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Player-selected ships 2015 - Initial Poll


Multiple choices - at least 1 vote in each category  

427 members have voted

  1. 1. From gunboats to frigates (at least 1 vote)

    • 1. Axel Thorsen (1810, Danish gunboat)
    • 2. HMS Sultana (1768, British 8-gun schooner)
    • 3. Prince de Neufchatel (1812, American 18-gun schooner)
    • 4. La Belle (1684, French barque)
    • 5. Vileine (1740, French 12-gun brigantine)
    • 6. HMS Wolf (1754, British 10-gun brig)
    • 7. Epervier (1788, French 16-gun brig)
    • 8. USS Niagara (1813, American 20-gun brig)
    • 9. Boullongne (1758, French 20-gun flute)
    • 10. Rattlesnake (1780, American 20-gun corvette)
    • 11. Revenant (1807, French 20-gun corvette)
    • 12. Volage (1797, French 22-gun corvette)
    • 13. Shtandart / Штандарт (1703, Russian 24-gun corvette)
    • 14. Requin (1750, French 24-gun xebec)
    • 15. Chapman's xebec (1768, Algerian 32-gun xebec)
    • 16. Götheborg (1738, Swedish 30-gun indiaman)
    • 17. Amsterdam (1748, Dutch 42-gun indiaman)
    • 18. Turuma-class (1771, Swedish 24-gun frigate galley)
    • 19. Charles (1776, French 40-gun frigate galley)
    • 20. Graña (1778, Spanish 28-gun frigate)
    • 21. Oliphant / Олифант (1705, Russian 32-gun frigate)
    • 22. Amazon-class (1773, British 32-gun frigate)
    • 23. Hermione (1779, French 32-gun frigate)
    • 24. Santa Margarita (1774, Spanish 34-gun frigate)
    • 25. Santa Leocadia (1777, Spanish 34-gun frigate)
    • 26. Vénus (1782, French 38-gun frigate)
    • 27. Venus (1783, Swedish 40-gun frigate)
    • 28. USS Bonhomme Richard (1765, American 42-gun frigate)
    • 29. Gloria Veneta (1794, Venetian 66-gun frigate)
  2. 2. Ships of the line (at least 1 vote)

    • 30. HMS Mordaunt (1681, British 46-gun ship)
    • 31. Amarant (1653, Swedish 50-gun ship)
    • 32. HMS Leopard (1790, British 50-gun ship)
    • 33. Öland (1681, Swedish 56-gun ship)
    • 34. Delft (1783, Dutch 56-gun ship)
    • 35. HMS Centurion (1732, British 60-gun ship)
    • 36. Wasa (1778, Swedish 60-gun ship)
    • 37. Fleuron (1729, French 64-gun ship)
    • 38. HMS Agamemnon (1781, British 64-gun ship)
    • 39. Hercules (1783, Dutch 64-gun ship)
    • 40. HMS Indefatigable (1784, British 64-gun ship)
    • 41. Göta Lejon (1745, Swedish 70-gun ship)
    • 42. Konung Adolf Fredrik (1775, Swedish 70-gun ship)
    • 43. Odin (1788, Danish 70-gun ship)
    • 44. Wenden (1706, Danish 72-gun ship)
    • 45. Protecteur (1760, French 74-gun ship)
    • 46. USS America (1782, American 74-gun ship)
    • 47. Téméraire-class (1784, French 74-gun ship)
    • 48. Saint Paul / Святой Павел (1794, Russian 90-gun ship)
    • 49. Bucentaure (1803, French 80-gun ship)
    • 50. Carolus Undecimus (1678, Swedish 82-gun ship)
    • 51. Danneborge (1692, Danish 84-gun ship)
    • 52. Christian VII (1767, Danish 90-gun ship)
    • 53. USS Independence (1814, American 90-gun ship)
    • 54. Soleil Royal (1670, French 104-gun ship)
    • 55. Ville de Paris (1764, French 104-gun ship)
    • 56. Sophia Amalia (1650, Danish 108-gun ship)
    • 57. Frederik IV (1699, Danish 110-gun ship)
    • 58. Océan-class (1788, French 118-gun ship)

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When I originally posted the Rattlesnake it was due to it being a unique ship that would slot in under the Surprise and it's plans were readily available. My thought was it's speed, maneuverability, and firepower would make it a very fun small ship and it also looks nice. It is a US ship but it was captured by the British and renamed HMS Cormorant until they realized they already had a ship by that name.

*edit* There is also a thought that the ship later became the French Le Tonnant 1793 as the lines are the same.


I tried to suggest some US ships because I figured that the nations such as Britain and France would have many more ships by default based on the sheer volume they had.

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I tried to suggest some US ships because I figured that the nations such as Britain and France would have many more ships by default based on the sheer volume they had.


Nothing is wrong about liking US ships.  Tastes differ, that's it.  Those guys who speak against them...  should at least read some descriptions.  "She was originally an East Indiaman, a merchant ship built in France for the French East India Company" (USS Bonhomme Richard).


As for British - they had a lot of legendary ships which people heard of, that would attract more gamers perhaps, so why not.


Another matter is - there should be enough drawings/plans/photos/other references of the ship for the developers.  So probably some of the listed ships will be off for that reason.


But in any case I believe this voting is not the only one and not the last opportunity to add your favorite ship to the game :)  And even if no chance for your favorite one - for whatever reason - there are so many beautiful ones to like :)  

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Make other nation ships present, ppl. Dutch, Sweden, Alger will be ok. Not Britain or USA AGAIN

I 'liked' your post although I would remind you that both the Mercury and Intermagland(sp?) are both already under development. What we are really missing are Spanish ships and maybe the outlying national ships like the xebecs and such.

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from what i heared  she was based of british plans?

He was an undercover apprentice at a Dutch ship yard for some time.  He used what he learned there to develop the plans for the Ingermanland.  You can see the Dutch influence most clearly at the bow when compared to Dutch ships of the period.  I fell in love with the ship the moment I sunk one in my Posti way back in pre launch of PotBS.

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Would Bonhomme Richard be developed as both a merchantman and a warship? I can see great value to the game there, but as a warship only she seems to much a one-off. She is certainly not a frigate.


That is a good point that I wondered myself since it was originally an East Indiaman. Could be very diverse.

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The Rattlesnake is small :ph34r:




The rattlesnake is very small. I compared it to the brigantine: while it is certainly a bit longer, it has almost the same draught and beam. I wonder how this ship would hold it together on deep water voyages.

It has the lines of a frigate, but it is more a sloop-of-war is you ask me :-)



As it stand now, I think the brigantine is in dire need of some extra votes!





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You are right Ramjb

But we are definitely working on other ships in parallel and French ships are planned.

This player select vote is the opportunity to bring a unique or beautiful special ship into the game. This is also an opportunity to make something outside of reason or gaps in the line up.

For example if we did not have this vote last year we would not have Santisima because it's a brick and it sank etc - but players wanted it and it is now sailing in the game.

Vote on things you as a player would love to sail or try or fight against. Basically vote with your heart more than with your brain, even if it does not fill some gap.



Well in this particular case my brain and my heart say pretty much the same. Had there been another spanish SOL, I might have changed one of my votes for that category (I really really really want to see a Montañes class 74 in this game ;)). the way it is and with the options open, I still stand with my choices. The SOLs I want to see because they were so historically significant, and I think both spanish frigates have a good place to cover in the current lineup, while being something I'd just to sail just because it's spanish :D.


as for the Prince de Neufchatel, that one is just so right for privateering (which is what I want to do for the most part on Open sea), that I had to click on it :D.

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I'm opposed to Line Ships simply because I've found them to be no fun....can't I vote twice for smaller ships? Eh. Rattlesnake looks beautiful and I really hope she gets put in, or Niagara. And sure, both are US ships but they look pretty and are small ships.

qft  on one hand they sugest one first rate after another that should be put into the game and then complain that anyone wants to sail nothing but a first rate then wants to make them almost unachievable and want to gimp around in 52 or 66 gun superfrigates wich are far more gamebraking in therms of balance ¯\ (ツ) /¯

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