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Patch 23: Updated Tutorial, Special ship and new UI teaser.


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After 7 or 8 attempts I finally finished the final exam. After sinking 1st ship and trying to board the 2nd I came across some weirdness while trying to turn the enemy,  I attempted to ram his rear end and spin him. My boarding prep wouldn't go above 77 and my ping was fine, this lasted about 30 seconds then the enemy ship boarded me.


Edited by Tay-uk
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1 hour ago, Tay-uk said:

After 7 or 8 attempts I finally finished the final exam. After sinking 1st ship and trying to board the 2nd I came across some weirdness while trying to turn the enemy,  I attempted to ram his rear end and spin him. My boarding prep wouldn't go above 77 and my ping was fine, this lasted about 30 seconds then the enemy ship boarded me.


You didnt have enough crew for 100% prep because you had a running repair.

Picture doesnt look right though ^^.

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The Reinforcements are worthless. A few patches ago the green zone was improved (no more ganking via AI-attacks near players....) and now it is complete obsolete. the number of sunk ships near kpr, carlisle and port morant are insane.

and i think the player numbers are dropping again (weekend less then 300 players online). is there a statistic about the amount of players online?

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One thing that always had puzzled me about a PvP battle near a port, is that if you are near a tower or fort, they fire upon the enemy ship, which could help you. That is god and would happen in real life. But you cannot enter a harbour if you managed to get to it. In real life if you managed to get into a friendly harbour you would be safe, maybe this should be possible in NA.

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5 hours ago, Michael Corvinus said:

One thing that always had puzzled me about a PvP battle near a port, is that if you are near a tower or fort, they fire upon the enemy ship, which could help you. That is god and would happen in real life. But you cannot enter a harbour if you managed to get to it. In real life if you managed to get into a friendly harbour you would be safe, maybe this should be possible in NA.

Well even if it Sound realistic, you can’t have that. To many players would escape then, and therefore less PvP kills.

Edited by staun
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  • 3 weeks later...

Reinforcement update

  • Reinforcement zones support is updated. Local waters will now provide support appropriate to the strength of the attacker (instead of 2 1strates per attacker).

Reinforcement zones were put into the game to prevent "seal clubbing" and "protect" the PVE player base (which is roughly 80% of all gaming community populations), so make the reinforcements more meaningful... 2 ships of the equivalent rate of (each) the attacker with an improved AI (current AI any half-witted player can basically ignore). 

Currently reinforcement zones are the deadliest areas to sail... battles in them are constantly open allowing enemies to reinforce griefing and reinforcements are now pathetic. Without any changes to this the game is dead on launch as new players will quickly rate this a griefers game and player base will never develop to sustain the game.

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On 4/29/2018 at 1:29 PM, chaireddin said:

The Reinforcements are worthless. A few patches ago the green zone was improved (no more ganking via AI-attacks near players....) and now it is complete obsolete. the number of sunk ships near kpr, carlisle and port morant are insane.

and i think the player numbers are dropping again (weekend less then 300 players online). is there a statistic about the amount of players online?


Edited by Jean de la Rochelle
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You know what, just put a pop up "hey noobie if you attack AI fleets in greenzone, anyone can join for 30 minutes, including enemy players"

And yet I get tired of warning the new players, so many players getting seal clubbed, because they do not know this hidden and magic game mechanics.

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On 4/29/2018 at 11:29 PM, chaireddin said:

The Reinforcements are worthless. A few patches ago the green zone was improved (no more ganking via AI-attacks near players....) and now it is complete obsolete. the number of sunk ships near kpr, carlisle and port morant are insane.

and i think the player numbers are dropping again (weekend less then 300 players online). is there a statistic about the amount of players online?

Yes agree completely, AI reinforcements now are a complete joke absolutely no threat at all to an attacker.  Veteran players that have been abusing this and hunting  low rank players in reinforcement zones are a disgrace especially those also using Alts to monitor traffic near capital ports. 

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How about in reinforcement zone- the home nation can join indefinitely and the other side only stays open for 3 minutes or so.  Let the noobs hit ai fleets for fun and practice.  Then modify random drops so they are better outside of the green zones.

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17 hours ago, Sparkydog said:

How about in reinforcement zone- the home nation can join indefinitely and the other side only stays open for 3 minutes or so.  Let the noobs hit ai fleets for fun and practice.  Then modify random drops so they are better outside of the green zones.

I see your point. But in my exoerience the home team allready have the advantage. I been by the britts and french lately. We come 2-5 guys and in a couple of minuts they are 10-20 guys in the battle.

the chance for us to get player in are slim. If they not allready are in the area, it is to late anyway. If you want to protect new players, let them have a neutral pve area, where they can leve up to ex captains, and then join there nation. If they leave before, well then they play at the same risk as other players.

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2 minutes ago, Mrgoldstein said:

As the home team should have..you come to the green zone you should be at a disadvantage..the green zone is there to protect new players

I agree, no complaint from me. I just think it is big enough. Problem is not close to Capital. But the reinforcement zone further away, when you trade.the Ai isent worth anything if you are in a trader and players will need to much time to come to your aid. But is mostly the traders own fault. How often don’t we se traders in fleet, But no escort ship.

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40 minutes ago, Mrgoldstein said:

As the home team should have..you come to the green zone you should be at a disadvantage..the green zone is there to protect new players

The real problem is, that content creater aka the guys that come to your capital are always the stupid ones that loose stuff because of getting ganked. This game currently punishes you for trying to get pvp because nowhere else you will find a player. Players still need reasons to leave the zone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chain damage greatly increased but sail repair didn't. When start a battle in wrong position 2 or even one player enough, one chain shot can drop sails to %60.Even If I dont try to sank that or those guys I cant escape from backline. Sail repairs should increase %10 or chain damage reduce %25. Not using chain or not trying to demast enemy should be an option. And there is no option like that. When you are not hit enemy sails or masts, you are loser. Every player trying to demast at first minutes of battle. Except big ship fleet battles.

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3 hours ago, Krautz said:

Chain damage greatly increased but sail repair didn't. When start a battle in wrong position 2 or even one player enough, one chain shot can drop sails to %60.Even If I dont try to sank that or those guys I cant escape from backline. Sail repairs should increase %10 or chain damage reduce %25.

Its good to get your positioning correct before the battle begins. Sometimes this means coming to a complete stop when being tagged (to let the enemy pass you, so you can gain wind advantage). You can also depower and angle your sails in battle to avoid chain damage. Lastly, you can always use mods like Basic Strong Sail (+10% sail HP) or Rigging Specialist perk.

3 hours ago, Krautz said:

Not using chain or not trying to demast enemy should be an option. And there is no option like that. When you are not hit enemy sails or masts, you are loser. Every player trying to demast at first minutes of battle. Except big ship fleet battles.

There are many battles that I go straight for hull damage (or boarding) and ignore chain/demasting altogether. There are many ways to fight a battle and tactics should depend on the situation and the player's style/competence. Just because someone is using a certain tactic it doesn't mean that you have to do the same thing 😉

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