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So I asked about the group joining setting on the PVE server where other group members are not pulled into a battle automatically and the response was "Working as intended".

I would like to know the reasoning behind this? How is forcing the other group members to have to hang back in order to be at the join circle better than being able to attack from a formation? Just wondering what the rational is.

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I have an idea how "admiralty connection tier 2" could be called (and explained).

Make it "Royal Court connection".

Having relatives or friends at court and perhaps even the King himself opens doors admiralty alone could not provide. :)

Extra 8 dockspace. Perhaps 1000 additional labor hours from convicts working in docks, to sweaten the deal.

Edited by Cetric de Cornusiac
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4 minutes ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

I have an idea how "admiralty connection tier 2" could be called (and explained).

Make it "Royal Court connection".

Having relatives or friends at court and perhaps even the King himself opens doors admiralty alone could not provide. :)

Extra 8 dockspace. Perhaps 1000 additional labor hours from convicts working in docks, to sweaten the deal.

You should sail and sink ships, not hoard them in your docks :P


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Ok, so got a reply about why group joining was not functioning on the pve server as it is on the pvp server but it seems more of fixing a small issue by creating a much larger one.

The reply is as follows:

Captain, there is no bug, on pve server it works as intended and differently from pvp server

To rephrase, attack does not pull players into battles on pve server to avoid intentional trolling and killing other players by attacking NPCs

While I understand the concern, isn't this possibility covered by the rules for green on green and tribunals? Players are very quick to go running to the tribunals for even the slightest thing, why punish the entire player base with hard coding that prevents what should be normal operations? I was out playing with my wife last night as she tagged 3 ships for us to engage. Due to my not being able to join along side her she had to fight all 3 ships while i spent over 4 minutes trying to sail up to her position with the wind in my favor. While some may not consider this a big deal and may even go as far as to make comment that she knew what she was getting into or she needs to learn. This delay in assisting a teammate seems a bit over the top considering what minuscule situation it is attempting to prevent. There are a number of things players can do to prevent being pulled into a battle, and even if they are they can just sail away.
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1 hour ago, Raekur said:

To rephrase, attack does not pull players into battles on pve server to avoid intentional trolling and killing other players by attacking NPCs


If somebody is in your group, then he agreed on that and as such agreed also on possibility of being pulled into combat. There is no trolling here.

@Ink any chance to change group battle pulling mechanic for pve server but leaving it as it is for solo players?

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7 hours ago, Borch said:

If somebody is in your group, then he agreed on that and as such agreed also on possibility of being pulled into combat. There is no trolling here.

@Ink any chance to change group battle pulling mechanic for pve server but leaving it as it is for solo players?

That is my point exactly. The decision to not pull other players in just to avoid the possibility of a player being attacked seems odd since there is a mechanic in place for dealing with it. What mechanic is available that will allow group members to actually attack together without having to spend time just getting into the combat?

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5 hours ago, Hands said:

i fully agree with this   having seen at first hand what can happen

the one who tags is left to fight more than 1 oher ship while waiting for the rest of he group to enter


The only thing I can think of to keep the tagger from getting mauled is that the tag is done from just inside the tag circle with the rest of the group right behind. While this eliminates the possiblity of the tagger taking massive damage while the rest of the group closes range, it also eliminates the usefulness of certain perks.

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6 hours ago, Borch said:

Hey @Alex B., is there any chance that we could have increased bot traffic in the patrol zones on Peace server? Also, maybe Deadmans Cay and Antilles patrol removed from weekly event list? Nothing happening there anyway from what i know.

its coming - long overdue.

Next patch it will happen. The only thing delaying this is the indecision on the attack. We think they should attack players but only in patrol zones.

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1 hour ago, admin said:

its coming - long overdue.

Next patch it will happen. The only thing delaying this is the indecision on the attack. We think they should attack players but only in patrol zones.

@adminJust as long as the Deadman's PZ is left intact, it is my favorite one.


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3 hours ago, admin said:

its coming - long overdue.

Next patch it will happen. The only thing delaying this is the indecision on the attack. We think they should attack players but only in patrol zones.

If you add those in war server, I would create another area specifically for them, like you did in "A date with Diana" event.

Most players go to patrol zones to fight other players, not to farm npc. 

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Another question that to the best of my knowledge has not been addressed. On both servers this has occurred where a player will join a battle for the sole purpose of stealing loot. What actions are permitted by the originator of the battle to protect what is rightfully his? What about the occasions where this intruder decides to actually attack with intent to sink the originator, is the originator allowed to return fire to protect his ship? Some clear statements from the staff would help greatly in addressing the confusion that still persists regarding these scenarios.

Also, would you please reconsider the group join settings you have on the Peace server. The current setting is detrimental to all the group players forcing them to resort to attacking from a position that would not normally be done (i.e. not a good way to practice attacking as a group)

Edited by Raekur
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5 hours ago, Raekur said:

What actions are permitted by the originator of the battle to protect what is rightfully his?

imo no npc is 'rightfully yours' just because you tagged first. npc are for all and as long as the battle is open it is fair game for anyone. a good rule if entering a battle is saying 'hi', if those inside ask you to leave just do so. playing with others is a good thing that well merits some compromise. however, sometimes you want to be left alone. a couple of days ago i was levelling my yacht on starter zone and players often dropped in, i asked them to leave and all of them except one did so, no problem. well, there's always that one guy.

that said, if you do most damage to a ship then the loot should be left to you, but this is not widely respected. again, it's a compromise between 'farming' and having fun and interacting with others. "loot" is a hideous feature pretty much extended in nowadays games and many players just can't get over it.

my advice: don't fall for it, don't get obsessed with loot and ... don't farm in front of ports or capitals, there's where unpolite/jerky/nasty behaviors are most frequent. just pick a spot on the map where the ships you're interested are sailing in and go there alone or with your mates.

regarding friendly fire, it's an offence, it's called 'green on green'. if you shoot back you're an offender yourself, so don't. however, afaik (i might have missed something but that's what i got from admin's responses for a while), to get something done about it you need to report it and present video evidence, which is as bad a policing system as it could get, friendly fire could perfectly be tracked automatically by the game.

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8 hours ago, Raekur said:

What actions are permitted by the originator of the battle to protect what is rightfully his? What about the occasions where this intruder decides to actually attack with intent to sink the originator, is the originator allowed to return fire to protect his ship?

@admin yes, please. We should be able to defend our prizes and ourselves from "friendly" prizes.

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20 minutes ago, Kopelent said:

Better NPC Managment

in the south of the map only 5 rates, no 4 rates 3 rates nothing or second rates ships !!!! Better mixed NPC`s over the whole map !!!!!!


That’s not a bug but a feature. The game is designed to be like this. Not every kind of npc everywhere.

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2 hours ago, Kopelent said:

Better NPC Managment

in the south of the map only 5 rates, no 4 rates 3 rates nothing or second rates ships !!!! Better mixed NPC`s over the whole map !!!!!!

Having everything the same is not better.

Currently the experience is rich and varied. There are areas of open ocean, away from shipping lanes, where no NPCs are ever seen, and there are hot densely populated spots near capitals that look like international regattas.   The thick packed clusters of enemy ships on the capital doorsteps may not be as realistic as the rest of the map, but they provide easy targets for Newbies.

The mechanics are interesting and complex.  I can remember when Great Britain owned most ports in the center of the map: it was satisfying to trade and fish among British NPCs and reasonably never see foreign ships.  At the same time a group of British players could always find plenty of enemy NPCs when they sailed across the line into foreign waters.

Having some variety gives the game more flavor and colour.  There are areas with lots of enemy, dangerous areas and safer areas.  Like fishing, some spots are quiet.  It would be dull and boring .... If all areas of the map were the same.

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21 hours ago, Kopelent said:

Better NPC Managment

in the south of the map only 5 rates, no 4 rates 3 rates nothing or second rates ships !!!! Better mixed NPC`s over the whole map !!!!!!


I think it’s fine that one has to be in an enemy area to find enemy AI ships but wish it was back how it used to be where all classes were in all areas.

I especially think there needs to be more areas with 5th and 4th rates as these are the AI that newer players need to grind. 

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On 4/1/2020 at 7:47 AM, admin said:

its coming - long overdue.

Next patch it will happen. The only thing delaying this is the indecision on the attack. We think they should attack players but only in patrol zones.

More AI fleets = more players. Please do not make them aggressive, so we can chose between PvP & PvE. If I'm hunting a player and get intercepted by AI fleet, I will cry on forum :P 

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On 2/9/2020 at 3:53 AM, Sashka said:

Sad moments in game for me:

  1. Absolutely do not understand why Victory slowest ship... (Maybe historically, but its not playable for her) 

Historically, Victory could sail at least 11 knots while fully loaded for battle. There were accounts of her being able to outpace other ships in her fleet and sailing far in front engaging enemy ships first. So even historically it's incorrect for her to be slow :'C

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