now. i've been here for a few years for sure and i am pretty sure Liq and a few ohters who have been here even longer can tell the same story. I've seen only 30 players in the open world and i've seen queues of over an hour to even get on the server (and yeah the server was runing just the max of 2500 players was reached). there have been way worse ganks and way worse game mechanics. there were times were ganks were a lot easier and player numbers were sky high and times were money and ships were easy to get and player numbers were down.

Na taught me 2 things.

1. no matter how good a change is , you always will have ppl yelling on the forums , that it was a bad change. crying rollback. admin and gamelabs had some great ideas , which just got trashed cause most of us including myself , didn't want to try something new. democracy definately doesn't work in game design and i am really not to sure if you really should listen to customers.

2. player numbers will always go up and go down , no matter what players do and no matter what devs do . there can be multiple reasons , a nishe game, priceing , too many dlc , a percentage of the player base is burned out etc. it's just a game and playing is suppose to be fun , not a job. sometimes i thin kthat is forgotten

i know passion sweeps high when it comes to NA. why? because we all like and love the game . Hell i know , i quit a few times always came back cause basically Na is rare gem. there is no game out there like this. plus the devs are on the forums and just tell you the truth from their point of view.


playercount will always go up and down in NA , it's just that kind of game. not a game everyone will like in the long run . Just chill and enjoy aslong as it lasts.

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And more than they are going to leave. Three and a half years ago the game was great. They have made it hardcore and players so they are very few. Add to that imbalance of players in the different factions, permits, borders, perfect game for very numerous clans, nightmare for the little ones and solitary players. How will the number of players not decrease?

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1 hour ago, Poryv said:

f i see anyone without a clan tag in russian nation, i befriend them and write them to get into Clan. I keep contact with them at least 2 weeks, to make sure, they found the best clan. I ask them afterward for time to time, how is it in clan xy to be a new player.


I do this since 2 years.


People, stop whining and organize new players in clans

How easy things look being in the dominant and largest faction of the game. Go to a weak faction and tell us how it is.

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1 hour ago, BoomBox said:

2. player numbers will always go up and go down , no matter what players do and no matter what devs do . there can be multiple reasons , a nishe game, priceing , too many dlc , a percentage of the player base is burned out etc. it's just a game and playing is suppose to be fun , not a job. sometimes i thin kthat is forgotten

Yes they will go up and down, and always have. No matter what players or devs do. 

But 1/3 in very short time is not just numbers going up and down. Sure, can just relax and ignore it and maybe it will just get better, or it wont. People who are tired of discussing this are not forced too. Like you said, it's not a job and supposed to be fun. Not having fun reading and discussing then don't.

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