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Patch 9.8 - Damage model 5.0, Server merges, Bird is a word (19th may)


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Which in turn means that we can all go in an instant from one battle to the next. We all can tele from a Santi in an east battle straight off to a Santi attack on the west, allowing for quick takedowns of entire nations by having them surrounded by a single clan. Doesn't make much sense to me, but what do i know...

Good thing alliances are coming soon, that will be a good counterweight I think.

Is it a good time to trot out the old "we're still in alpha, helping the devs build and test the game's mechanics" adage?

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Which in turn means that we can all go in an instant from one battle to the next. We all can tele from a Santi in an east battle straight off to a Santi attack on the west, allowing for quick takedowns of entire nations by having them surrounded by a single clan. Doesn't make much sense to me, but what do i know...


TP between outposts. No ship is teleported. This being said you will have to sail to one of your outposts.


This change balances nation populations while also keeping the flexibility of the more populated nations by giving some respite to the same groups that do port attacks over and over again and have some needed rotation.

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Teleport between outposts(docks) is now without cooldown

Cool, but teleporting ships via capture --> send to outpost should be changed to provide some strategic balance, especially since one nation has huge advantage over others in using this feature. Perhaps change from "send to outpost X" to "send to nearest outpost" and allow us to buy additional ship berthing in an outpost (national port only might be best).

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Lot's of really great stuff in this patch and kudos to the Developers for getting so much done is such a small time.  The Clan Warehouse will be a huge benefit and I love the idea of being able to Teleport without the timer.  It will make things much more interesting and allow for more action as now we can get to the fights quicker and easier.


I wish you would have left the cargo in my hull if I teleport back to the Capital but I understand the goal is to get me sailing my traders more often to encourage trader hunting and pvp.  Probably a good change but one I could have personally done without.


Great job.

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Cool, but teleporting ships via capture --> send to outpost should be changed to provide some strategic balance, especially since one nation has huge advantage over others in using this feature. Perhaps change from "send to outpost X" to "send to nearest outpost" and allow us to buy additional ship berthing in an outpost (national port only might be best).


I'd just like to point out that while pirates can do this with a pirate on pirate battle, it's not like it takes more than an extra couple of minutes to send a ship via capping an AI trader for a national. It's also helpful that in national waters, there's so many traders its hard to only bring one into a battle instance.

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I love it, every single change  :P keep up the good work!


Edit: The new damage model weird atm, but everything else is awesome.

Edited by Pada
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I am somewhat frustrated by the way that teleporting can't happen with cargo, I often leave a different set of cannons in my hold so I can switch should what I am up to change at sea, without having to fork out stupid money for high level cannons. I also feel like it will damage the economy, the economy is enough of a pain without this kind of thing getting involved, its boring and time consuming right now, adding the restriction on teleporting with cargo just makes it worse.

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Yes, RIP compass wood trading, I wonder where all the PVP action will go to ?


At least for those nations whose capitals consume compass wood.  They will have to learn to sail with their compass wood like everyone else who sells compass wood for profit.


Oh dang, nvm.  Did not see that point about ports stop buying resources.

Oh well, willl just have to get back to selling gold coins.

Edited by Anne Wildcat
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I am somewhat frustrated by the way that teleporting can't happen with cargo, I often leave a different set of cannons in my hold so I can switch should what I am up to change at sea, without having to fork out stupid money for high level cannons. I also feel like it will damage the economy, the economy is enough of a pain without this kind of thing getting involved, its boring and time consuming right now, adding the restriction on teleporting with cargo just makes it worse.


It is a big change indeed. Let's test it for a while before we say it doesn't work, after all the TP change is flat across the board and does not discriminate any activity.

One of the least used systems is deliveries. Now there's the choice between paying for delivery or risk the hauling yourself, whereas before, do the run, TP safely back to capital.

Also maybe, just maybe now the population spreads more across the territory instead of being all stuck up in the capital.

Eager to test it as it is a great compromise between the instant action to hot spots of pvp, management of ships in the outposts and the whole cargo hauling, and privateering, trader routes hunting.

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compass wood exploid fixed is a nice thing for the economy.


"ships sometimes beeing bought by npcs"... i hope only ships with "reasonable" pricing are bought? if it is completely random, i can see the next exploid comming, especially in harbors, that have low ship numbers in port for sale  <_<


"completely removing the teleport timers"... i am not sure if that's a good or bad thing. it takes a lot of taktik out of the game. for example a nation buys several flags and the enemy needs to find out which one is the actual target, now they only teleport back and forth between said harbors and can muster an easy defence. 

on the other hand it makes the game more accessable, but also deminishes a core part of it: the actual sailing between ports. this feels like a hidden step back from open world to a MOBA-game, like the sea trials, not sure if i like it.


i am really interested on how the armor modifications will play out.

"becoming entirely skill based" does it mean if my gun has a penetration of 15 and the enemy is slightly, tiny bit angled and gets 15.1 i will never be able to do damage and always bounce? how will critical hits be calculated, or are they removed as well?

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What ships drop Rattlesnake and Indiaman Blueaprints?


Just to hazard a guess, Rattlesnake and Indiaman drop from Mercury and Le Gros Ventre respectively,



I'm afraid that no cd on tp is too much and should be at least 30m-1h but it will be nice to test it. Great work team :D


I don't think it will be too much of an issue. I'd rather see defended port battles than PvT, and this seems like a good step to ensure that ports can be defended.

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May 18, 2016 will go down in history as the Great Compass Wood Bonanza


My only regret is that I'm going to miss out on all the fun hunting down the traders trying to get their last hit of magic money.


Happy Hunting, All! May I suggest that Jamaica is lovely this time of year? :D :D :D

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oh and i forgot: RIP 3rd rate, i will miss you, workhorse of so many battles  :(


with the new system that ship becomes rather useless. if the only port battles where you can use your 1st and 2nd rates are reginal capitals, then no one wants to see a 3rd in those fleets. and since they are excluded from any other port battle and most of the time are considered to slow for open world hunting parties, they are rendered pretty much useless.


instead of hard coded restrictions for ship classes in port battles i would have liked to see INCENTIVES for players to bring different ships to a port battle, like several objectives besides the towers, which need fast frigatte class ships to be fullfilled...  


now we will see 1st and 2nd rate fleets in regional capitals (no change), and ingermanland and consti fleets in deep water port battles (only change is the change to a smaler ship size, but still no mixed fleets).

consti already had a strong placement in screening fleets.


now some people will say that you can use the 3rd rates for the screening instead, there is just a problem: which use is a screening fleet, that can be easily outrun by the main battle group?

and for defensive (blockade) you can use any other ship like 2nd and 1st as well.

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oh and i forgot: RIP 3rd rate, i will miss you, workhorse of so many battles  :(





third rates should be a lot more useful and we plan to do minor changes to 1st and 2nd rate to make diverse ship set ups more viable.

the width of the planking is the first step in that direction. after that we might try tuning speeds and wind curves

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May 18, 2016 will go down in history as the Great Compass Wood Bonanza


My only regret is that I'm going to miss out on all the fun hunting down the traders trying to get their last hit of magic money.


Happy Hunting, All! May I suggest that Jamaica is lovely this time of year? :D :D :D

This is the most awesome post I have EVER read on this forum!  I laughed so hard coffee went ever where!

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Can you explain the thinking behind teleport to capital having to have an empty hold?



Trader teleports to Outpost with no cost, Buys stuff goes out of port with full cargo load teleports back to capital.

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