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Everything posted by Teutonic

  1. you seem to be "kindly" forgetting about another group that's doing the exact same "shopping" for a stronger win ;). but past your bias currently there is a really nice balance of groups going into different nations from those I have talked to. Also, many of these players have stated they want to engage other US based players as well as forging new relationships with the EU crowd. No one here wants to see a shitty demise and start a toxic nightflip war, so lets start on the right foot.
  2. all assets, knowledge slots, money, and ships is transferred as a redeemable to you Caribbean account. you do not need to delete your EU character. the Admin has stated that everything on global would be moved to the new server as a redeemable.
  3. and I can assure you, we will have a group who actively fights them tooth and nail
  4. I know a number of French Canadians who do not go on the forums and will contact them about this
  5. yep. There is honestly a lot more players who would love to fight the "old western alliance" now than players left in that group. seriously if you can give is just a minute and maybe talk to these folks you'd realize that the majority the global players "who fight" are on EU's side to kill off any shitheads who think nightflipping is their job. in fact you all harp on Christendom being the bringer of night and here we are, he is no longer part of the western alliance community and in fact works tirelessly to fight the mage alliance nerds. all his barking about nightflipping and whatnot is just to create drama, drama creates conflict which we all like. He's not going to tear your house down and hello kitty it, we all know we have pasts that make us not like each other, but that shouldn't stop us from discussing honorable agreements. @sveno and the swede bunch probably know all too well how the nightflips went as others I'm sure remember, and yet here we are all wanting to play this game and we are willing to find a common ground here so we don't mud-sling back and forth. It's time for a change. Honestly I have a lot of folks on global who are not US based who would love to play with EU players or "everyone" for that matter, but they aren't willing to grind again until release, this merge would allow them that chance and most likely enjoy playing more than before.
  6. I will tie a chain around chris if need be in order to keep proper order here ;). We have time windows but I am sure we as players can come to agreements and not sling mud around. Maybe it didn't work in the past, but I know a lot of people want to make it work and will do what is good for the whole community to play nice.
  7. I agree with others that have commented on concern. I recommend you keep a 22 hour window before the pb starts after they finish hostilities.
  8. Yeah, so if you want to take their port fight in their time, if that means waiting until the weekend, so be it.
  9. And again - you set the time window on your port, so in fact there are no nightflips if you don't want them.
  10. Agreed on this. I would prefer if port battles were still only set 22 or 46 hours later to give everyone some time.
  11. I would prefer a 4 hour time window. But I think these changes are needed and good. Seems good at a glance - going to discuss with folks. Currently I am partial to portions of the map having "timezones" instead, but I see nothing wrong with this.
  12. At least for me recently it has been the lack of things to do. I'll be back I am sure, it's just both being burnt out and boring. Same ships still OP, no endgame content for small groups (low BR ports helped though), new players having a hard time with the game and old players leaving. It's a vicious cycle where people leave because low population and boring, new people stop playing because no one to play with. I have 2 gripes with the game right now 1. Crafting levels only on ships is dumb and we need to go back to gaining experience from all crafting. 2. Current ship balance leaves many to "never see the light of day." Why sail X when Y does it all better and more.
  13. I agree with you here. Sinple fact as we currently stand is that there is no reason to use any ship except for the "best and biggest that can reach the speed cap." Any other ship is just a handicap. It should adsolutely be changed to a percentage cap as slim suggests.
  14. It's a different reason for American continent players for not playing, but we have gone ad nausem about the reasons why they don't play anymore. what do EU prime numbers look like now with legends in the mix?
  15. If it was my choice I'd have the battle open longer, if not for the entire duration.
  16. I was informed it is a class 4 with the way she handles.
  17. these threads are pretty much "thread spam" now. it's getting old.
  18. I went and bought this huge ship today. Time to rule the galaxy or something :
  19. I would argue that ship dura should never go back up. Taking a ship or sinking a ship now makes a huge difference! It's like we forgot all the issues that rose up due to multiple durability. @Malachy do you not remember how players would purposefully let themselves get caught, immediately surrender, only to be teleported to the nearest port in order to enter a port battle? do we not remember how useless a captured ship was because it was only 1 durability and having no refits or mods compared to the "original?" do we not remember how players would capture a ship multiple times to create carbon copies of the original? The core of the issue, in my opinion, is Refits being limited/expensive, the resource to make them being extremely limited, and the large agreement from the active population that they are "killing" content. You'd be hard pressed to find group A willing to fight another group B, if group a does not have Cartagena Caulking for example, but B does. Or if a player has copper plating versus a player who never has found one. I can't tell you how many times we don't get fights started because players aren't willing to risk a ship without all 3 refit slots filled and at minimum 4 knowledge slots.
  20. Update: Due to less enjoyment overall recently, history repeating again with the same boring alliances, and legends now out in beta for everyone to get their instant pvp enjoyment. I am ending diplomacy updates after this one. US - allied with GB and "France group 1" War with pirates GB - allied with US and "France group 1" War with pirates Pirates - In OW conflict or war with everyone but multiple different groups in the pirate nation. France - there are 2 main groups. Group 1. Allied with the US and GB and at war with pirates Group 2. Friendly with the United provinces and at war with pirates/sweden/denmark Dutch - war or OW conflict against pirates/denmark/sweden. Friendly with France. Neutral with the rest. Spain - OW conflict with everyone Denmark - "sleeping" but war with france/dutch/brits. Friendly with sweden to a degree Sweden - war or OW conflict with everyone except some groups in denmark. Russia - ow conflict with everyone, but may have personal pacts with other players. Prussia - they have a neutral status with most of everyone it seems to allow for them to expand peacefully, no real intentions to attack anyone otherwise. Poland - not enough players to make a diplomacy but if there was, poland is friendly to france, neutral to everyone else ------------------ I'll update the main post soon.
  21. In the past if players agreed for green on green, it is not against the rules. Although denying pvp marks could be another thing...i have never understood why people decide to do it.
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