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Well, i decided to join England because it is in a strategical position: right in the middle of the map. It will be  good for both trading and PvP because you can reach lots of location reletively in short time.

Edited by blubasso
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The Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania, in affiliation with the Free Tribes, are always welcoming new Captains.  As one of, if not the, smallest factions in the game, each individual stands out all the more.  While PFK is primarily Polish speaking, HOST and TRIBE are English speaking.  RvR is generally not a large aspect of the game for us however, as we are still trying to build up the faction.

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58 minutes ago, Iroquois Confederacy said:

The Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania, in affiliation with the Free Tribes, are always welcoming new Captains.  As one of, if not the, smallest factions in the game, each individual stands out all the more.  While PFK is primarily Polish speaking, HOST and TRIBE are English speaking.  RvR is generally not a large aspect of the game for us however, as we are still trying to build up the faction.

@ScipioTortuga , @Iroquois Confederacy nailed it right on the head. Good portion of PFK does speak English as a second language. We are definitely rebuilding, which for people joining the Commonwealth is a great opportunity to make an impact for the nation and contribute rather than just becoming another cog in a machine. 

If you want to run solo, great! If you want to join a clan, that is good as well. If you are bringing friends along and wanted to form a new clan, that is absolutely fantastic! The more the merrier in the Commonwealth.

Edited by Davos Seasworth
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If you want RVR and lots of it, go to Sweden or Russia.  Despite our constant bickerings on the forums Sweden and Russia are very similar.  We're constantly attacking and defending ports, Russia very much so, we have a couple good sized clans that make up the bulk of the RVR fleet and we all more or less work as one nation.  We both communicate primarily in english, though in Russia the coms get a little fuzzy when the actual Russians get in the same channel, but we figure it out.  Plus Russia has all your old buds from 7up  :-)

If you to carebear it up and PVP occasionally GB is the nation for you.  KPR is always a source of fun and it's nice an central.  Most of the RVR there is disorganized and GB always has and always will suffer from the too many cooks in the kitchen mentality.  They seem to do well in the shallows though, which seems to be the only place their empire remains stable.

Edited by Christendom
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