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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. One national news is fine, but not everyone will put which server they are from in the title, so I voted for two.
  2. Ugh, only the first sentence was meant to be in that quote. Can a mod fix my post up there and delete this one?
  3. If ship building were brought back to capital areas, trade missions would be riskier, and more fun. Right now capitals seem very dead. Have done trade missions and at most have seen 2 players at the same time at a capital.
  4. I'd like to see some blockade running missions added. Something that will require small ships. Something like you need to get this dispatch to port. However there are a fleet of brigs patrolling.Get to port as quick as possible without sinking... Or maybe you have a time limit to get to port.
  5. Surprise is my favorite Hunting: Surprise (for PVP), trader hunting: surprise, rattlesnake, Lynx Ganking: Renomee with control perk (although it's been months since I've ganked). Casual AI hitting: Snow PBs: don't do anymore, prefer small brawls over large fights, maneuverability over tankiness.
  6. Really wish so many people did not think RvR was the end all. "Nothing more to do." Find a battle on the open world!
  7. May I suggest get rid of pulling in AI fleets from larger circle to promote more open world PVP (ducks & hides ?)
  8. I wish more of the RvR players would be interested in open world PVP.
  9. ZombiePirate was Koto on PvP1. Way back before I think there was PvP2 the pirate coalition was basically Koto/Rubli/and Black (PvP1 Black)
  10. Although I do not participate in RvR, I am looking forward to hearing whoever is streaming it.
  11. Use them up. Because of the new ship building they will not be of use and I think wiped.
  12. Some people just don't like PVP at all. I remember one person posting on here that because they were disabled, or something to that effect, they stuck to just the PVE server. Why alienate 100 of the 600-700 players (or less bc of alts) that we have now?
  13. I think they just need to rework small/large battles so you can see who you are facing and what ships they have while waiting for match to start. Maybe remove loss of ship & any gold gain.
  14. I'm sailing for rats no matter what. Not sure which server though. May start on both and see which one has more open sea enemies and less rats that should be nats.
  15. I haven't played UG but do find history interesting. For those who like Civil War history here is a site you may like. Decoding the civil war. https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/zooniverse/decoding-the-civil-war
  16. I'll still run if I'm losing as I don't have many ships. ?
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