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William Livingston Alden

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Everything posted by William Livingston Alden

  1. SINU mein Freund warum sagst das nicht vorher, weil wir sind wieder retour zu den AMIS.
  2. viele deutschsprachige Clans sind, ich würde mal sagen, auf eine Rumpfmannschaft zusammengeschrumpft und da wird auch das Ende des Sommerlochs nicht viel daran ändern. Die Gründe sind ja bekannt dafür auch wenn die Admins/Devs usw. das krampfhaft ignorieren und versuchen zu beschönigen. Unser Clan hat alleine bei der Zusammenlegung der Server 10 Mann verloren und dann nochmals 5 Mann in den letzten Wochen. Und von den anderen Spielern in meiner Freundschaftsliste sind gerade mal 3(!) übrig.
  3. oh yes please show me, how a frigate and or a trinco will sink my rattlesnake in a battle.
  4. meanwhile the spainish fleet camps at key west? i think port battles in general needs to be reworked to fit the timezone problem.
  5. renomee - pelle boule - indiaman - rattle - consti - bellona - victory - bucentaure - even the santi - they are all ok and no problem with turn when i stuck trinco and frigate are hell - and sometimes i got no response from the keyboard/ship - means nothing happens - the ship stand still - no rudder - no sail movement - a sitting duck. i have that problem only with this two ships, doesnt matter what kind of upgrades i have on it.
  6. Sure I have used manual sail a lot - I mean I have over 800 hours of gameplay in NA - but since the last patches I have those problems - but i dont care anymore - when it happens I surrender and all is good - I have not the time to deal with all that miracles after every patch and how to deal with it.
  7. Meanwhile and it doesnt matter if you can repair or not, the gameplay is like driving tanks on a battlefield like WOT and the ability to shoot someone in the back of his ship. All you need at the moment is a fast ship with a good turn rate - so if you can repair or not is complete useless - a good broadside duel is oh wonder dead in this game. But i would tend to no repair kits and slower and bigger turnrates for ship even with manually sail.
  8. @DEVS @Admins oh we are going the "pay to win" way with the game for the coming future? like WOWS?
  9. thx for the video and your work - and for my experience it is not working for exampe with the frigate - the funny thing is that when I stuck I can do nothing - game over. And I never had such problems before - it is since the last patch 9.93 and realy worse sind 9.94. thus I use the frigate not so much since then. with the trinco it is totaly RNG if it stuck or not - sometimes I go trough the wind without any problems even on low speed and sometimes i stuck like on a shallow.
  10. the fleet ships are completely useless and should be removed anyway because they dont help you in a usefull way. I have no problem when beginners have that Kind of Option but for all other Players i would say "no fleet ships" fleet sheeps ki is more then stupid fleet sheeps shoot your sails and ship and not the enemy ones fleet sheeps cross your way so that you can not maneuver or they do nothing - as i had today when you get attacked by Players, even when you give commands to them.
  11. the Event yesterday was completely useless - nice try from the game devs but useless. as TEXAS said, you cant have ports anywhere and sail for hours for nothing and then get attacked by the other nations on the way home. the game is running in a wrong direction at the Moment - so no bottles and no Events of that kind and no useless fleet ships - back to the root and all will be good.
  12. both Upgrades are not realy working as they should and both updates together on a ship is the worst thing you can do.
  13. heard heard - from a pirate(?) where they allways battle 4 against 1
  14. gtx980 - same issue here a massive drop down in the Frame Count
  15. when a broadside matters then a deviaton and ballastic from the cannonballs to the target is a must on long range, including the ship movement. at the moment the cannonballs are flying like laserguided missiles and dont consider the movement of the ship. it is easy to demast a ship on longe range (500 yards) or to leak them (250 yards). for example consti against consti or lower class ship. and you should also consider that broadside battles where allways done on short range (pistol shot - 30 yards or less), because only 24 pounders (plus) where effective over 100 yards to break trough 4 and a half feet of oak wood planks. that shows again that the DEVS dont think to an end when implementing new features.
  16. was nützt mir die Flasche wenn ich ganz vom norden in den untersten Süden muss? Ich segle doch nicht Stunden herum, da verkaufe ich die Flasche liebe und ein anderer soll sich damit herumschlagen.
  17. when you think, that this is a multiplayer game where teamplay is so important and we have nothing to organize the clan structure .................
  18. Even when there is a Smiley and written by an Admin itself - i would say that this is extortion and shows the clearly the way how Admins and or Devs are dealing with the personal meaning of people here in the forum. And also when an Moderator wrote that he would collect all the names of people which wrote "the game is dead", because the "Pirate problematic is a know problem(?!) since month. I think an apology would be appropriate. So, Admins/Devs/Moderators are you man enough do to that?
  19. Kann man sich ja auch selber machen/schnitzen/craften :-)
  20. puh, another idea not thought to the end. that makes the game more and more unplayable. realy, why don't you fix all the open Problems first and not bring in always another enhancement to the game with more Problems that needs then to be fixed on a Trial and error way.
  21. It is, at the Moment, a Pirate game not a Naval Action Game and that's the main Problem here. The Dev's are only speaking about changes within the pirates fraction, and that's more a Background chatter while they are implementing unnecessary updates with the argument that this game is a alpha version and we should/must test those changes. where are all those needed changes for the game, which makes the game playable for all? I don't see any at the Moment, except those try and error updates again and again. and only promises that something will we happen in the near future with the pirates.
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