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Patch 27 - Port Interface, New missions, Streamlined economy, Insurance, New currencies.


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I still have not been compensated in game for my buildings and my level three shipyard I was waiting after the patch for about 8 hours then I went to sleep I have got onto Naval Action and still I have no compensation I put a bug report in last night hoping that when I wake up today I would be compensated and I see I am not the only person that is having this issue. 

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I would like to state that I am stickly hear to read the tears and collect the salt. @admin you have already tried to make a hardcore game.... you failed. why try again? make these missions available in the safe zones so that people don't have to play your game pls? on a serious note... u really need to implement this change before we lose the last 200 players left in the game. 

P.S I love the tears from all the carebears that  complain about the price of line ships and that they cant sit in their safe zone to have full access to all game mechanics.  will enjoy the read until full care bear is reimplemented. 

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4 hours ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

@admin Am I allowed to shoot players who joined my side to steal all my loot?

The precedent that allowed green-on-green on loot-robbers has not been formally or officially revoked, but the topic that established the precedent was removed in November last year. So I think we are to take it that we aren't allowed to anymore.

4 hours ago, Coraline Vodka said:

As long as you warn them yes, dunno where the thread was but it has been said 

The thread you're talking about has been hidden:


4 hours ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

Green on Green, is two way consensus. Not one way warning.

Technically not correct. There is active precedent that says otherwise that has not been revoked, only hidden. As evidenced above, players that was around back then remember this precedent and will act according to it unless the tribunal updates the rule or formally revokes the precedent.


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3 hours ago, Spitfire83 said:


E....some of the re names of upgrades are in my opinion terrible..example rum rations changed to drinking, really?   Boarding ladders changed to climbing, really?? 


My favorite is "Light Carriages" becoming "Reloading."
You know, because reloading training would make your ship move faster and your cannons more squishy. 🙄

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2 hours ago, Anolytic said:

Technically not correct. There is active precedent that says otherwise that has not been revoked, only hidden. As evidenced above, players that was around back then remember this precedent and will act according to it unless the tribunal updates the rule or formally revokes the precedent.


You should definitely be allowed to sink people stealing your loot, no matter the nation - everything else would simply open the door to plain griefing and even justify it with the game rules.

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@admin Some feedback from my first two days of patch NA

*Dubloons for ship building are too high and I think lowering a little would b good especially SOL. 

*theirs a need to restrict looting on sunken ships to maybe the person awarded the kill unless the player himself forfeit the loot, this is to stop random or faster ships stealing loot from people that have done the work.

*store prices need to be fixed and/or tweaked

*kills and assist rewards are flipped and need fixing

*give players more ways to earn doubloons- Mayb introduce a transfer system for reals or victory marks or opportunity to trade itekms of value for Doubloons. 


Edited by Manbot
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Dear developers,

English is not my native language, so this letter was written using Google Translator.

I am 62 years old and have been a player since 1982. In addition to many other games, I enthusiastically played Sid Meyer's "Pirates", "Port Royale" and the like. I've been playing "Naval Action" for almost a year and have spent over 1000 hours, mostly on PVE.

You've started a game with "Naval Action" like I've never seen or played, it has the potential to become a really big game.

But what is it really like: about 100-150 players on the PVE and about 300 maybe 400 players on the PVP servers. Many of the players I met on PVE turned away from PVP in frustration, while others who started at PVE stopped playing "NA" after a week, a month, or two months. There are 47 players in my clan. Of these, only 4-6 are really active. The game is now a niche product and the Port UI update did not make it any better.

A game can only become big when it is accessible and players are not frustrated.

For PVP, I would suggest that all players not be vulnerable as on PVE. This would make it easier for newbies to get started and avoid unnecessary frustration.

I know the slaughterers of PVP will cry up now. But it continues: similar to the old smuggler flag, each player can hoist a flag through which he is vulnerable. So that everyone can have the fun of sinking each other.

The advantage: you could summarize the whole player community on a server. That basically.

Porten must not cost doubloons and the fight against NPC fleets must bring some. Newcomers have the chance to earn doubloons.

I did not meet an NPC frigate at 2 hours sailing between Saint Nicolaus, Nippes, Saint Marc, Saint Nicolaus and Cap Francaise, only fleets of 1, 2 and 3 rate ships and a few traders. The NPC fleets should spawn more balanced and the ships should be mixed again.

If the game does not become more accessible and less frustrating, the developers will eventually earn too little money and the project "NA" is dead.

Think about it.

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After some testing:

love new missions and fleet spawning, and crafting streamlining.

I get the usual: high prices right after patch and tune it down afterwards (doubloons), maybe regarding crafting and transportation fees especially for low level players. Not to mention LH cost to get stuff out of buildings, and the fact we now need more buildings to produce stuff we didn't require buildings for. 

Port UI consumes a ton of GPU power, would be nice if there was less GPU usage.

Moving of objects, from / to warehouse, money/upgrade chests, trading and transfering from/ to old still feels quite laggy and problematic. Would be nice for it to be streamlined a bit.  

Thanks for the work though, appreciated.

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As a feed-back, my day in Naval Action, patch 27… (I write it after the night, with hanger out, or supposed so)

Log-on in KPR. Nothing to do after placing and grouping stuff in the ware house.

Took a mission, the first one since months, but now we are obliged to do so. Go the highest level, 6th rate. Did the boring mission.

Some PvP after that, enemy players attacked. I ran after a couple of Requins, which escaped upwind, as usual.

Checked then my trading contracts, for an overall cost of a few dozens of doubloons. The contracts did nothing. Overall loss of time and resources.

Went to an enemy capital (la Habana). Saw a few enemy NPC (as big as a trader snow!) and jumped into a Spanish mission. My Hercules and 2 Prussian xebecs vs a Spanish Diana and a Xebec. I was far from the Diana, the Prussian xebecs were far from the Spanish xebec. The Diana ran downwind and the xebec upwind.

Attacked then an Endymion with 2 ships in fleet (2 Indianmen). A Spanish Indefatigable and a pirate frigate went in. Useless to go on, because even killing the Endymion rapidly, I would have been killed the the two others, for no reward. I ran safely to outpost. I crossed the way of another spanish frigate, that I saw too latte because I was afk. He was probably too, because he did not attack me.

Bored off by capital waters, I came back to KPR (10 doubloons again), and went full east in the direction of enemy open world. Found nothing around la Navasse, went on Tiburon, etc. in the general direction of la Mona, along the coast. Nothing to report again. On the way back, I found a trader snow (great!) that I attacked and sunk for no reward.

Then I saved my day. My second account was sailing afk from Aves to KPR (4 traders). As I did not find so much valuable things for sale in Aves, the main ship was off cargo, fishing. That way, I got a bottle. I used it from KPR, went for the wreck near la Navasse and got, at last 1068 doubloons.

That was a day. I don’t was to live such day anymore.

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7 hours ago, StallionLP said:

I still have not been compensated in game for my buildings and my level three shipyard I was waiting after the patch for about 8 hours then I went to sleep I have got onto Naval Action and still I have no compensation I put a bug report in last night hoping that when I wake up today I would be compensated and I see I am not the only person that is having this issue. 

all compensations have been provided yesterday. check your redeemables.

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1 hour ago, JoeForKyo said:

After some testing:

love new missions and fleet spawning, and crafting streamlining.

I get the usual: high prices right after patch and tune it down afterwards (doubloons), maybe regarding crafting and transportation fees especially for low level players. Not to mention LH cost to get stuff out of buildings, and the fact we now need more buildings to produce stuff we didn't require buildings for. 

Port UI consumes a ton of GPU power, would be nice if there was less GPU usage.

Moving of objects, from / to warehouse, money/upgrade chests, trading and transfering from/ to old still feels quite laggy and problematic. Would be nice for it to be streamlined a bit.  

Thanks for the work though, appreciated.

also would have been nice to know upgrades like rum rations have been removed.

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2 minutes ago, Bobzillah said:

its now called extra rum and its both a perm upgrade and a ship knowledge ,check page 18/17/16 for the screenshots . ask qeustion about it and admin wanted screenshots and got it and then ignored it all the qeustions following .geuss they not in the mood to replay when asnwered with proof of there silly mistakes.

I saw your posts, and your information is very interesting and your evidence seem to indicate that there's been a bug with the transformation of rum rations into extra rum, letting some players keep it as a skillbook regardless. This is a big bug you've found and you might want to put it in a separate support topic to make sure it gets the proper attention. Suggesting devs are ignoring you on purpose is a bit too soon though. Chances are admin didn't see your reply yet. You'll notice he gets a lot of questions, criticisms, etc thrown at him these days. Or maybe a developer has registered it but decided to investigate the issue and not respond until more exhaustive information has been unearthed.

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6 minutes ago, Bobzillah said:

its now called extra rum and its both a perm upgrade and a ship knowledge ,check page 18/17/16 for the screenshots . ask qeustion about it and admin wanted screenshots and got it and then ignored it all the qeustions following .geuss they not in the mood to replay when asnwered with proof of there silly mistakes.

Hey @Bobzillah do you know that people kind of sleep during the nights.. maybe some understanding about it wouldn't hurt?  I asked for screenshots when it was already late.

There is no knowledge book called extra rum. All books that were acting like physical upgrades were removed from books and just disappeared or were turned into an upgrade. More detailed description will follow

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5 minutes ago, admin said:

There is no knowledge book called extra rum. All books that were acting like physical upgrades were removed from books and just disappeared or were turned into an upgrade. More detailed description will follow

I'll just re-link the screenshot that Bobzilla provided, which seems to indicate that some captains got the extra rum as a skillbook also after the patch (though no idea if it can actually be equipped).


This seems to show that there is a skillbook called Extra Rum. Which would seem to be a bug or some kind of ghost item.

2 minutes ago, Bobzillah said:

they asked for it and i gave it ,yes they can go home and sleep but first replay back was not to that topic but a different one .

I think admin is right to ask for some understanding here. This is a small dev studio. They don't keep office hours around patch releases. Admin was probably home for hours already and half way to bed when he responded and asked for a screenshot. He had no way of anticipating that you would be able to provide them so quickly. Be pleased that he is responding here in this topic while he is at home and judging by the timestamps probably half way in bed. You can't expect him to sit and wait by the computer for your answer when he can just as well look through the topics in the morning as he would anyway.


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2 minutes ago, Bobzillah said:

they asked for it and i gave it ,yes they can go home and sleep but first replay back was not to that topic but a different one

Whats your point? Maybe he didn't read your last reply before logging off and maybe he read something else frist after logging on. Those are people not memory stack that follow last-in-first-out rules...

Edited by Tom Farseer
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As far as I can tell the rewards are based on how many doubloons you have in your hold which is a really bad system. Players that know better will just carry as few doubloons as needed to spite anyone that kills them. Also putting 10k doubloons on a cutter and then killing it would give the largest reward which makes farming way worse then it was before.

Edit: After testing in which all gains were destroyed, it seems that the amount of doubloons is more linked to ship more then what is in their chest. So it seems multiple factors are at play. Some players still seem to not drop anything so I am not sure what's going on there.

Edited by Aster
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4 minutes ago, SirAlatriste said:

Could you please say us which are the new books as well?

yes, good idea shows the books transparent (in ship knowledge) so we can know and see which books we still need...


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14 hours ago, admin said:

Fair fight against whom? Bots or players?


On pve, against bots, a fair fight or at least missions where there is a chance for the new player in a Cutter to start accumulating the resources to progress.  This was fine before the update, less so now.  Yes I get it that there is a steep learning curve, yes I get it that this game is not supposed to be easy, yes I get it that players at different levels want different things from the game.  However there is a widespread feeling that the future development of the game is very dependent on attracting new players to replace those that have got fed up and left. It's also relevant that the developers revenue stream is dependent on this.  At the moment a brand new player is likely to spend a few hours getting killed a lot, admire the graphics and then ask for a refund.

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What about Tampico and La Desconocida. Captured 31 of October between 17 and 21 hours and remain as if nothing happened. The battle instances were clearly manually terminated at reset time but still no transfer of ownership, no reward, nothing.

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27 minutes ago, Ireson said:

What about Tampico and La Desconocida. Captured 31 of October between 17 and 21 hours and remain as if nothing happened. The battle instances were clearly manually terminated at reset time but still no transfer of ownership, no reward, nothing.

Two port battles results did not register due to a new tracking mechanic (related to fort damage) and broke. Our problem. And a big bug was found and fixed as a result
We will discuss compensation internally and will give it to all failed port battle participants for this big inconvenience. I think a special chest for all battles participants will make them less unhappy. 


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