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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. Those French that did 'give a crap' switched nations already and are probably happier. The rest of us left, don't care about ports I believe. Personally, I'd be happy with only having the capital island.
  2. If anyone wants me on a team, I'll join for the tourney. However my surprise only has 2 slots and as I don't PVE, I only have the basic skill books.
  3. @Sir Texas Sir This is totally off topic, my apologies to mods, so please reply in a pm but I am sincerely, very curious. If you want to play like a national (capture ports near enemies so you don't need free towns, have a 1st rate dread fleet, etc) why chose pirate?
  4. Personally I'd love if they got rid of mods and skill books completely. Let the ship, wood type, and cannons you chose and your skill determine your outcome. Edit: although it's just me. I have a friend who plays this game who prefers POTBS combat bc the skills make it more unpredictable whereas I hate all the buffs/debuffs, etc of POTBS
  5. Please, please, please bring back NPC selling of repairs, maybe at high costs so crafters don't complain. On Global my home nation is France. The last few weeks our clan has been up at the US coast wanting to help the US fight pirates around there. We took our time, sailed the distance, which I don't mind. Yesterday I ran out of rig repairs after actually getting into a 1v1. No one else from my clan was on. I was able to find canvas rolls but could not find fir logs to make repairs. I did hear that someone from the US was going to give us some repairs but again there were none when I was around. So I had to quit playing. I'm a very casual player, play only on weekends. And not being able to find repairs hurts me when I'm trying to provide PVP by actually taking time and sailing into enemy territory.
  6. For more PVP, I suggest going back to the old repair system, at least where they can be bought from NPCs. It is impossible to continue to privateer when you run out of repairs. The future reduction in ship costs should help too. Edit I think 1 dura may have reduced PVP but everyone seems to like it Edit again, if you think the changes to reduce revenge fleets reduced PVP, (which I don't think is entirely the case) then remove the speed boost but please keep invisibility.
  7. " We can set mission distance from the port so nations expand their territory gradually (not jumping directly into the backyards of their enemies). " I like that, always thought wars should be fought on fronts.
  8. For one thing I wish repairs were for sale by the NPC, for higher than craft cost. Got into two PVP fights today on Global off the US coast (I'm French) and now I'm out of rig repairs. I need to now sail around looking for resources to make repairs or spend time hitting NPCs (🤢) And hope to get repairs. Sorry for being off topic.
  9. Yes, the pirates should have internal struggles. I'm for pirate vs pirate battles. It is fun to not be safe anywhere and have to always watch your back.
  10. Also have 1 nation, I don't care whether pirates or some other, that is not RVR centric. I like how POTBS handled pirates, played as a pirate there for at least 3 years. They could take ports but after a few days it would return to the nation so there was no purpose to pirate RVR, although some did it. Other than ow fights and eco warfare (selling your trade goods) I personally don't care on how many dots my nation has as RVR isn't my thing (yes, I'm weird), the fewer the better. If outlaw mechanics ever come in to play, that's who I'll be.
  11. I would love to be in the tournament and don't mind sinking and losing. However I don't know what team will want me. Having only time to play on weekends, I spend what little time I have either looking for PVP or making money trading so I can replace ships, not grinding stupid slots on a ship. I think my surprise only has 2 slots open and I'm perfectly fine with it. I can PVP with that. I'll admit, I love love love open world PvP but am also somewhat of a noob at it compared to others I hang with.
  12. If you have forged papers, you can use them at a free port to switch nations, I believe.
  13. I said 'seem' as from what I've seen. Not saying it is the case.
  14. I don't know if you noticed Koltes, but Slamz is for open timers. Personally I like wysiwyg but I also would love to get into fair fights, brawls not boring a** linefights, as my in game goal is to get good at PVP, outside ganks, and live off captured ships. With limited time, I prefer to hunt for PVP. The only PVE I do is some trading when funds get low. Oh, and don't bark about your big bad BLACK dog, they seem to only want to fight when they have the enemy heavily outnumbered, like 6v1, I'd love to see Purge vs Black but as we all have lives outside the game we are hard to get numbers together and when together, look for PVP, not hide out grinding slots on a ship. The Black clan I have total respect for is Pagan Pete's, the true pyrates.
  15. Lol, now I am remembering the Stones 'Paint It Black' videos posted on these forums last year. Edit: It just seems so odd how many rats on Global are PVErs.
  16. I think this is a known issue, but may be wrong. What ship were you using? Did you send an f11? Same happened to me on my snow a few weeks ago, my group wouldn't see me and got up to 45 knots. I don't believe it happened since.
  17. Screw RvR, I just want OW PVP when I play on weekends. 😜 Viva France!
  18. My suggestion to keep the RvR guys active on the ow, and this may be a bad idea since I'm not into the RVR, a map wipe (not asset wipe) every 6 months. There always seem to be more excitement when the map is new.
  19. POTBS had an OW, smaller, less ports, and speeds were faster. If you did do econ, getting from one side of the map to the other did take time, I think 45 minutes instead of hours, But in POTBS you could easily sail AFK and not worry about being attacked unless you were flagged for PVP or went through contested zones. Personally I feel OW speed is fine in NA. POTBS battle times, especially against AI, was faster as well.
  20. NPC capture is good, it allows new players, new to the game or new to PVP, to get their feet wet without worry of loss. Unfortunately, like everything else, it gets exploited. The largest drop in population, I believe but may be wrong, was after capturing ships was first removed.
  21. Oh god, please no! Don't, I repeat do not, merge France & Pirates. We are two totally different factions. France are more piraty and pirates are more natty. We are doing perfectly fine, no rebuilding needed.
  22. I care to contradict you. I ranked up by mostly PVP, have done a few missions with friends. Over 1K hours in game and still not max rank, at the rank one before max.
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