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Wicked Mouse

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Everything posted by Wicked Mouse

  1. Oh right, now I feel stupid Reason I completely missed it is because I think to browse anything naval action related by clicking back to Naval action gameplay discussions and not Game Labs Forum, at the top. =) Alternatively it could be adjusted? Nation sub forums?
  2. In the Dutch maritime database so far I could only find some 'regular' drawings of her.
  3. This particular ship, because there were more ships called with the same name, is a ship of war. It says so at the top of the drawing: "Teeke ning vanslands, ship van oorlogh De Eendragt, getekent door _ Jan Sweeres,1790 [..]" "Draw ing of country's ship of war The Concord drawn by _ Jan Sweeres, 1790". It's a drawing made of the ship after it was built. On the bottom left it tells you it was built in 1769-1770: "D. Eendragt Voerende 24 stukke canon 8 ponders. [...] Gebout.binne Harlinge in den jaaren 1769 1770 "The Concord Sailing 24 pieces cannon 8 pounders [some measurements] Built in Harlinge in the years 1769 - 1770" Alternative source: Fries Scheepvaartmuseum
  4. Not sure if this has been mentioned already, and if it has a moderator will likely correct me on this. If so sorry in advance! Although this is still very much a closed testing phase, people are still open to join the forums and mingle with the crowd in anticipation of a purchase. Not everyone coming here is already well established in a guild/clan, I'd guess. So why not add a Recruitment forum where anyone could present themselves as looking for a guild and with sub forums for nations to have guilds post an introduction there (each guild only makes 1 thread)? I'm pretty much undecided myself yet, but like to 'browse' of what's available (without having to scan for people's signatures about guilds).
  5. Nice music score. Bit movie-like Personally I prefer music from that era =)
  6. All prototypes that have been added exist(ed) and were used/tested in real life at the time. So in that respect they are historical(ly correct). The other statement is about plane flight characteristics, which is not the point in this thread and I'm no expert in that field either, but it's adding a vehicle that is coming from a Disney feature film motion picture. In that light, the only thing none-historical I've seen were the April Fool's jokes. Now going back to this thread, I would agree that adding a "fictional" ship coming from a Disney movie would not be fitting the game, even though it may appear totally technically correct to the era. Just knowing it came from a fictional movie wouldn't fit, in my opinion. Besides, Game Labs might have to deal with copyright, for using it. If they would.
  7. Sorry to derail, but what is unhistoric that was added to War Thunder?
  8. In World of Warships a series of signal flags give a boost/buff and this could maybe be applied, alas maybe in a different way, in Naval Action. Most famous is of course "England expects that every man will do his duty".
  9. Maybe not with the icons, but only with voice commands? Like "Sail ho! Two O'Clock!" and "Land Ho!" if you haven't been near land for some time.
  10. Heh, nah the new Windows look is tighter and even less make-up. The UI in Naval Action is the same used in Ultimate General: Gettysburg. In the menus though. Once battleing the UI looks better
  11. Such a pity. With SAIL 2015 going on here in Amsterdam I got reminded about it again, so started wondering
  12. Time to play this card: How's development coming along? Anything to show yet?
  13. "DUTCH FLUTE (FLEUT)" It's fluyt, in old spelling. Fluit in modern spelling.
  14. Since the game is still without any music, and I don't expect any to be added in a long time yet and way down the priority list, I tried to find some music fitting to the game my own. As this game is set in the cultural Baroque era it would therefor be most suitable to find and listen to music of that type/era. And I've found some remarkably well suited and at the same time soothing music that I love to listen to while watching Open World (OW) stream(s). I shared some of the youtube videos that I found and had some very positive feedback, so I started to create a list of them on youtube called: Light Baroque and Renaissance Music The list consist mainly of lute and harpsichord pieces from the Baroque and some from the Renaissance time, with a few 'odd ones' like William Byrd songs and flute & lute duos. May it ease your journeys and inspire our developers
  15. Donno if this helps, a map from 1774: Looks like yellow is Spanish territory, blue French and Red British.
  16. I think that when you have read the features of Albion Online, a game made and run in the Unity engine, you will rethink this statement, my dear fellow Albion Online runs on Windows PC, Mac, Linux, in your browser, on IOS tablets and Android tablets. Graphically by far not as sofisticated as Naval Action, but the cross-platform capabilities are there.
  17. This ^ ... the feel of immersion should not be underestimated, in my opinion. But it's a delicate balance between developer's budget/time and playability. And since every PC gamer can and will have a different rig, it's hard to satisfy everyone. I see that with a popular free to play multiplayer game I play too. They try to cater to fairly low end machines too, while trying to provide very immersive environments and effects. The thing is, I think, that those that buy this title will either HAVE the rig to get the most immersive experience out of it (or close to it) that the game can provide, or they WILL get one to enjoy it to the max. If people see on videos how jaw-droppingly beautiful the game can be when turned everything to the max, many will buy it for that experience alone, and the game mechanics may become a second for such players. If the feeling of "My god, this game looks beautiful, look at all those details!" keeps coming back, even though you have seen it all already, I think will keep providing a certain satisfaction when playing even though you're going through a maybe otherwise boring moment/period in your game experience (travelling, exploring, etc.). Particle effects, sound design, physics, etc. are all just as important, in my opinion, as solid and enjoyable game mechanics.
  18. The extra 'c' at a 'k' is 17th century Dutch. Just like 'ae' for 'aa' and 'uy' or 'uij' for 'ui'. Just like the ſ what's called the 'long' or 'descending' s, it looks like an f but is an s. A lot of that Dutch has been "streamlined" now and new rules have been made to make it more "slik", both in syntax as spelling. "Heemskerk" is the modern version of the name of the town this ship is named after. Probably Heemskerck was first Heemſkerck too. geographical names: Haerlem -> Haarlem Heemskerck -> Heemskerk Heemſtee -> Heemstede Sneeck -> Sneek Muijden -> Muiden Ilſt -> IJlst Pieterſbierum -> Pietersbierum Schiermonnickooch -> Schiermonnikoog Alckmaer -> Alkmaar Enchuiſen -> Enkhuizen language spelling: ghedaen doer -> gedaan door (done by) ooſt zuijdt ooſt -> oost zuid oost (east south east)
  19. Well if what the devs have is enough to work on its model in the game, then there's little need in visiting the library
  20. I've talked to the conservator Elisabeth Spits of the technical drawings in the library of het Scheepvaartmuseum (Maritime museum) in Amsterdam, and she told me that the only original drawing they have is the one mentioned above, the one that can be found in that thesis on page 75. I think the devs have that one in high resolution already? Maybe a dev can reply and give their input? However I can, if needed head over there and visit the library on thursdays to look at all the drawings that are made for the replica that's outside the museum. Miss/Mrs. Spits told me that the replica has been made from the limited resources they have, such as that one drawing mentioned earlier, and the model with the ship camels that C.H. Bentam brought/made to show his design, that's been kept at the Rijksmuseum. The drawings of the replica involve steel constructions to keep it how and where it currently is. So not everthing there would apply to the original. So my question to the devs is: what do you need (if anything) from het Scheepvaartmuseum? - Any drawings from the replica, including sail plans, etc.? - technical drawing from a 'warship' from Bentam with 42 cannons? - technical drawing from warship "Westerdijkshorn", 52 cannons or one of 50 cannons? - technical drawing of warships "Hector" and "Amazoon"? - technical drawing of warship "Maarsen", 44 cannons? Since they haven't been scanned and put on the site (yet) I will have to go over there and look at the microfilm they have been put on. Each scan is €4,- plus once an administrative cost of €15,-
  21. I can talk to the folks of the library tomorrow Fingers crossed they have what is needed at least. Donno about the costs though.
  22. Ah the library is only open, and thus qualified people to ask pesky questions to, on thursday. So I'll try again then.
  23. Thanks! I might be able to use this info too Here's an other picture of that 150ft model: http://www.maritiemdigitaal.nl/index.cfm?event=search.getdetail&id=137000007 Comparing that model to the replica it shows quite some resemblance! So most likely the replica was built after this model/drawing.
  24. Searching on the digital library MaritiemDigitaal I find a few entries, without pictures though, telling there are a few sketches and drawings (Oostindiëvaarder 'Amsterdam' is East Indiaman 'Amsterdam'). Cannot tell what the quality will be though, as it's also for the construction of the replica. I might have to make an appointment to see them. But since these drawings are modern, it may be less hassle than if they were real 18th century drawings. Nevertheless I'll call tomorrow and see what I can find out.
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