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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. Thanks for the news! I think I'll try to start from scratch anyways and keep the redeemables.
  2. i really dont think it's splitting the playerbase as I assume PvP2 will merge with global.. So PvP global will be the carebear alliance fighting pirates and PVP EU, the eastern alliance fighting who? (maybe pirates too)
  3. Copper too! I'm just curious as to if the new ships will still need notes even though quality is dropped. And if selecting speed requires copper ingots, crew space rum, etc.
  4. I would like to see freeports kept but modified so that nations need to fight on fromts. Maybe freeports cannot hold SoLs but can still dock frigates and lower? This way the privateer/pirate playstyle isnt effected. Maybe even have freeports but no outposts there? But that would definately hinder the privateer/pirate type.
  5. How does it handle more items.. If expansions are bought, you are still limited to 10 structures total and 5 dock spaces total.. If you dont buy expanisions I think its 2 & 2. So shipwise, NA allows plenty more. Structurewise POTBS has only 5 more if you pay for it.
  6. PVE players, please stop saying how horrid PvP players are as some of us 'PvP players' are actually trying to fight for you. Thanks
  7. MMO doesn't necessarily mean exclusively PVP. Some players come to MMOs to do PVE with friends, although that number is few. First MMO I played was POTCO, which had PVP seperated from PVE on all the servers. Only through glitches, which were fun, or special events could a PVP player attack a PVE player.
  8. Not that it's a bad idea, but that will kill trader hunting as all player traders will not have their PvP flag on.
  9. @Ned Loe POTBS, major pros and cons from my experience (not all pros and cons) The pros POTBS has massively more pve, missions can be found at I think every port, both do once and done mission types or types that can be done daily. It has more variety of PVE, both ship combat variety and avcom pve. Ship combat against ai takes a lot less time and is so much easier (seriously dumb ai, sloops will try to go broadside to broadside with a frigate). It's free to play. Having avatars due to the avcom it feels more social. The cons Its free to play so there is no stopping alts. The econ there is absolutely awful, it drives away any casual player that wants to do econ. There are labor hours there too, per structure, but it is real time. Unless you pay, you can only have 2 building slots (and every single thing produced requires a building) unless you buy an expansion in slots from Burning Sea Notes (that are bought from real money). The past three sentances drive alt use. The now standard pvp ships all require premium economic structures and possibly premium blueprints to build (so the crafter type either has to pay for the Burning Sea notes out of real money or use in game currency to buy it from someone who does pay out of real money). The econ is absolutely a nightmare in that game, please do not try to turn NA econ into POTBS econ. As a shipbuilder for my soc, I spent maybe $100-$200 to set up my econ but quit from burnout.
  10. Question, will the capital have deeds? Would really like to see shipbuilding brought back to capitals.
  11. Agree with you Jon, but some people just do not like port battles (or am I alone?). Luckily land deeds will be available by other means..
  12. i understand the need to optimize servers but feel bad for the pve only players as they can no longer explore the entire map.. Would there be a way to have a questionairre in game that asks 'are you PVE only' on the PVE server (some pvpers have used that server) and for those that respond yes, make it so they can use the PVP servers but have a perminent flag put on them so they cannot attack or be attacked by another player?
  13. thanks Jon, but that isnt reliable at telling where people are from as those that work evenings will not play in their tinezone's primetime. Edit, but neither is the poll bc only those that use the forum will see it.
  14. Question: as the pure pve players will have their ports in the gulf, how will they build ships without RvR? How will they get the land/building grants?
  15. Havent read all this but may I suggest let people have shipyards in freeports or their capital without requiring the land grant whatever thingy?
  16. Except that there is rng on capturing ships. The ai capped ship might end up being fir, something you might not want.
  17. If you can stack durabilities, it saves on dockspace. You can have a 3 dur brig or frigate instead of 3 1-dur.
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