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How to help ensure the success of Naval Action

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Guys, we all talk about how this game is loosing players and there's not enough interest for such an awesome game. So....

Now there is something we can do about it: Steam Awards. We are very limited as to how we can ensure the popularity and survival of our beloved game, this is our opportunity to do that and counter the trolls that have dogged NA.

I've already started nominating it for The "Game Within a Game" Award. Now I think this is hands down the best award we can nominate it for due to the fact that it will encourage people to take a deep look into the game to discover "Game within a Game."

Lets do this we can make an impact:

  1. Go to the Naval Action Store page.
  2. Click "Nominate this game for an award"
  3. Select "Game within a Game"


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Yeah, despite some mistakes and wrong ways in some patches, we must considerer it is an ALPHA, and time to test things that can go right or wrong is now. It is not perfect but it is the best game on that line right now. Ppl will regret if this game fail before releasing, cuz it is better to play it despite not been the game they expected than not playing it at all.

Change the negative ratings it is a simple, free, effortless, and a push to help this game keep alive. By other hand, devs must listen more and avoid fights with community, cuz one need each other and both want success to the game.

Edited by Roche Brasiliano
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6 hours ago, admin said:

such topics make us happy(er)!

thanks captain



All: The point isn't that you agree or disagree that "Game within a Game" is the best award to nominate this for, it is that we:

All nominate for the same award: "Game within a Game"

And to all the naysayers out there: This may not be the game you want it to be, if we don't keep this great game going, there is zero chance we will be able to mold it into the game we want.

[Edit for some witty guidance]
das Kind mit dem Bade ausschütten (Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater)

Edited by CrazyBaer
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did the same note and attached your link on the STEAM Discussion page. Also explained the need to vote "Game within a Game"...

then explained the point again, as some didn't understand the reason why voting in another category weakens the NA pitch




Norfolk nChance



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On NA, I

--love the open world & PVP hunting, just wish crafting ships were back to the easy way they were and with npc production of resources.

--really wish small & large battles were promoted more for the MOBA types for those that want instant action. Maybe my first twitch stream will be on this.

-- think it would be beneficial to add something to do for those that only have a couple minutes, besides crafting.  What, I'm not sure.

and, as an explorer game type would really like to see exploration missions for maybe collectable (fish & shipwrecks was a good start) and collections that once completed maybe can be turned in for gold upgrades.


Edited by Anne Wildcat
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Don't see how it fits in the 'Game within a game' category whatsoever. Sounds like that category is more for something like Gwent within Witcher 3 for example.

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Don't vote for an award unless it is truly deserved.   Using an award(insincerely)  to help the game gain more people is nothing more than a distasteful  form of shilling.  In it's current unfinished state, I would not nominate this game for any awards but reserve the right to do so in the future if it is improved.

Edited by Stroopwafel
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