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Captin, we're safe! .. Are we?


137 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be a 100% safe, high security, zone?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. How many zones per nation should there be?

    • I voted No above
    • one
    • two
    • more than two
  3. 3. Should the zone(s) be bigger, smaller or the same size as the current ones?

    • I voted for no safe zones
    • Bigger
    • Smaller
    • Same size as current ones
  4. 4. Do you like the idea of several Security zones (High sec = no attacking possible, little reward, Low sec = attacking possible, more reward, battle is open longer)

    • I voted for no safe zones
    • Yes
    • No

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4 minutes ago, Percival Merewether said:

Where do you think all of your upgrades and books come from? Certainly not from me... They come from PVE'ers dedicating an entire day to farm fleets for upgrades to sell to you.

no, this is what you think...i found my books by myself doing pve risking to get attaked, and sometimes buy something with contracts

having PVE'ers as salves isn't the mood of the server...try to do something by yourself sometimes, you could discover a new fresh game! :D


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14 minutes ago, Percival Merewether said:

Excuse me?

Which part of basic math and catering to your key demographic is not understood? Must I teach an entire class on business for you to comprehend that a  game without players is a failed game?

Where do you think all of your upgrades and books come from? Certainly not from me... They come from PVE'ers dedicating an entire day to farm fleets for upgrades to sell to you.

First: there's plenty of far more competitive, unforgiving and griefing/ganking centered games around (EVE uberalles) with far higher (and fairly stable) populations.

So it is not matter of protecting people, aside a bare minimum for newbies but not exploitable as easy way to risk-free richness.

It is matter of making people LEAVING the damn low risk areas making them not viable and giving a profitable and challenging pve content too (exploration first and foremost).

Second: Yes. I buy majority of my perms. Quite weirdly, mainly from British captains. Anyhow, it is working circularly. As almost any system.

It would work better for PVEers... If they spread around with meaningful and competitive pve content too.

"Safezone" are a magnet for players, so of targets for me.

One really safe zone per nation or (even better) a single pvp free starting zone for all. Get used to their ropes... then Captains have to sail out if they want to progresso with all risks (as majority of us did in the past) and the rewards.

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Also, there's way more solo play nowadays, percentage wise. I would risk and say that in a clan of 100, 20 are on comms doing stuff together, 30 are not and solo'ing, while the other 50 are from different time schedules so allow rotation. It is more solo players than multiplayers. Ofc there's more need for safety. The safety in your team is waning and clamour for the solo in a multiplayer game is rampant, not only in NA but in several other "under development" games. It is really odd IMO...

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3 hours ago, admin said:

First step would be changing the composition of reinforcement fleets slightly to give a real protection and/or escape chance (not a joke chance in case of sending a brig against a LRQ attack). 
New mission system will encourage a lot of captains to get out of the safe zones. This will be the last attempt (maybe it is not possible and some players prefer to safely pve on a pvp server - and it is better to keep them instead of forcing them out of the game). 

I disagree. I think you have missed the point of this whole thread.

The problem is that its easier to sit in your capital and wait for some pvper to be  called out then go gank him. we should not have to put ourselves in a gank to find pvp. 

we want 100%safe zone. where there can be no chance of pvp. this will make the coast guard fleets go find something else to do. we also want the 100% safe zone to be limited in content. (gold penalty/crafting penalty.) safe zone is for people who are learning the game. 

of course they want to safely pve  it gives them access to everything in the game. without risking anything. 

Edited by King of Crowns
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2 minutes ago, King of Crowns said:

I disagree. I think you have missed the point of this whole thread.

The problem is that its easier to sit in your capital and wait for some pvper to be  called out then go gank him. we should not have to find put ourselves in a gank to find pvp. 

we want 100%safe zone. where there can be no chance of pvp. this will make the coast guard fleets go find something else to do. we also want the 100% safe zone to be limited in content. (gold penalty/crafting penalty.) safe zone is for people who are learning the game. 

of course they want to safely pve  it gives them access to everything in the game. without risking anything. 

Good sum up.

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4 minutes ago, King of Crowns said:

we want 100%safe zone. where there can be no chance of pvp. this will make the coast guard fleets go find something else to do. we also want the 100% safe zone to be limited in content. (gold penalty/crafting penalty.) safe zone is for people who are learning the game. 

That sounds about right.

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1 hour ago, Percival Merewether said:

Excuse me?

Which part of basic math and catering to your key demographic is not understood? Must I teach an entire class on business for you to comprehend that a  game without players is a failed game?

Where do you think all of your upgrades and books come from? Certainly not from me... They come from PVE'ers dedicating an entire day to farm fleets for upgrades to sell to you.

I agree.

And I'd much rather have some PvErs and traders than not have them at all. PvP is not ONLY about sinking or getting sunk, it is also included in the market and in resource distribution. I would love more of these players because they can increase tax revenue on ports or be part of a clan machine.

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I know that I'm gonna make somebody upset but here's my toughts:

NO safety should be provided to players in the pvp server apart the capital area.People do not quit the game because they got sunk in reinf zone,they quit because they do not want to learn this game,they quit because the game is hard,as it should be,they quit because this game simply is not for everyone.I am playing from 2015 and back then we had no safe zones,forts or magic ai reinforcements and yet here I am.Do you know why I am still here?Because I LIKE the game,i like the naval combat(there is nothing on the market comparable to NA ship combat)I like to improve myself facing the difficulties and not fleeing from them,using my brain to elaborate tactics and applying 'em.I've got sunk billion times when i started to play,even just outside the harbour, but i ve never complained,i took those battles as lessons and learnt how to play the hard way.

Everybody complains about nubs getting sunk and quitting the game but I'll tell you a secret:

Nubs will remain nubs because they already have too much protection and absolutely no reason to leave the reinf zones,they will learn nothing.Removing RZ will eventually make some nubs quit the game but some nubs,who actually like the game no matter how hard it is,will learn to play and finally enjoy it.

Ready for crucifixion.

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12 minutes ago, tonyxyx said:

I know that I'm gonna make somebody upset but here's my toughts:

NO safety should be provided to players in the pvp server apart the capital area.People do not quit the game because they got sunk in reinf zone,they quit because they do not want to learn this game,they quit because the game is hard,as it should be,they quit because this game simply is not for everyone.I am playing from 2015 and back then we had no safe zones,forts or magic ai reinforcements and yet here I am.Do you know why I am still here?Because I LIKE the game,i like the naval combat(there is nothing on the market comparable to NA ship combat)I like to improve myself facing the difficulties and not fleeing from them,using my brain to elaborate tactics and applying 'em.I've got sunk billion times when i started to play,even just outside the harbour, but i ve never complained,i took those battles as lessons and learnt how to play the hard way.

Everybody complains about nubs getting sunk and quitting the game but I'll tell you a secret:

Nubs will remain nubs because they already have too much protection and absolutely no reason to leave the reinf zones,they will learn nothing.Removing RZ will eventually make some nubs quit the game but some nubs,who actually like the game no matter how hard it is,will learn to play and finally enjoy it.

Ready for crucifixion.


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1 minute ago, Cabral said:

 But before you must be flogged.

Insult less your nation mates... globally typing I'm a noob... how are you defining you nation mates?

PS: I never said I'm a pro. I know my limits (because I tested and keep testing them). I'm only a good sailor and good boarder with some tips in tactics.

Unluckly (for others) I got a ship that makes my strenghts shining.

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9 minutes ago, Borch said:

Heres the thing. Nubs will remain nubs no matter what but certainly not as NA players. Who are you going to play with when there will be 80 of the like of you left?

Good point.

Still there's another.

EVE is far more competitive, ganking/griefing centered and brutal... but with population measured in tens thousands.

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19 minutes ago, Borch said:

Heres the thing. Nubs will remain nubs no matter what but certainly not as NA players. Who are you going to play with when there will be 80 of the like of you left?

some of us are Global server veterans...we are used to be 70-80 in all the server :D:D:D



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18 minutes ago, Borch said:

Heres the thing. Nubs will remain nubs no matter what but certainly not as NA players. Who are you going to play with when there will be 80 of the like of you left?

If you put it this way...let's go and make every nub on the server happy and give him everything he wants when he wants so he won't quit,then you gonna have 2 pve servers,mission accomplished.

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5 hours ago, admin said:

 All other chances to ROE or Reinforcement safe zones would be addressed after localization. Localization will bring more players than spending time on tweaking the roe. 

I fear that getting more new players into a game without addressing problem of noobs being attacked in protected zones is like pouring water into a leaking bucket.

Yes, stronger reinforcements will help situation a bit, however not much. Even if those were overpowered 1st rates, I can afford to loose a redeemable ship every day to simply board a new player and die due to reinforcements.

It's probably for the best to close protected zones from PvP completely and redirect it to some other place - eg. some arena (patrol-zone-type event) with standard OW RoE, but with eg. double gold income for kills (no need to adjust PvP marks).

Edited by vazco
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6 minutes ago, Borch said:

Have you read peoples propositions in this topic before you stormed in with your opinion? How about doing that now?

Yes I did and I respect anybody opinion even if i do not share it.Keep your suggestions for you,I do not need any.

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2 minutes ago, Borch said:

And I dont think that anyone in this topic proposed to give people everything they want when they want. I was merely suggesting that you could read the propositions.

I was clearly exagerating when i said give them everything and of course i understood you were suggesting me something.Which part of I don't need your suggestions you don't get?

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42 minutes ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

Good point.

Still there's another.

EVE is far more competitive, ganking/griefing centered and brutal... but with population measured in tens thousands.

Have you ever played Eve? It is not centered around gank/grief although I agree that it happens often in the game.

I have been playing eve for coming up to 10 years now.

No doubt there is 25k - 50k on during the entire day but have you looked at the distribution of where many players play?

Eve has a safe High-sec area, a low-sec area and a null-sec area. But if you think the safe zone in NA is similar then I'm going to have to stop you now.

High-sec = if you gank someone you have X seconds to kill the player before you yourself are destroyed by concord (the npc that you cannot run away from). X is determined by the security status of the system. A 1.0 system and you have 6 seconds to shoot your target before you die, a 0.5 system you have 30 seconds.

You can gank whoever you want, you will 100% lose your ship everytime. Imagine NA where you can attack anyone but you will always lose your ship after the battle.

Low-sec = limited pvp encounters. Best compared to the pvp zones in naval action

Null-sec = anything and everything goes. The rules are made by the players (and game mechanic limitations). But there is still not 100% asset loss here

Wormholes = is the 100% loss risk and the only space that you can experience true risk in the game.

The majority, and I mean a large majority of eve players are in high-sec. If and when they want pvp they go to low-sec or null-sec but otherwise they live in systems that are safe from pvp within the mechanic rules. I must argue that Eve is more popular due to a number of reasons with a couple being the safe zone, PvE variety, and the player created market.

The alliance I am part of has made their home a literal super fortress in null-sec that all possible alliances that would fight us have deemed impossible to penetrate. 

Eve is popular because of it's vast PvE options, it's security system to allow players the choice of where to be and how much risk they are willing to take, and the "no-holes-barred pvp." I would not say Eve is more competitive, Eve is just a better fleshed out game with avenues for every single type of player to explore. Being a subscription game also helps continued development. 

Tl;dr - Eve's popularity is due to the ability to choose your risk versus reward allowing you to be safe or to be risky and the PvE variety. The PvP part of eve is enjoyed by all who play it because many can choose when they want to risk pvp.


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26 minutes ago, Borch said:


I dont know EVE (never played it) but I think that this is basically what some people are trying to propose here.

High-sec eve you can make money, in low and nullsec you can make more.

Imagine making what you can make now in naval action, now imagine a mechanic saying - you can make 50-100% more in this 'area' just realize that people can kill you.

You don't make less in high-sec, high-sec is the 'base' income and low and null (and wormholes) are the 'good loot.'


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35 minutes ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

Yes. Where you simply cant really farm nothing worth.

So High sec are trading hubs and meeting point and starting area. Nothing more.

You ll never see a veteran farming anything there.

Then you don't know about high level missions? Where a player can make quite a bit of money.

you don't know about high sec incursions? Where a high sec player can join a group of people and make similar levels of money to those in null-sec

So many vets use these options to make a ton of money while having the lowest risk towards them.

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10 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

Then you don't know about high level missions? Where a player can make quite a bit of money.

you don't know about high sec incursions? Where a high sec player can join a group of people and make similar levels of money to those in null-sec

So many vets use these options to make a ton of money while having the lowest risk towards them.

As you stated, the more in nullsec or WHs.

Halving safezone gains or doubling free pvp zone gains doesnt matter: the outcome will be the same.

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