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>>>Core Patch 0.5 Feedback Hotfix v90<<<

Nick Thomadis

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I agree with the points Skepsis made on this, patching this issue could require a whole host of other patches, such as AI, formations, balance, optimization, targeting, UI, and so on.

I can't look at their code so I can't tell you how nested it is, but it could be, and for that reason what I would say is to not expect it to change.

I would also say its a bad faith argument to call the game "unacceptable to release" for that, when from my view, if it just had a functioning campaign mode, and didn't make my machine run hot,  its absolutely ready.

Your views are not a monolith, as demonstrated by others, just because you spend all your time on a forum. And if you don't want to look like the villains, act like heroes, and speak with grace.

I'm not here to discuss it further as I've made the points I wanted to, and I mean.. well we're all just irrelevant here, aren't we? I mean, if skepsis is.

Edited by Faolind
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On 11/10/2021 at 7:46 AM, Steeltrap said:

Suggested this aeons ago, although it's entirely understandable why they'd not put the effort in to do so, even if such effort ought to be minimal.

At the very least it would be good if you could choose to enable a "return all guns to fore/aft train as standard after 'x' time" where you'd likely have time in minutes:seconds.

From what I've seen, the only reason ships had their guns trained anywhere other than along the centreline was in foul weather where I've seen BBs with their guns pointed away from the wind/spray. Seen some interesting footage of some Brit BBs/BCs in foul weather with their guns trained off the centre, presumably for that reason. Included in a clip with HMS Hood on her post-refit trials in 1939. You get a sense of just why Hood was nicknamed (unofficially of course, lol) the largest submarine. One other thing it does is give you a sense of just how spectacular a sight she would have been IRL, for many years the largest and fastest capital ship in the world (which of course is not the same as necessarily the most powerful, although to call her 'weak' as some who seem to think her loss wasn't a spectacular fluke by Bismarck and that the battle of the Denmark Strait could've ended very differently do, is patently silly).

It's entirely possible you'll have seen it already, but here it is. I'm pretty sure there's a glimpse of HMS Iron Duke, Jellicoe's flagship at Jutland, going past in the other direction, too. That's a pretty remarkable bit of film capturing 2 famous ships.


Of all the things I thought I'd see today, a rooster tail from the stern of a 48,000t battlecruiser is not one of them. What a sight!

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11 hours ago, BuckleUpBones said:

Do you think they're going for "core patch 3 - R&D and tech progression"?  

I wouldn't be surprised too be fair, as we already deviated to core patch 0.5. So im wondering if these .5's will be commonplace or a one off.

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Ja know. Its been almost 20% of a year without so much as a peep from the devs. WTF? 

Like I jumped ship on the forum and decided to just abandon the game until it had a campaign a while ago, and I come back and the communication between the devs and the community has gotten even worse.

At this rate I'll have finished highschool by the time this game actually gets finished.

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 I'd just like to take a second to point out that this thread is now on Page #35 of people waiting for patches.  This game has the development cycle of free-to-play Steam Greenlight flipware.

 This game costs $60.

I said this in an earlier thread (actually, it might've just been really early in this thread, come to think of it), but I'll say it again: "EARLY ACCESS" IS. YOUR. RELEASE.

 From the moment you ask for money, you are selling a product, regardless of how much early-access set dressing you cover it with.  Your product is broken, your product is not being fixed, promises you've made about your product are going unfulfilled almost a year later, the people selling the product are completely silent about it, and paying customers are wondering what the goddamn issue is.  So, as a paying customer, I ask you: What the hell is going on?  Not "where is the patch".  Just "what the actual hello kitty is the reason behind the hold-up".  There's absolutely zero communication and it's pissing everybody off.  Everyone understands that shit happens, but it seems like it's just delay after delay for literally no reason when you don't tell anybody why you're delaying it.

 On a related note, Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail is a great game that's actually worth its' asking price, for anyone bored as hell waiting for the Dreadnoughts patch.

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7 hours ago, Masonator said:

 I'd just like to take a second to point out that this thread is now on Page #35 of people waiting for patches.  This game has the development cycle of free-to-play Steam Greenlight flipware.

 This game costs $60.

I said this in an earlier thread (actually, it might've just been really early in this thread, come to think of it), but I'll say it again: "EARLY ACCESS" IS. YOUR. RELEASE.

 From the moment you ask for money, you are selling a product, regardless of how much early-access set dressing you cover it with.  Your product is broken, your product is not being fixed, promises you've made about your product are going unfulfilled almost a year later, the people selling the product are completely silent about it, and paying customers are wondering what the goddamn issue is.  So, as a paying customer, I ask you: What the hell is going on?  Not "where is the patch".  Just "what the actual hello kitty is the reason behind the hold-up".  There's absolutely zero communication and it's pissing everybody off.  Everyone understands that shit happens, but it seems like it's just delay after delay for literally no reason when you don't tell anybody why you're delaying it.

 On a related note, Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail is a great game that's actually worth its' asking price, for anyone bored as hell waiting for the Dreadnoughts patch.

Shame I've already played that game from start to finish multiple times. XD

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Every day, I grow more and more disappointed with the apparent lack of progress on this project.

We paid the price of a full AAA game for gaining "early access" to a "work in progress" project, yet there's ZERO communication and ZERO progress. One would think they have left the project abandoned forever at this point and ran away with our money.

If I could, I would gladly have the money I spent here refunded and spend it literally anywhere else. Unfortunately, it's a bit late for me... so it's been a waste.

I really liked the premise of this game, and I was looking forward to support the developer team for them to complete it. Even a FEW words by any staff member would have made me happy. Instead, they simply DISAPPEARED completely.

Such a huge disappointment... which is sad, because, as I said, I had very high expectations built up from the premise, all the marketing and promises made...

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12 minutes ago, Commander Reed said:

Never played the thing. Don't like games with that type of progression. How bad is it?

took about a year just to get one tier 10 tank (that's a money pit I might add)

the only things that are profitable at high tiers are ebr and autoloading hull-downs like kranvagn and chieftain.

Edited by Werwaz
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