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Cumulative hotfixes for Seasonal Update: Treacherous waters


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9 minutes ago, Mouth of Sauron said:

Seasoned woods are just another push in the direction of forcing players to purchase DLCs.  It's a cash grab.

Why grind when your DLC ships magically appear with seasoned wood?

Seriously? Dlc get the bonus? 

I force myself to support devs, even though most of the time, I do not want to. 

But this seems ridicilous, and no discussion nothing, not even patch notes?! 

What are they trying to achieve? 

Edited by AeRoTR
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6 minutes ago, AeRoTR said:

Seriously? Dlc get the bonus? 

DLC can be built of Seasoned woods and they also get random port bonuses, so weaker nations must buy them to be competitive enough.

Next logical step in that case should be introducing 3rd rate Ship-of-the-Line DLC and then 2nd and 1st rate DLC to make econy and crafting useless and fuel Naval Action and RVR... Hope that won't happen and I have just bad dreams

Edited by Malcolm3
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Now latest state of the game:

Developers....to the face of the players who had grinded for months, and basicly told them... you! Feel free to fill in the blanks as you feel , but do not post please. 

Thank you for these much requested features brought to the game. 

"It was the time, as recent reviews on steam were positive, now lets correct it" says the developer. 

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In the thread about the steam prize, the devs announced that some other big ships are on the way. Now I remember a victory with balcons, so we'll yes maybe a first rate dlc is on the way

7 minutes ago, Malcolm3 said:

DLC can be built of Seasoned woods and they also get random port bonuses, so weaker nations must buy them to be competitive enough.

Next logical step in that case should be introducing 3rd rate Ship-of-the-Line DLC and then 2nd and 1st rate DLC to make econy and crafting useless and fuel Naval Action and RVR... Hope that won't happen and I have just bad dreams


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Hahahaha, I geuss I'll fight in ships that are disadvantaged by what? 50% now? lol

(no acces to portboni or even decent woods ... atleast the woods I could get sometimes ... getting seasoned ones ... won't work this time ... atleast with the 'fine woods' i could have a chance of finding some in some randomport, nothing this time around apparently?)

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3 hours ago, OjK said:

You can always count on proper patch notes!

Today we introduced:

- A new building to regrind everything again! You can make now better wood from a new building! - f.e. seasoned T/WO woods will give You almost 10% more HP than regular T/WO without new building.



10% more means unsinkable for all the other ships with ordinary woods in comparison.

that is somewhat unfair against the smaller nations and their players.

I feel fooled again, thanks a lot.

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Also  there is a problem with NPC-attacks

@admin said that ports suitable for attack are the ones with highest income and also most developed.


Raiders attack rich ports based on a combinations of factors including investments and tax rate. Which means the attacked port can have zero investments but very high tax rate.

But now we have NPC attacks on Saint George's Town (quite understandable), but suddenly Jagua (30 pts port with 10k income) and Tiburon (40 pts port with 64k income). Isn't there something broken, or it's working as intended and from now on any port can be attacked?

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Funny though the ones who are complaining here the most are the same inner circle of guys who will be first to profit from seasoned woods. ^^


1 hour ago, Navalus Magnus said:

Taking account the complete capriciousness of parts of the recent patch i‘d like to have a replacement for my

You must be a lousy captain for depending so much on having the better hardware that you demand a replacement for your undoubtedly already high-geared First Rate.

And of course you won't get it. As everyone faces the change.

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After the alpha, beta and fake release, we are playing beta v2.0

I really think this game should have version number just like WOT.

So it must be something like 1.031 now, hope to see the 2.0 :) 

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10 minutes ago, AeRoTR said:

After the alpha, beta and fake release, we are playing beta v2.0

I really think this game should have version number just like WOT.

So it must be something like 1.031 now, hope to see the 2.0 :) 

Steam Terms and Conditions dictate that any game in Early Access cannot use funds created by the game for anything other than development of that game. If Game-Lab wanted to use funds from Naval Action to develop its other in-progress titles it would have to come out of EA and release the game. Which it did.

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9 minutes ago, Hugh Latham said:

Ok, but why trash this game with bad patches?

The commonly held theory is they listen to suggestions put forward exclusively by the high end PvP players and streamers, which would explain the larger part of their decisions when it comes to the latest patches. So its not deliberate, just taken on blind faith and bad advice.

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1 hour ago, Hy. St.Beau de Toilette said:

You must be a lousy captain

We can duell in stock ships if you want ... and you might win, but that isn‘t the point of my post!

It is kind of fun to equip a nice ship ... although it takes considerable time (at least for me).

But the joy of accomplishing such a grind is made foul by measures like the introduction of seasoned woods, because it simply lowers the value of the ships you grinded for.

Edited by Navalus Magnus
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4 hours ago, Hugh Latham said:

In response to seasoned woods what about a refit note to upgrade a current ship to new wood?

This would make more since or have it as a reward for those that have maxed out crafting like we use to have the Master Craft perks of items that where gold and you can only do this at level 50 crafting.  I would prefer these woods to come from harvesting or have a lumber yard that changes the raw woods into planks for building.  With a slight chance at better season woods when you convert them.

Not another item locked behind RNG loot of something most players can't do right now with player base numbers low.

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12 hours ago, Hy. St.Beau de Toilette said:

No big guesswork. You will learn it too, one day. Big guys in big clans = first to have premium content they ranted about, at each introduction of novelties.

Sure, you say it. I play this game since the first Alpha and have also played for the big ones here. And nobody here like smart asses here.


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