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Everything posted by Teutonic

  1. While I am not here in the examples, these players have reported multiple times of pirates attacking each other to do the exact same thing that these folks did - to make it more difficult, if not impossible, to sink them. Only difference is a pirate v pirate is an outlaw battle. Something that aster, thamure, fappin, and amiral can't do is create am outlaw battle....where the battle is open for the whole duration. In your examples, yes green on green is illegal, there probably should be consequences, but pirates do the exact same thing, only with the advantage of being able to get reinforcements at any time while also having no green on green damage bypassing any "illegal" actions through a mechanic in game that is rather silly in being broken. Whatever the outcome for these individuals? Fine so be it - but these same individuals see pirates doing this all the time, but no consequences to it. Something has to change. I would advocate that none of these folks be banned, warned? Definitely. But banning these folks would only make the experience of others worse. You want players to pvp against, and yet I am just worried that the only people left will be pirates bored because the folks that pvp were all banned.
  2. I am certainly all for it @Rebrall I don't mean to cause an argument, but from my point of view it seems like both the US and GB don't want to have any fights - at least in the US primetime. I have gone up and down the Florida coast and found 1 player...2 days ago. Where should a player go in the GB territories to find someone to fight in the OW? I like, really want the GB or US to make offensive port battles against the pirates, I don't agree with others that think retaliation is needed, it's stupid. What's needed is a rather consistant content of having everyone know where to go for pvp at a particular time...and port battles at least help everyone know where to be. So if you attacked a pirate port, awesome, that means content. If pirates then think "well they attacked us so we should take 2 of their ports as revenge" hello kitty those people, this isn't about that anymore.
  3. I can only imagine the paranoia of 1st rate users as small 6th and 5th rates creep up on them, only to blow up and cause untold damage. But you are right. I want players to choose a few ships, a lot of ships, or something different and for all of them to work in some way. If we find as players that 10 1st rates beats 20-25 players in smaller ships, then either the br of ships needs to be adjusted, the ships themselves are too powerful and stats need to be balanced, or there is something that we don't see that's causing the issue. I wouldn't then say the test is a failure, only that further adjustments need to be made.
  4. Full asset wipe once the game is release. So at the very least we have a full wipe (except to keep our rank) once the game finally releases.
  5. It's not you - and currently it seems the hostility has calmed down.
  6. To be fair, we did have a big meeting of all nations once. A lot of things were said and agreed on, even BLACK was there. This was a long time ago but people agreed to not kill nations, people agreed to try and be fair in making ports at times the other side could defend it, and a number of other issues that were agreed to be addressed. Basically no group ended up upholding the agreements and no honor, some would argue that at the time, BLACK was the wosrt in negating any agreement that was made. And so.....you have what we have right now, where no side of the talkers from each nation is willing to talk or even believe that the other side will be honest or honor a pact. It's funny how many times we have a 2 clans agree on something, but then someone within the nation not part of these clans creates a mess, which ultimately one of the clans then uses to justify breaking said agreement. Now, when i signed on earlier today, cayo biscayno had not flipped, it could be different right now. For those who don't want pvp at their doorstep (like the US) are honestly not helping anyone. This is a pvp server, i understand you want some safety, but if pvp comes knocking in your door, you kick it back....not slink and log off.
  7. I agree in the sense of 2 things 1. Capturing the circles has to be based on BR 2. We should test BR limits without the ability to lower it via port ownership as I don't believe we need further BR reductions when we have a BR limit already.
  8. So here is what I would do in order to balance the wasa, but allow it to keep what people view as it's strength. 1. Raise the BR to at least 320 (3rd rate is currently 350) 2. Reduce the wasa's speed by .3 (making it 12.00 and the connie keeps it's speed role) 3. Lower the Wasa's armor hitpoints by 500 4. Either increase the purchase price in the admiralty store from 150 marks to 250, or exchange it for a different ship. Make the ingermanland the 4th rate note, make it cost 100 combat marks and have the wasa be craftable with a LEVEL 2 SHIPYARD (close to the cost of a 3rd rate in crafting mats.) What this does is allow the Wasa to keep it's strength in being a very powerful 4th rate, allows some breathing room for the other 4th rates to shine, and the 4th rate we all "don't" use is now a great "throwaway" ship for those who want easy access to a 4th rate ship. The aggie also will have the most hitpoints of all 4th rates again. I would go in to further then buff the ingermanlad by giving it 2 more thickness, and increasing it's hitpoints by 300. I could go on about some other possible balance ideas, but this seems to be a quick fix that still allows those who like the powerful wasa to be powerful, but now you have more choices.
  9. So again, if we don't change anything, what ship shoukd I take instead of the Wasa to beat a wasa? Whether you're new or not, what would be the ship, what would be your tactic? If the answer is either to be in a Wasa yourself then there is something inherently wrong with the balance of the ship and it should be addressed.
  10. @Rigs What ship would you sail in the OW to fight players who are sailing in Wasa's? With the intention of fighting them and beating them. Currently I have absolutely 0 reason to sail anything but the wasa because of how overpowering it is against anything it would fight in the OW. The only ships I am afraid of are Bellonas and bigger, and none of them are fast enough to catch me.
  11. Adding a Battle Rating limit does not limit numbers in a battle, it limits the amount of high BR ships. Now yes, if the port owner's so wish, they could have 10 1st rates instead of 25 varied ships in a fleet and yes that would ultimately limit players from joining on their side, but the game is not forcing less players, it is a player choice to do so. Clan A decides to only bring 10 1st (6,000 - 6,500 br) rates, Clan B has decided to bring a 25 ship strong varied fleet to combat the 10, comprised of 2nds, 3rds, 4th, and 5ths (roughly equally 6,500 br for the sake of the example). In this example if Clan A was all the nation had to bring in the current setup then why even bother fight 25 1st rates with only 10? I firmly believe that adding a BR limit to ports will allow clans and nations that have population below the "25 man threshold" the ability to take part and enjoy the RvR portion of this game.
  12. Finishing the game would be nice. In fact, if battle rating limits for port battles and clan alliances were to be added in the next patch I could convince a large group to come back and play the game again, essentially reviving a nation on the global server. I just hope other players have groups like that that can equally be excited to come back if those changes were added. In a ideal situation - yes I'd rather revive the game than combine servers (assuming the revived game would lead to a large increase of players) but as I have said elsewhere, if the game is grade A awesome - but the population is low, people don't come back. The number is more important to a lot of people than the game....at least from what I have learned of those who decide to stop playing.
  13. A nation may have both EU and NA players but currently a port is owned by the clan that takes it. So i'll expand Nation A has Clan 1 from EU. Nation B has Clan 2 and 3 from EU and NA respectively. I can see two possible solutions that could possibly be worked on or discussed 1. When a clan in a nation takes a port they decide on the time window. If a clan in nation B takes the port, the port keeps the same time window unless the new owner pays a large sum to change it, lets say....50 million just to be crazy. The port must keep previous time window for a week. Under this option 2 things happen. The first is that the group taking the port must be on at the defenders time. The second is that if the aggressor is successful in taking the port they must be able to hold it for a week before changing it to their slotted time (if they so wish to do so). This allows the previous owner to wait the 3 day downtime and launch an attack to retake the port in the same primetime, allowing redemption. If the new owner is EU then they stay EU time, if the new owner is NA then they can change the window after having defended it a 2nd and 3rd time. Or 2. Each individual port is allowed to pick a time window. If the owner wishes to change the window they must pay a large fee to change it. (Immediately after taking it as opposed to #1) So again, defender stays in prime time, new owner can change the timer but must pay large fee. The price to change the timer is completely up to debate and we can make it insane if we need to so that if a clan does change it, the previous owner realizes "ok they just spent x amount to secure it."
  14. Time windows on ports can solve the majority of the stated problems. You can still create hostility at any time, but if you do it far outside the time window then the port battle starts at the beginning of the window the next day. As christendom said, it would be the same as it is now, there would just be a couple different timers. I want to attack a swede port? Well i need to attack it in EU primetime and that likely would not happen unless it is the weekend. If i am attacking on EU primetime then you get your max dudes and I have to get my dudes to plan to be on, making it perfect for you folks to defend your ports at the time you want. While I am sure our communities would not cross often in terms of when we are active, I know of a lot of players who play at all times, if we were together under one server, these folks would be able to participate with or against you in pvp, econ, rvr, etc. It would be both more anioyable for them and it would be better for all of us as more people creates more content. More people also creates a situation where people say "hey, people play this game, and it's fun, let me get my friends to try it out and play." I keep seeing you guys complain that there aren't enough players, or that you're bored because you try to initiatie a port battle and the opponent decides not to join. Or "OW is dead." A merge, with implementation that satifies the ability to log off and not be nightflipped or lose something when you're not playing can remedy these other issues by having more people on at all times of the day. I have even offered a number of times the option for PvE players to come to global or EU to help make a market or build ships. I tell them the offer would be that we "protect them within the space we own and if they lose a ship we replace it,). In return we wish for you to sell resources, materials, ships to us and if you so wish, to join us in a fight or two."
  15. if nothing is changed except for BR for any updates in the future, I agree. the Wasa is, in the game, at 3rd rate capability.
  16. Longtime overdue but, Updated diplomacy, no major changes Added the 3 new nations - would be good to see some showing from them. I also highly suggest All active clans allow the 3 new nations some breathing space. Prussia - A few players from all nations have gone to Prussia, and Prussia has taken 2 ports with the help of pirates it seems (not confirmed). Should be a good showing for this nation as the days go on and people gain interest. Russia - a few players, no movement in the RvR front but I do see more of them saying hello on global chat Poland - I only know of 1 player who has gone to the Polish nation but if more have gone, that's pretty cool. no RvR movement just yet In terms of RvR, US - took a port from the RED clan of GB up at the Florida panhandle. It was said to be a good battle, ultimately the US coming out ahead. Pirates - Mopping up some neutral ports and engaging the US and British pretty regularly GB - Similar to pirates in that they continue to go for neutral ports and engage in fights against the pirates. Minor Nations - the Dutch continue expanding, French lost a port (due to insufficient funding), Swedes take their corner, Danes quiet, Spanish quiet
  17. I will elaborate. Sorry. As i was reading my post i noticed i forgot half of what I was going to say. "I await to hear of the victories and exploits of the polish navy on the EU server. On global I know of one individual that has already made a name for themselves." Basically hoping for your good fortune.
  18. I await to here the exploits of the polish navy on the EU server.
  19. I agree with your suggestions and I also like the updated BR based on your calculations. It shows the outliers of ships that sorely need something to help them, as well as the ships that are probably too strong (wasa).
  20. When you look at these stats and realize how crap the ingermanland is :(. Beside it's broadside weight, it's just outclassed by the other ships. I like the options with the connie when you add carros - it can become a very powerful ship. But unfortunately the wasa is just such a beast with them all being the same BR. Just for these ships I would change the br to be the following. Connie - 250 Aggie - 270 Ingerman - 240 Wapen - 260 Wasa - 325 (or 340) 3rd - 300 Bellona - 400 But then again, a br balance needs to go across all ships. The community made BR list that liquicity posted on the tournament for EU, seems to be the generally accepted level.
  21. I wish the looting system was simply a battle result screen at the end, but then we would need to drastically change how looting works at the moment. I am for easier looting, but it would need to change looting in general.
  22. agreed. It's crazy enough that the ship is allowed to be towed with cannons...
  23. I suppose? I'm wanting to find a balance between ship variety being used in port battles (and overall throughout the game). My intention of having a lot of variety was to allow players and groups of all ranks, play style, and ship preference to enjoy the RvR (port battle) activity. But as I have said in the past, BR balance on ships absolutely has to happen.
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