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To All Of Those Hunting Around Capital Ports

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Especially those using premium or super ships to repeatedly bully new and newly returned players.

This is why the game gets a bad rap in reviews and the player base is f all. Think about what you are doing, take the time to hunt OW instead of looking for easy PVP marks just to get your name in lights on the leaderboard.

Give new guys a chance to actually experience the game, otherwise the player base will be reduced to 50 or so players and their alts.

Edited by William Wade
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Ain't that, is that there's nothing sailing out transporting goods or forcing conquest.

The zones make everyone stay inside them. It is... not right. 

Navies and merchantmen MUST spread across the map and not stay in the zones. But...

Comfort and access to everything within zones the more zones get used by both news, vets, and everyone hunting them.

It is crazy...

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19 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

Ports outside safezone really need to be more of value for the nation that wants to do pvp and rvr.

The current crafting bonuses are still quite low and capturable port a nightmare to keep due to taxes. So almost everyone is inside the safe zones.


 They are probably grinding missions to pay for the ports they captured. 😂


 Perhaps a way to spread people across the map would be to  give incentives to grind/do missions/pvp in a city area. Perhaps call it influence, that as you increase in activity gave you bonuses in the settlements waters you do it. Link overall activity to upgrades to ports such as new defences,  lower port cost etc to holding clans.

Give players titles for activity in an info section such as you have in lords protectors.

In order to spread playerbase there needs to be some kind of benefit i think to take risk, more risk more reward. Also create an asset through gained bonus's that if port lost you lose the bonus's you grinded for there, this would encourage more RvR.  People would feel they have a stake in the ports they have "worked" at and that people can see they are Freeman of Tumbado or whatever.


 Basically create an ingame attachment/reason that they want to defend or inhabit waters of a port.






Edited by Dibbler
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Just now, William Wade said:

Instead of looking towards Devs to provide solutions. Just asking people to use sensible judgement vs new or newly returned players, give them a chance to play the game.  

you dont know whats a new player. there is nothing that indicates that


Edited by z4ys
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4 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

Ports outside safezone really need to be more of value for the nation that wants to do pvp and rvr.

The current crafting bonuses are still quite low and capturable port a nightmare to keep due to taxes. So almost everyone is inside the safe zones.

Upkeep is a balancer versus snowball effect. I think we are in the sweet spot to bring regional bonuses and historical resource spread again.

Would it make people "rage". Yep. Everything makes people go whiny in all games.


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Just now, William Wade said:

Really surely you are experienced enough to tell by now, without needing a icon.


There are so many alts out there that even the day of birth gives no hint

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I would say that a very large sizable chunk of the pbase will never leave the Capital area in a day and an even larger portion wont leave reinforcement zones. The best place  to find targets is around capitals, sadly.

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1 minute ago, Flinch said:

I would say that a very large sizable chunk of the pbase will never leave the Capital area in a day and an even larger portion wont leave reinforcement zones. The best place  to find targets is around capitals, sadly.

No the problem is you have 4 nations camping a capital killing every thing that comes out.  Just look at the Combat news today.  I have counted French, Dutch, Pirates, Prussians all kiling US players tonight.   I hardly see any of those nations killing each other in front of Charleston.  If they wanted PvP so much and as you say it's mainly found at the capitals instead of killing one nation they would be fighting each other too but they refuse to do that.  They want easy killls and that is it.

As for RvR I bet you if one of those nations attack another nations Ports in Prime time for that nation they will get RvR and PvP but they won't leave the easy kill zones of the main nations that get a lot of new players and casuals who tend to stay around there capitals.  

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1 minute ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

....If they wanted PvP so much and as you say it's mainly found at the capitals instead of killing one nation they would be fighting each other too but they refuse to do that.  They want easy killls and that is it.



All that talking of meaningful battles. In the end the battle is just meaningful when it's a win. Losing is always a gank. Gank by numbers or gank by skillorz.


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37 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

I never understood why devs removed regional bonuses. Now you require a shipyard to craft so it would add a new tactical dimension to rvr.

Community didn't like the logistics and operational exercise needed.

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The simple reality is that these countries have decided to find their PVP by ganking the living hell out of one nation instead of fighting dynamic and well-balanced wars like the game should be played. They're more comfortable ganging up on one country, one region until said country's playerbase is driven away from the game. Don't tell us that it's ok because said countries will pvp with eachother in our waters. They don't have to be allies to run PVP, population and player satisfaction into the ground. Maybe if we had conflict going on in multiple places across numerous fronts, we wouldn't see these very same gankers complaining on the forum about low population and an empty open world.

Bring back diplomacy. Force countries to pick few allies and fight balanced wars. If we can't fix the game, then let's at the very least acknowledge what's going on here. 

Edited by _Masterviolin
derp hit enter
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I could let you in on a little secret if you promise not to tell the players who are waiting for easy kills near capitals.

We can use the concentration of hunters waiting near Capitals to help newbies.  Suggest to newbies to:

  1. Look over the different nations and pick one that is easy.  Change their character if the nation seems too hard core.
  2. Take the training.
  3. Join a clan.
  4. Buy a cutter and sail away from the capitals and set up in an quiet area.
  5. Practice away from the capitals until they feel confident to come back to a capital.

The fact that gankers and bullies are bunched up in one place is actually good for the newbies cause they can expect other areas will have less bad guys waiting to harass them.  But don't let the seal clubbers know that it actually a good thing that they all hang out near busy ports.


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There is no reason why there should be no PvP around these reinforcement zones. The issue has become, at least in the United States, that it has gotten to the point where it is a constant twenty-four hour, seven days a week thing to see PvP at the capital itself. It does not help that the player population at a given time is as low as it is forcing these players to find the clusters but it is also contributing to that number decreasing as well. Now respect to the players that have laid off the area or only come up occasionally. That is how it should be done. But there are others that have constantly shown up and just attacked everything that moves that is United States nation and have left other nations alone. We tend to get weekly reports of even people in basic cutters getting ganked by Prince(s) and Bellona(s) outside of Charleston. There are people trying to move out of the region but are unable to as well since they have to deal with the PvP farmers and there is no reasonable time for them to leave bringing their goods with them to start up somewhere else and expand. This is where the problem goes almost full circle. Hardcore players are farming there because that is where the most targets are and the reason there are more targets in these said regions is because they can hardly move because of those hardcore players farming them. It does nothing positive for the longevity of the game. Now a reminder that I am not stating all PvP is unwarranted around the capital and I do commend those who do travel around hitting other areas frequently. I am also not suggesting that PvP should be banned in these said areas either. Just stating there needs to be a better grasp from the players or we might get a solution from the Devs that no one really wants. 

1 hour ago, Intrepido said:

I never understood why devs removed regional bonuses. Now you require a shipyard to craft so it would add a new tactical dimension to rvr.

They needed to be removed because it really made only a few regions worth anything and the majority of the map pointless. 

Edited by Davos Seaworth
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I hunt around capitals. I only engage traders, or comparable ships to the one I'm in. Every once in a while I'll club a seal, but I try to make it a learning thing for said seal. I'll walk them through proper procedures when I see them make a mistake and most of the time I let them go, unless they're little doucheats or its a contract. Yes, I am a contract killer ingame.. I started playing when there was NO protection, and I was clubbed many times. I am a much better captain because of it. I don't have time to be "nice" and sail around for hours hoping to find the one guy that isn't grinding in his little safe zone. So I guess, what I'm saying is, 



Edited by Werewolf
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3 minutes ago, Werewolf said:

I hunt around capitals. I only engage traders, or comparable ships to the one I'm in. Every once in a while I'll club a seal, but I try to make it a learning thing for said seal. I'll walk them through proper procedures when I see them make a mistake. I started playing when there was NO protection, and I was clubbed many times. I am a much better captain because of it. I don't have time to be "nice" and sail around for hours hoping to find the one guy that isn't grinding in his little safe zone. So I guess, what I'm saying is, 



Issue isn't you. What you do is fine. There are others though that have taken it too far in the past and there are some now going far beyond what you do sir.

Edited by Davos Seaworth
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12 minutes ago, Davos Seaworth said:

Issue isn't you. What you do is fine. There are others though that have taken it too far in the past and there are some now going far beyond what you do sir.

And that is a damn shame. I try to think about that when I jump someone. Is this guy possibly new? Am I pissing off a newbie so bad he might drop the game and not get experience and become a real opponent later on that can give me a good fight? I got sank in my basic cutter several times, and MAN I was pissed. What kept the faith for me was a couple of guys that jumped me taught me some tricks and how to do things better next time before they sank me, and honestly, with those situations I wasn't even mad. I was grateful for my enemy. I try to keep that in mind, I really do. I jumped a Navy Brig the other night, he was severely damaged, low rank, and down on crew having obviously just gotten out of a PvE battle. I was in a Mercury. All he said was oh man, this is my first ship outside the cutter, please don't kill me..... I hit him a few times, then explained to him that he needs to be prepared for PvP at all times, how to repair his ship after leaving a battle, how to use his invisibility timer to sail in unexpected directions to escape OW traps, etc. I then showed him how to stern rake, let him rake me a few times. Then, I let him go. I entered OW to five or six waiting on me, ended up getting sunk. No biggie.  Some people take this game way too seriously, we are all here for fun, and unfortunately for some, that means ruining someone else's fun.

Edited by Werewolf
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The real issue is this game does not have enough players to sustain a map of this size and what players we do have is spread thinly into 11 nations.  The game is diluted and centered around capitals because it does not encourage players to leave them.  There is ZERO content that players need to leave their capitals for other than RVR, which is kinda dead at the moment.  AI fleets can be farmed in the safe zone.  Missions can be pulled in the safe zone.  Most players can trade with ancillary ports around the capital and haul their goods in and do most crafting. 

Christendoms surefire way to improve Naval Action.  Patent pending of course.

 - Less nations.  Move to a more clan based system
 - New player quest line that teaches them the ropes.  Sail here, buy this, sail back....etc etc
 - No Battles at all in the safe zone.  No PVP, No AI fleets.  Only low level missions.
 - Increased rewards for missions taken outside of the safe zone
 - Limit crafting in capitals to Green ships.  2/5
 - Guaranteed 3/5 Blue ship in Player owned ports with a chance to make 4/5 and 5/5.
 - Crafting regions or Imported goods from those reasons to create trim types.  For example, "South Carolina Live Oak" for       Sturdy or "Bahama Teak" For Fast/Very Fast. Basically make regions matter.
 - Special and Rare "roaming" AI fleets on the map that players would like to seek and get good drops off of.  Moving Epic events.
- Large weekend events with huge sunken fleet drops or something similar.  
- Weekly/Daily quests.  Sink 5 of this or collect 5 of this from certain ports and turn in.  Give random loot.

TLDR - more content, more players, less nations and more new player protections

Edited by Christendom
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3 hours ago, William Wade said:

Instead of looking towards Devs to provide solutions. Just asking people to use sensible judgement vs new or newly returned players, give them a chance to play the game.  

If a game has an exploit do you ask the players to please not use it or do the devs have to patch it?.

It's the developers JOB to protect the PLAYERS from THEMSELVES!

Except this isn't an exploit, it's a weak meta

Edited by Slim McSauce
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