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Wicked Mouse

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Everything posted by Wicked Mouse

  1. I agree with OP. In case of fire, with the new crew management system in mind, survival should be enabled automatically as soon as fire breaks out and cannot be turned off until the fire is extinguished.
  2. Little naval gun for on the desk? Oh! Oh! What about a design contest and put it on a campaign on Teespring!
  3. I'd feel that the bounty system should be generated automatically. So if player X captures/sinks 1 pirate player, towards pirates player X has a bounty determined by the ship player X sank/captured. The more pirates player X sank/captured, the bigger the bounty. Same for other nations but when possibly the diplomatic system is in, bounties could be shared: British player Y sinks US player Z, and US is allied to Spain for instance, then the bounty is visible for both Spanish and US players.
  4. Spyglass in OW: yes. Gun ports: closed in OW, open in battle (possibly closable to prevent water coming in too fast when too low in water). Trader's ships with closable gun ports but no cannons, like the snow, should remain closed in battle.
  5. Well expecting ships to sink or at least be no longer be usable isn't a weird idea. In many, if not all, cases the powder/handling room was below the waterline. I could imagine that an explosion there could crack the ship or at least cause critical leaks causing it to be merely floating rubble than an actual ship.
  6. I may be the only one, but I'd like to see the the colour scheme of the Cerberus in the game changed to a more appealing one. The current all red look if the ship sticks out like a sore thumb in my opinion and I would like to see it much more like this one: Source
  7. Throw enough shit at the wall and eventually some will stick Shoot a lot of broadsides fairly well aimed at the masts/sails and eventually they will drop. You don't need to be a highly skilled marksman for that.
  8. Next to the hundred copies of a single ship I'd like to see that one time there will be enough ship models in the game that certain designs/ship would be locked to nations. For instance that the Constitution would only be able to be crafted by the US and no-one else. Victory for GB and Santissima Trinidad for Spain and the Russian ships for neutral faction NPCs maybe? However this is also a very tricky thing to balance right, I think. As some nations could be feeling at a disadvantage, whether or not justified, because of the ships' strong or weak points.
  9. I was talking about this the other day when I was looking into the USS Constitution. I was wondering about the stern of that ship and bumped into some photos of an excellent Constitution model and that reminded me again of the use of longboats. I already noticed the tackle system on sterns of some ships and the mounting area on the Belle Poule and that made me wish to see them, even if it would be static.
  10. I'd say don't restrict the capture mechanic itself, but the spawn of AI. Maybe lower it to max 4th rates? Currently the AI spawn is already limited, but the amount of ships that does not spawn with AI is relatively small at the moment and will get bigger over time. Trincomalee and Bellona will never spawn in missions or roaming fleets for instance and can only be obtained from crafters. I can understand that the majority does spawn in missions and is sold regularly by NPCs, or a blueprint can be automatically obtained by just levelling up the crafting, in order to give players a basis to work with instead of making it VERY hard to acquire any new ships and stagnate progression too fiercely. Maybe later this can be changed when there's a solid crafting and economy system. Even now where new players join and work up their ranks are asking in the nation chat either where they can buy particular ships (like snows or surprises) or if someone is able to craft them. Often they're not too easy to find, without sailing for hours to most of the friendly ports to see if any basic one is for sale there, or crafters have moved on already and want to spend their crafting hours on the bigger projects in order to advance quicker and obtain blueprints of the better ships and refuse to make anything below 3rd rate.
  11. I didn't say it wasn't historical. I'm just a republican at heart and oppose the use of orange. Period. That's modern rules and used 'in honour'. It was flown originally at the bowsprit during the battles against the Spanish in the 16th century apparently and I found it a very distinctive flag to add to the nation flag. And yes, I didn't mean to replace the current one with that. Geus is 'een bedelaar', 'a beggar', 'een armoedzaaier', 'a pauper'. A quick google could have spared you the embarrassment
  12. I'm convinced that the developers already have an officer system in the works, but any extra ideas may be helping them of course. And you have some good ones
  13. Blegh, no orange please. I'd suggest for the flag of the Netherlands either the 'Statenvlag' ('States Flag'), which is identical to the flag of Luxembourg right now, or the flag of the Batavian Republic: Or alternatively, choose naval flags (or make a combination with some), as the one mentioned by the original poster, but they were mainly used in the 17th century fighting the Spanish oppressor (see the re-enactment photo there), or this one called 'De Dubbele Geus' ('The Double Beggar'; The word geus in its historical sense has more connotation with resistance fighters than the true origin from the french word gueux, used at first by aristocracy to talk about the 'poor people'): The flag is still flown from time to time by the Dutch navy:
  14. I'm with M.Cmdt. ObiQuiet on this one. I think it's not a big implementation to put some sort of a cross section of the ship available at a management window in port, when handling cargo or upgrades or whatever, where one can see the positions of the critical parts of a ship, once the design of the UI graphics will kick in. A cross section along the length of the ship, like for instance this perpendicular cross section in the game Tempest:
  15. According to the wikipedia it talks about troops and ammunitions, yes.
  16. Not sure whether this was suggested already or not, but I've been thinking about this for a while and just wanted to 'throw it out there'. So, sorry if this topic was already suggested by someone else. I have mentioned before that the (French) term for removing guns to make room for cargo was called "En flûte", referring to the Dutch flute ship, where "en guerre" (French: "readied for war") would be the opposite. And with the current system in mind I thought about getting rid of the Trader's-type ships altogether (ships that just say Trader's now in variation the war ship) and introduce more flexibility. In order to carry a lot one NEEDS a particular ship with a lot of hold. But what if you could remove the cannons of a warship, like the snow, and instantly see the required crew go down for each deck that is cleared. Removing cannons allows for more storage space from the space they take, plus the shot and powder charges(?). Lowering the max crew (whether you have it because of your rank or not) will remove provisions and sleeping and further accommodation needed for crew, making room for more storage. So technically a snow that gets all cannons on the lower deck removed and crew lowered to like 60 or so, will have a cargo space for like 3200. This also makes fir wood type built 'war ships' a possible purpose again as they could be useful as cargo ship (speed). For war they are immediately scrapped. This can maybe go together with the portholes on ships to be closed in open world (and in battle if no guns). So from a distance a snow with only cargo would look like ANY snow, until you come close® or attack it and see that the port holes aren't open(ed). Or when an NPC is flagged for having contraband perhaps. To carry some extra cargo, one can decide to remove the lower deck's guns on his/her Constitution, lower the crew amount to make room for more cargo, but still keep the top deck armament for defensive fire or capture notorious trader ships. Trader ships that are purposely built for trade and never are able to have full armament. We still need to see those in the game, so this is also is maybe more a suggestion for when those are in as well. One could also choose to only remove a deck of guns, but keep the crew to have more for boarding? With the new system this could add extra flexibility, I would think. Right now when you remove cannons, you only remove the barrel. This would mean you are still stuck with the carriages (hence they are included in ship construction). What about slightly more detail in outfitting ships and first add carriages to a deck (right click the layout and choose "Add small carriages (18)"; Error: insufficient number in storage. You buy more until you have 18 or more.), instead of adding them one by one. Then add the cannon barrels of the calibre you want to use (small = max 6pd?; medium = max 12pd?). This will separate ships construction from outfitting maybe. Someone specializing in building ships, while others in making cannons/carriages, etc. Alternatively add "Extra Cargo Space" modules that can be slotted into the cannon slots?
  17. Jellyka fonts? http://www.cuttyfruty.com/enhtml/fonts.php
  18. Shameless bump/revival: Since I spend quite some time sailing the Venezuelan coast line and looking at the map, I feel that the cap to the Lake of Maracaibo should be slightly adjusted. Both the map I posted above and this map below it shows a little different from the game world:
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