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Patch 9.65 - Crew and resource production


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Niagara is now a better ship



Very succinct! With the blueprint added in now, I might revisit that ship.


Overall these look like some major changes. I'm sure there's going to be many changes in tactics now, hopefully for the better.



Expect other significant changes to boarding in the next 1-2 patches


Hopefully, one day, grenades will kill more than 1 person.

Edited by ajffighter86
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  • Resource production buildings added – buildings can be built only in national towns

  • NPC production will stay on its current level and will be gradually decreased over time to fully player dependent economy


how is this supposed to work on PvE server ? There is eg no Dutch town producing life oak.


Also: the need of a shipyard to build ships has removed my ability to sail to a free/neutral town and build ships to order for other players.


Doesn't make much sense for PvE server  imho.

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