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22 hours ago, van der Decken said:

A most enjoyable battle, @Anolytic, I know you were just toying with me. :)

It was fun indeed. I would have stayed longer, but I had forgot to refill my sail repairs, so I completely ran out. Wasn't too keen to fight on with that AI catching up. I made some mistakes early on in the battle.

6 hours ago, vazco said:

AFAIK Anolytic is best at escaping in NA. His K/D ratio is 89. If you manage to score a kill on him, you can be proud.

How do you know my K/D ratio? I didn't see my name on any of the spreadsheets admin screenshotted?

And are you sure you didn't misplace a comma?

I hate escaping. I hate sailing back to port after battle. Much more convenient to teleport. 

At least my ratio is now way down. I lost 2 Victories and an Agamemnon over the course of just this Sunday. 

24 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

I am pretty sure that it went down from 89 :) 


Every time I try to grind the Diana, it sinks within the first 10 minutes of the battle...

I still have 0 slots.

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14 hours ago, Anolytic said:

How do you know my K/D ratio? I didn't see my name on any of the spreadsheets admin screenshotted?

And are you sure you didn't misplace a comma?

Maybe I did. In this case sorry. It was a complement btw :)

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On 1/7/2019 at 4:42 AM, Banished Privateer said:

Another good battle with FENIX:

(Yordi on purple Ocean, captured from @Reverse)))


It was a nice countergank.

Gear wise it was a no way combat. As I said Yordi. I simply suicided keeping busy for a while 2 Inger and partially the Christian.

The difference: we dont whine 😎 after similar situation.


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17 hours ago, Christendom said:

Little River Part Deux

Any suggestions for a Part Tres?  US wants to send less experienced players to try PB...our few old vets likely would not win anyhow.  We tried to come up with a new ship lineup (2 Santis)...so hard to find US players with 5 slot santi, 3rd Rate, Pavel, Essex.  So in the interest of keeping us interested in trying this again, and maybe helping develop the RVR game, do you have any suggestions?

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3 hours ago, SS Minnow said:

Any suggestions for a Part Tres? 

Don't use first rates for these small ports. Two Bucentaures have the same BR as one L'Ocean, but get you a higher broadside weight. You are also faster, more maneuverable, thus more flexible.

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20 minutes ago, Batman said:

Don't use first rates for these small ports. Two Bucentaures have the same BR as one L'Ocean, but get you a higher broadside weight. You are also faster, more maneuverable, thus more flexible.

It's been a long time since I played my last PB, but when I played PBs with the bucentaure they where pretty fun/effective

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4 hours ago, SS Minnow said:

Any suggestions for a Part Tres?  US wants to send less experienced players to try PB...our few old vets likely would not win anyhow.  We tried to come up with a new ship lineup (2 Santis)...so hard to find US players with 5 slot santi, 3rd Rate, Pavel, Essex.  So in the interest of keeping us interested in trying this again, and maybe helping develop the RVR game, do you have any suggestions?

I have suggested a number of times that we both agree to make LR 4th rates and under.  More people can get in and get experienced.  I think the US would benefit from this.  To put it simply, you won't beat us in bigger ships.  We don't care about LR, we just want the content and we're willing to let you guys get more of an even fight.  4th rates are more cost effective and in the case of lionshaft, he won't feel the need to bail on the battle after 2 broadsides to save his santi.

As for what you did wrong in Part Deux: 

Essexes were used poorly.  1 should of been attached to the mortar brigs for security.  Instead you pulled off a pavel and left 2 santi's to our entire fleet.  1 of our niagras was able to thwart both mortar brigs and neutralize them.  

Bring more bucs

Use french rig

Don't put lionshaft in your battles.


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2 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

Dinark was fighting like 1v6 more or less? The battle is simple, Connie and Wapen got hello kittyed up by 2 Ingers really fast. Basically, 2 4th rates lost to other 2 4th rates. Even without help from Christian, you would sink. On the other hand we had 2 1st rate, Christian vs 2 1st rates and Mortar Brig. The battle was very dependent on Mortar Brig which missed almost every shot. He couldn't even hit 1st rates sailing 3-4 knots. Couple of hits and battle could be lost. We all have seen good Mortar Brig players killing 4-5 SOLs in a single battle. 

One of the first time he used her.

And Wappen (not a experienced either) was squinshed very fast, as normal. Your Ingers got some pushiment too... but I was too slow to try to finish one. Without the Christian partly on me... Inger were really soft. Sidenote: I had only one book on Classic... I was moving her with traders :D

It happens. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Plain normal.

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Two good battles Dutch vs Russian outside Cajoro

It all started with a single Dutchman kept getting attacked outside Sinamaica by a horde of Russians. The all call was made and a formidable group was formed to head into the Gulf of Maracaibo hunting the Russians. Outside Cajoro we spotted a couple Russians that split up; one running to Cajoro, the other to Sinamaica. A couple dutch attacked the northern one and I with 2 others chased the southern one. As we approached Sinamaica it was obvious this Russian was trying to bait us into a trap so we returned northerly to regroup. As we positioned a blockade outside Cajoro, many more Russians appeared. The fight was on.
It was a good battle, despite no losses on either side. We had a lot of positioning and posturing. A couple times the Russians maneuvered well to our sterns, but we swiftly countered that with some mast rakes. This continued on for approximately 50 or so minutes, neither of us really getting the upper-hand on the other. One Dutchmen did take a beating, but the Russians were on most of the receiving end. And soon the Russians sailed off to escape for another day.

Or...so we thought. As soon as that battle was over, we were surrounded by a million more Russians. We 6 Dutch tried to make a break headed northeast toward Fort Zoutman, but it was apparent we were not going to escape 11 Russians. So, we thought it in our best interest to split and take our chances in smaller groups. Four of us turned hard south for Casigua while the others continued on. Their group and ours were caught almost simultaneously and so two battles were on. Ours had 4 of us verse 3 Russians, I have no report of the other battle.
Our Bellona was almost surrounded immediately upwind of the rest of us, so it was a chore to regroup. Once we finally did, there was a bunch of sails being ripped apart on both sides. Then there were chunks and splinters flying everywhere. Our Bellona was hurt, but their Wasa was moreso...and so she sank. It took all our effort to protect the Bellona while she made much needed repairs. The Russian Essex was a great captain maneuvering his ship all over, making our protection fail at times. With our Pirate Frigate sitting alone, the Essex decided to bug off the Bellona and find another prey. But our Rat Frig did well as our Wasa did also and they sunk that Essex. Meanwhile, the Russian Surprise made way for the escape that ended the battle. It was good fun I think for both sides.

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here is another picture from the battle where both parts agreed to call it a day and decide to call it a Draw. 


after the battles ended, darkness was upon the ocean and everybody returned to their port, to battle for another day. (and do it the honorable way, but  in OW outside of the battle, they did not let us sail  to the harbor but a whole pack of honorable sailors  attacked again like vultures do i suppose )


THE OTHER BATTEL (on the same spot)

was also on the same spot where they entered not the four against 3 , but they entered  with  the slowest ship on the water where a lone frigate also was in


they said it was easy but we beat some up very hard.


Edited by Thonys
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Good battle outside Cajoro Dutch vs Russian

There were many medium rated Dutch ships taking on two Russian 2nd rates, however they had to disengage for another try. As the Russians were returning to port, I in my Bellona, was tagged and faced 1v1 vs [NN] Black Warthog. We had many good posturings for massive sail and mast hits and a good amount of broadside. But my downfall was leaving a stern to bow wide open for the Russian to make a canoe out of me. Well played BW, you have repaid me for your loss last night. :)

Edited by van der Decken
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Had a fracas outside Key West tonight.  Props to VLTRA and @Jorge for keeping themselves up 2 nights in a row.  Normally that's my job.

Not a particularly challenging battle, but we almost had a gold ocean blow up due to some noob sailing with survival off....   

Unsure what spain's plan was for the battle, but at least it was content.



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12 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

4-5 hours of kiting, revenge fleeting, screening and ganking. Killed also a Bellona and Aster Buc got saved by maintenance being at 0 HP. #stopsucking


well if you want to pull up the tally.... ALOHA lost 4 1st rates and a wasa tonight. WO lost a vic.  vic was lost because aster was dumb and wouldn't break off when there were 2 1st rates waiting to gank banished outside that battle. 

the kill on the Bellona died 5 mins before reset so it will be respawned happy and healthy.(and he only sank because he disconnected during the battle and couldn't log back in due to server reset.) and the buc didn't actually sink.

the night coulda just been 3 Prussian 1st rates dieing.  but you guys cocked up bringing reinforcements and lost more. 

sooooo banished...……. #stopsucking

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1 minute ago, Banished Privateer said:

One of the 1st rates was actually HANSA and the other guys lost ships because they are basically what you've got on your avatar. Kited for long time by Hercs so 1st rates could arrive (intentional griefing) then ganking them 2v1, 3v1 or 4v1.

I am also pretty sure that Bellona will be dead, even doe there was maintenance soon. You just don't get rewards, but ships sink.

I will let you know for sure. but I know from past experience  that ship will be there after reset. they coulda fought a 3v5 but they split up and got into  several small ganks. at least if they woulda stuck together they coulda had a solid chance at sinking stuff.

learn something from our guys tonight. sticking together always works better then getting ganked solo. 

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7 hours ago, Christendom said:

Had a fracas outside Key West tonight.  Props to VLTRA and @Jorge for keeping themselves up 2 nights in a row.  Normally that's my job.

Not a particularly challenging battle, but we almost had a gold ocean blow up due to some noob sailing with survival off....   

Unsure what spain's plan was for the battle, but at least it was content.



Very nice battle, sir.

Spanish playing during their nights, that's new.

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5 hours ago, Admiral Howe of Gibraltar said:

Very nice battle, sir.

Spanish playing during their nights, that's new.

No more for me. Thx for that timers. 

I'm not sure if my wife will be happier for not playing at night or for not stopping playing, I'll tell you ...😁

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