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Where are vids of elites vs elites?..

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I been watching alot of vids on youtube and such of some of our greatest pvp'ers in action.

First off, kudos for uploading them they are great fun to watch and also great for learning. Keep it up!.:)


I can't stop wondering though how come I never see top vs top?. Is it because you never encounter eachother or do you fight it off on legends or?.

Because I run into them all the time they not really hard to find, even tho I tend to avoid them 1 on 1, but surely now and then there must be clashes between the pro's too?.


Only time I see more then one "pro" at the time they are grouped up or hunting together even if they are different nation.


Where are those vids??.:), I'm kind of sated watching pro's with superior upgrades battling average ones. Or do you use legends for those fights?.



I might also just have missed those vids..

Edited by Liang Dao Ming
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As a rule of thumb, same two players with shop ships, no upgrades, the "elite" captain will come out on top - he sunk a thousand times to learn a lot of things, duelled incessantly, sailed in fleets all the time, shared time and tips with others.

The modules simply exponentially enhance the gap.

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Very good player duels are very boring to watch. I have dueled people for the wind for 1.5 hours with no winner. I 1v1 all the time but it takes me 30 hours to upload 14 min of footage. @rediii you owe me another 1v1 brother. I was kind of unlucky in both of our fights man. 

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43 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

Very good player duels are very boring to watch

If said videos are commented on why choices were made, on why players are doing what they are doing, as sort of video guides, then they are not.

Kind of a Doran's guide but in video.

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59 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

Very good player duels are very boring to watch. I have dueled people for the wind for 1.5 hours with no winner. I 1v1 all the time but it takes me 30 hours to upload 14 min of footage. @rediii you owe me another 1v1 brother. I was kind of unlucky in both of our fights man. 

Yes you are right in a sense, but also i would rather watch 1 vid of 1,5 hours of 2 good players fight then 10 short vids of good player vs bad player.


I need to learn how to be good vs good, not good vs shit.:P


And soon work will start, ... hard blow to my pvp practice..:P



Edited by Liang Dao Ming
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20 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

Lets not lie to eachother. Elites dont like 1v1 eachother because they are in the best ships and the battle can go anyway.

Partly true. Over the years there's been unofficial pvp zones and many pre-arranged OW duels where we stopped before ships sunk. Sometimes we went in identical shop ships to avoid all the angst with super ships or mods, we would break it off if one guy forgot boarding stuff as the outcome was inevitable. Also duel room. Rakers spent much more time in duel room than in OW as the pve'ers gradually took over.


57 minutes ago, TommyShelby said:

the fame of Tommy Fookin Shelby is fading away.

Never in life, my dear!

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9 minutes ago, rediii said:

Wind in fleetbattles =

Fleet with wind focuses mast/sails of 1 ship downwind. If he gets slower downwind fleet has to get slow aswell/manouver to save him. Else he is dead

Fleet downwind focuses mast/sails of 1 ship upwind = he gets slow and will be out of fight for some minutes. Wont get killed and his fleet doesnt need to adapt

Even in 1v1 having the wind enables you to hold the initiative or dictate the engagement, this hasn't changed since Sea Trials. If things start go go south having the wind makes it easier to break off and escape. The leeward dude has to react to the windward guy.

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18 hours ago, Liang Dao Ming said:

Yes you are right in a sense, but also i would rather watch 1 vid of 1,5 hours of 2 good players fight then 10 short vids of good player vs bad player.


I need to learn how to be good vs good, not good vs shit.:P


And soon work will start, ... hard blow to my pvp practice..:P

I was lucky to get some good advice from Rakers Doran and what he had over anyone in this game in my opinion is that he is a good teacher. I am not, sadly :( . To be totally honest I am not nearly as good as I used to be because I never adopted to the multi repairs in battle because I enjoy fighting for wind and doing 500+ chain. Something that is impossible with the current system :( 


This link might be a bit outdated but you could read if you like. Personally I think having the wind in naval action is not nearly as much as an advantage as it should be since ships can turn very fast through the wind (tacking) and angle themselves or avoid stern rakes far to fast. A good example is Trincomalee vs Bellepoule. I dueled @Liq yesterday and I believe without dismasting a trincomalle has 0 chance in beating a Bellepoule. That is a very big issue since chaining a ship to 50% sails should be more than enough to get him into a situation where he cannot tack or he will expose his stern. If Liqy has some tactical advice on how I could counter his ship without dismasting I would love to hear it :)

I have been thinking of a topic about the Belle but since I have not tested her for more than 2-3 hours in pve I do not have the right to judge yet. If anything about her would be nerft she would be useless methinks so an overpowered brawler she should remain. Maybe nerf the turn rate a bit. The Bellephobia is strong within me and my trinco ATM :)

I prefer dueling in Trincos and Connies(endy is also a punishing ship to sail). There are plenty of other punishing ships to sail but armour thickness gets retarded the bigger you go so I don't duel them ATM. An Aggy 1v1 would be something I would love to do. If you want to learn sailing and dueling they are the ships to do it in. The Connie is probably the best ATM since she tacks like all ships should. In a Suprise or Bellepoule you can turn like an f1 car with no sails and thats simple retarded for me personaly and the battle go to fast to learn. In a Trinco or Connie if you're chained to 50 or 60% sail and loose the wind you will be raked and boarded.

Don't go into duels where people just demast your bottom sections and its gg. It is a very cheap way to win and there is no knowledge of sailing involved. I say that as one of the best mast snipers in the game :) @TommyShelby youre history and noone remembers you :P You will learn nothing! There is skill involved with dismasting but I know you're smart enough understand what I mean....


This battle is a good example that I had yesterday. I could demast all 3 of his main masts in less than 3 min with less than 28 fired charged shot from an 18 pounder. Sure there is skill involved the but its cheap. I had to do it to run because I had a dead mans chest in my hold and had a max speed of 7 knots :P Anyway. Just cause I can do that does not make me eilte and it doesn't make me a better sailor than this guy and TBF, the outcome of a 1v1 also will never prove who is better or worse. I have won battle were I know the opponent played better and did better overall but I won because they've made simple mistakes. 

Anyway. I always wish to improve myself so you are more than welcome to come and duel me in no kill duels at La Tortue when you want. @Vile Executioner @Otto Kohl @Moscalb are players that will duel you asap if you ask them. If its a no kill duel I like to bet 15 pvp marks but ill do it with no bets if you would like

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21 minutes ago, rediii said:

Wind in fleetbattles =

Fleet with wind focuses mast/sails of 1 ship downwind. If he gets slower downwind fleet has to get slow aswell/manouver to save him. Else he is dead

Fleet downwind focuses mast/sails of 1 ship upwind = he gets slow and will be out of fight for some minutes. Wont get killed and his fleet doesnt need to adapt

Im sorry man. I kind of focked up the posts there. I dont know what you replied to... 

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23 minutes ago, rediii said:

Wind in fleetbattles =

Fleet with wind focuses mast/sails of 1 ship downwind. If he gets slower downwind fleet has to get slow aswell/manouver to save him. Else he is dead

Fleet downwind focuses mast/sails of 1 ship upwind = he gets slow and will be out of fight for some minutes. Wont get killed and his fleet doesnt need to adapt

Belive it or not when I say this. I have more repect towards you than I have to anyother PB commander in na history. Youre the only commander that knows how to use the wind. All the other commanders think having the wind is enough. They are trash. Harsh words but true

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2 minutes ago, rediii said:

yea that aswell, but boardy boardy is hard with mostefficient BR of 1sts and mortars in big BR pbs. Comes down to a 1:1 trade if you board against someone with a lot of mortarsupport

You know your shit when it comes to PB so I will not even say anything about it anymore. I just like my frigates and I would go to PB more If we didnt have to farm ai and had a proper team.... I hate that shit... I want to buy a flag and sail 

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