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San Marcos Port Battle - GB against USA


Battle was fought at B circle, with the fort NOT in range for the most time.

Numbers (also end result):


Initial stage:


Battle stretched out and was carried to the south, away from B, where the fleets pulled together again on a smaller floor.




After the Port Battle several strugglers were caught on the open world, some players from french EDR clan came to support the british.


Earlier this day brits lost at San Jose. Brits were outnumbered by two or three ships, one danish ship sunk, I think four or five brits sunk.

Also Brits lost the defense of Alacranes due to low numbers (10 vs 7 or something like that from what I heard)

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Yea it was a great fight only dark stain on it was French piling on after the port battle to turn it into something it shouldn't of become.

Was an honorable fight till EDR decided to jump hurt pb ships win p frigates and wasa's against rattlesnakes no honor just shame in that.

GF Brits too bad what happened after put such shame to a good win. Didn't need to happen you had us 18 live ships to 10 then call EDR to join in.

Edited by Dragonfire
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15 hours ago, Batman said:

EDR showed up without any Brits calling them. No shame for the only French clan doing something, besides sitting in their corner of the map.

Right, the shame is they only attack a badly damaged fleet that just came out of a Port Battle they were in to find EDR sent 4 rates to further damage a enemy that fought you with honor despite the odds.

That you find this just a correct thing to happen speaks volumes about your insight to how the game has lost what use to be honor in battle.

I'm my opinion it was a cowardly act to overbalance a 18-10 advantage in your favor with 9-11 more ships with some 4th rates way overpowering the odds.

And ppl here wonder why port battles are empty and no one wants to pvp it is because of asshat cowards like that.

5 coward French EDR jumping 1 damaged pb rattlesnake that just came out of a port battle with bigger ships is stupidity and the damn game br should never allow it, something needs to change. 

You want to hit this game till it becomes a pve game 98% keep doing shit like that your well on your way ppl are getting fed up.


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59 minutes ago, Dragonfire said:

Right, the shame is they only attack a badly damaged fleet that just came out of a Port Battle they were in to find EDR sent 4 rates to further damage a enemy that fought you with honor despite the odds.

That you find this just a correct thing to happen speaks volumes about your insight to how the game has lost what use to be honor in battle.

I'm my opinion it was a cowardly act to overbalance a 18-10 advantage in your favor with 9-11 more ships with some 4th rates way overpowering the odds.

And ppl here wonder why port battles are empty and no one wants to pvp it is because of asshat cowards like that.

5 coward French EDR jumping 1 damaged pb rattlesnake that just came out of a port battle with bigger ships is stupidity and the damn game br should never allow it, something needs to change. 

You want to hit this game till it becomes a pve game 98% keep doing shit like that your well on your way ppl are getting fed up.


Catching strugglers after a Port Battle existed since day one. I guess when the US got smashed by SORRY there were hardly any strugglers to catch, so you are just making your first experiences here. @rediii can tell a story how Brits nailed their screening fleet at La Navasse. Yet they didn't QQ but instead came back and catched the british captains after the battle on the open world.

Do you see british players complaning about the US joining Denmark after San Jose to engage strugglers? Get your act together.

Edited by Batman
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6 hours ago, rediii said:

This is a rvr game.

I would ignore every possible question for balanced fights here. Wars are not decided by portbattles etc.

Only due to the low playerbase right now you think honor should be present but this game is about traps, tactics and OW dominance rather than portbattles.

Oh I would like to have a real war atm in naval action ... became so boring with all these "lets do a portbattle to have fun, but give us the port back after okay?" bullshit.


Best moment in naval action for me was when 5 nations attacked sweden at the same time and everyone worked together to defend against it, resulting in a mapwin for this week.

Was it fair? No. Around 100-150 players were active against sweden this night, swedish TS counted 80-90 players defending in different ts channels all around the map in all ships possible/available from new player to veteran player.

Was it fun? hell yes! It was a challenge, a serious attack with the goal to conquer stuff and not have some nice fun balanced ponyworld battles

I hear you , What I saw today I see  finally after 5327 hours of testing this game its so screwed up it's a farce now .

Attack 4 ships with 4 and game lets only 2 of us in even though in a group, then it lets 1 in on our side and a whole shit load in on the enemy side and closes the battle so its like 3 against 10.

Have at it pirates your so over balanced with all the players you got no reason to test any more its laughable and a waste of time. 

So here goes another long time tester wtg , cya and good luck time to go do something else.


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1 hour ago, Ленин said:

PB for Road Town

Awesome video for an awesome fight, thank you Lenin o7.

Nice music to! Except that piano part. ;)

Had to giggle when Guantamera started to sound, so happy you finally can shoot something. ^^

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34 minutes ago, Dragonfire said:

I hear you , What I saw today I see  finally after 5327 hours of testing this game its so screwed up it's a farce now .

Attack 4 ships with 4 and game lets only 2 of us in even though in a group, then it lets 1 in on our side and a whole shit load in on the enemy side and closes the battle so its like 3 against 10.

Have at it pirates your so over balanced with all the players you got no reason to test any more its laughable and a waste of time. 

So here goes another long time tester wtg , cya and good luck time to go do something else.

Dragon, as a ex-Swede going togheter trough our dog days you know that sometimes things go FUBAR and then turn to worse.

Yes, situation is unbalanced right now, but i think the time will calm the waves.

I would hate to see a good, old friend leave what we love so dearly and had so much enjoyment of.


Edited by sveno
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6 hours ago, rediii said:

Best moment in naval action for me was when 5 nations attacked sweden at the same time and everyone worked together to defend against it, resulting in a mapwin for this week.

Was it fair? No. Around 100-150 players were active against sweden this night, swedish TS counted 80-90 players defending in different ts channels all around the map in all ships possible/available from new player to veteran player.

So it takes 5 nations to give swedes a proper fight and people still wonder why the other nations don't bother with serious rvr anymore? ...

7 hours ago, rediii said:

I would ignore every possible question for balanced fights here


7 hours ago, rediii said:

Oh I would like to have a real war atm in naval action ... became so boring with all these "lets do a portbattle to have fun, but give us the port back after okay?" bullshit.

The only problem being that swedes have no worthy opponent and you guys just stomping everyone left and right doesn't help changing that either... If you guys really were all about competitive RvR and not stroking epeens and circlejerking over taking ports left and right, you would probably split up into different weaker nations to balance powers and teach them RvR and make it interesting again... How do you expect a real war to happen if there is only one nation being a RvR powerhouse? Takes two about equally strong opponents for a real "no bullshit" fight, wouldn't you agree?


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6 hours ago, Landsman said:

So it takes 5 nations to give swedes a proper fight and people still wonder why the other nations don't bother with serious rvr anymore? ...


The only problem being that swedes have no worthy opponent and you guys just stomping everyone left and right doesn't help changing that either... If you guys really were all about competitive RvR and not stroking epeens and circlejerking over taking ports left and right, you would probably split up into different weaker nations to balance powers and teach them RvR and make it interesting again... How do you expect a real war to happen if there is only one nation being a RvR powerhouse? Takes two about equally strong opponents for a real "no bullshit" fight, wouldn't you agree?


I  can agree, that we should split if we want more fair fights, but which clans should leave? Sweeden looks like it is because of  good organization, excellent commanders and amazing teamwork between clans. We (clans) did Sweeden a great nation and it is our succes, not only one clan. And from the other hand we don't outnumber other nations. For example yesterday danes had bigger screening fleet than we. I'll repeat something what was told many times before. We are not big in number, we are organized, we don't argue inside a nation and we got one of the best commanders in current playerbase. If only other clans in other nations wouldn't split and argue with themselves, but organize and try to create 25 people fleet situation would be diametrically different. Thats the solution of our "Swerg" problem.

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1 hour ago, Mikocen said:

I  can agree, that we should split if we want more fair fights, but which clans should leave? Sweeden looks like it is because of  good organization, excellent commanders and amazing teamwork between clans. We (clans) did Sweeden a great nation and it is our succes, not only one clan. And from the other hand we don't outnumber other nations. For example yesterday danes had bigger screening fleet than we. I'll repeat something what was told many times before. We are not big in number, we are organized, we don't argue inside a nation and we got one of the best commanders in current playerbase. If only other clans in other nations wouldn't split and argue with themselves, but organize and try to create 25 people fleet situation would be diametrically different. Thats the solution of our "Swerg" Problem.

Very well said. I couldn't agree more.


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11 minutes ago, Jœrnson said:

But let me fix one thing for you

Once the other nations really quit RvR, it will be your problem too ;) 


I think what you guys are forgetting time and time again is, that it takes some victims to stroke your egos over easy victories... if there is noone left to bash, then what will you circlejerk about on this thread? But then again with that attitude you probably don't notice the ever decreasing quality of opponents to the point where you will sink a bunch of low ranks in the PB and still celebrate yourself about it...


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Ego? Easy victories? We are looking for hardest battles and it's why we love yesterday pb. It was great and really hard to win. If we would look for easy fights we would never stop on guadaloupe and came more to the south. We wouldn't stop on Sant Iago and came more to the west. The problem is in you (not personally, "you" as other nations clans (and again not every, but a lot)). You just surrender and complain. I remember time in Dutch nation. Danes didn't stop after first wins, they caped port after port till they reached Willemstad. And even then they didn't stop and came to Maracaibo gulf. But the difference is that we have never surrendered. We were fighting and loosing ships, and then finally we won. We defended Maracaibo and made counter attack. Now somebody can say, taht all in all we lost and Danes left our ports cause we were not able to recap them, but the reason was in our splited fleet. We didnt unite with the "second" half and we lost. (And we were fighting not only against danes, but it doesnt matter here). So dont tell me about our ego and easy victories. We won't win for you. I know that you would be happy if we would, but it is impossible. Only you can defeat us, but firstly organize yourselves. We dont want "oneport" any nation, but look for hardest battles on this map.

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9 hours ago, Landsman said:

you would probably split up into different weaker nations to balance powers

Seems that one of your wet dreams come true cause at least PFK clan already decided to join one of the new nations ;)


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4 hours ago, Jœrnson said:

Seems that one of your wet dreams come true cause at least PFK clan already decided to join one of the new nations

Shouldn't this be your wet dream really? I'm not a RvR player and with this non existant balance in powers don't feel like wasting my time with it... in the end it is you guys that will have interesting and competitive PBs.... or not.

4 hours ago, rediii said:

A win vs sweden right now will feel realy good but there is noone with ambition left in this game and this is what makes it so stupid right now. Nothing else.

Pretty much this. And i can't remember the last time swedes lost so there it is... If you split the RvR power of the swedes and let those fight eachother, it would at least be worth watching, unlike what we have now...

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2 minutes ago, rediii said:

You are not a rvr player and you go prussia if i remember right? hf

Yeah, with the current rvr balance it will be only OW pvp for me, thanks :D


4 minutes ago, rediii said:

I dont care for balance


4 minutes ago, rediii said:

Its a rvr game, you should expect asymmetric factions and that things arent fair all the time

It's like some professional MMA fighter beating up a bunch of kids or random dudes. The MMA fighter can celebrate himself all he wants and tell everyone how good he is but ultimately nobody really gives a hello kitty because the fights aren't fair and thus not interesting. Also the professional fighter can only beat the amateur fighters up for so long until they grow tired of his bullshit and move on... Now ultimately the MMA fighter won the tournament but is all alone in the arena because nobody is left to really care...

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3 minutes ago, rediii said:

You have no clue how close recent battles were

Yeah, you win all battles really close... all of them.

4 minutes ago, rediii said:

we dont do it to boost our ego

Hard to believe when you guys celebrate yourselves wherever possible and say you don't care about the other nations, interesting PBs and balance, only playing to win...

6 minutes ago, rediii said:

Go play your pve missions or keep ganking people ow dude


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5 minutes ago, Landsman said:

It's like some professional MMA fighter beating up a bunch of kids or random dudes. The MMA fighter can celebrate himself all he wants and tell everyone how good he is but ultimately nobody really gives a hello kitty because the fights aren't fair and thus not interesting. Also the professional fighter can only beat the amateur fighters up for so long until they grow tired of his bullshit and move on... Now ultimately the MMA fighter won the tournament but is all alone in the arena because nobody is left to really care...

You cant compare that to NA.

NA is a war themed sandbox game. in a war one side has no choice if they want to fight or not. They get attacked and need to defend themself.

if you want to compare this with anything look in the history. We are the roman empire and the rest of the world should unite to fight us back.

Nations should talk with each other and form united attacks. Danes in North, French in South and Brits in the West.

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4 hours ago, rediii said:

You guys dont know shit and still argue.

It doesnt take 5 nations to fight sweden and give us a proper fight. It does take 1 nation that doesnt insta-surrender after sweden won 1 battle.

Also mikocen is right, who should go? RSM and several other players went for US already. PFK is going away and probably more guys will go to prussia. However it doesnt make a big difference because its something else that makes sweden a good nation.

If we argue and dont agree on something we make a vote in the council and everyone respects and acts after the vote. Even if you voted against it you will take part in the action resulting.

Thats not something we should fix. Our nation is working, why should we put ourselves in chaos if other nations dont get their shit together?


Its also pretty stupid to say we dont want to play competitive or shit like this. For me its not only about portbattles itself its about the big thing. We are competitve in OW and all pbs combined, its not our fault that most others arent except danes.


The current situation is nothing sweden should fix. Its a reason to get shit done by other nations, unite against someone that hardly loses portbattles because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. A win vs sweden right now will feel realy good but there is noone with ambition left in this game and this is what makes it so stupid right now. Nothing else.

You lose once and pull back without any ambitions to beat us and instead go and play pve. Its so stupid you should realize it yourself but you dont and rather keep playing bad, not united or with 25 leaders inside a portbattle

 Very triggered, you wrote the word "shit" 4 times.  :lol:

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1 minute ago, Abram Svensson said:

NA is a war themed sandbox game. in a war one side has no choice if they want to fight or not. They get attacked and need to defend themself.

if you want to compare this with anything look in the history. We are the roman empire and the rest of the world should unite to fight us back.

Nations should talk with each other and form united attacks. Danes in North, French in South and Brits in the West.

OK, you are perfectly right there and i agree BUT it is a sandbox game not a actual war which means the players decide how things go and how balanced factions are and if you have one faction just steamrolling all others the game shouldn't be fun or entertaining for anyone, wouldn't you agree?

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Firstly, how we celebrate our victories? Yes, we were really proud after yesterdays portbattle, but about others if we said something it was "you played well". And we didnt lie, frenchies, brits, spaniards, all of them played well, but not well enaugh to beat us. In every of these battles we were focuse cause we needed to be if we wanted win. So dont tell bullshits.

15 minutes ago, Landsman said:

OK, you are perfectly right there and i agree BUT it is a sandbox game not a actual war which means the players decide how things go and how balanced factions are and if you have one faction just steamrolling all others the game shouldn't be fun or entertaining for anyone, wouldn't you agree?

And its why we are not pushing to far. Its why we arent oneportong our enemies. And its why we are changing our target if we destroy fleet of enemy. We are not evil sweeds, we just trained in this fleet, we gained expierience here, fought many battles and noone should judge us for beeing better. Right now we are good, maybe in two weeks somebody will be better. But we won't throw anybody out from nation cause we are our small swidish community. And its why many swidish clans dont want to leave. Winnig is cool, atmosphere in this community is amazing. And every nation can do the same, we are waiting.

Edited by Mikocen
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