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>>>Core Patch 0.5 Feedback Hotfix v90<<<

Nick Thomadis

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23 minutes ago, DougToss said:

The reason is simple: I don’t think everybody is making arguments in good faith, and when they go on to derail any discussion that does happen, it wears away at civility. I abrades goodwill. 

I agree with your sentiment, but I hope you can see both that I’m trying, and where I’m coming from - in wordcount alone.

Apologies, I should have clarified a little more, I think. I agree with your views and think you're a reasonable person, I like ya in short. 

Dunno what stuff skeksis is on, but he should probably quit. That's all I can say there. 🤣

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Came back to see any glimpse of hope for this game, maybe a single stream of photon at the end of the tunnel. Turns out people are still arguing with this "irrelevant" Skeksis. Every argument with this guy boils down to "The game satisfies my WoWS monke brain so anything else is irrelevant because my arbitrary video game mechanics that I pull outta my ass said so".


Also, still silence from the devs. Welp maybe "irrelevant" Skeksis can tell us how that's irrelevant for a naval sim game set during the first half of the 20th century.

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5 hours ago, ColonelHenry said:

with this "irrelevant" Skeksis

If he is irrelevant, then you are irrelevant, i am irrelevant, we all are irrelevant.

Or maybe you can consider that all opinions can have their merit and different players can have different opinions.

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1 hour ago, o Barão said:

If he is irrelevant, then you are irrelevant, i am irrelevant, we all are irrelevant.

Or maybe you can consider that all opinions can have their merit and different players can have different opinions.

OR maybe, before saying anything, use a little bit of the thing called brain, and think about how the word "irrelevant" is used in this context. I thought a realistic game would garner the crowd that has a bit... less dense?

I used "irrelevant" to mock his frequent use of the word to QUICKLY and INSULTINGLY wave off people valuable (some are less, some are more than his) contributions to the discussion. And frankly, if he likes to call everyone irrelevant, maybe perhaps he should be called out for it? Oh but I don't know maybe you just like his arguments more than I do and took it a little bit too personal.

P.S: Seriously, do I have to explain the usage of words to people on a forum about a military game now? No wonder people left

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23 minutes ago, ColonelHenry said:

OR maybe, before saying anything, use a little bit of the thing called brain...

Notice how easy is for you to insult other people, just because have an different opinion. At least Skeksis can politely argue with others and use arguments to defend his position. Sadly we cannot say the same about you in this place.

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30 minutes ago, o Barão said:

Notice how easy is for you to insult other people, just because have an different opinion. At least Skeksis can politely argue with others and use arguments to defend his position. Sadly we cannot say the same about you in this place.

Ah I see, you are one of those. Unfortunately, you are one of those who would rather take a snake than an elephant because the snake is smaller. His words are nothing but dismissive toward others. As if that isn't insulting other people. Oh waittt, you can't argue with me with that point, so you attacked my character, just like I did with him. OHHH META DUDEE.

Also, I do not randomly attack other people unless you implied that I am a crook but going out of your way to insult other people without bases is not in your nature. Or what is it? Implying insults isn't insult?

And of course, you cannot refute the point that Skeksis continuous dismissal of other people feedback based on random "video game mechanics" that he made up. But heyyyyyyyyy, I was not the one who started this argument without substance. When any substance given was dismissed by the other party, why bother?

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12 minutes ago, ColonelHenry said:

And of course, you cannot refute the point that Skeksis continuous dismissal of other people feedback based on random "video game mechanics" that he made up. But heyyyyyyyyy, I was not the one who started this argument without substance. When any substance given was dismissed by the other party, why bother?

Rise above mate. If you feel you've been slighted by Skeksis or the baron, then either respond with superior arguments or don't, as long as you don't drag it down to a perceived lower level.

There's enough frustration on here with the radio silence and all, the least thing we can do is keep ourselves civil.

Other posters failing to speak to each other like adults does not provide the rest of us with a carte blanche to do the same and make the entire forum a kindergarden shouting match. It just makes you just as bad as them. Rise above.

You don't put out a fire by pouring gas on it. You use water... so please, can we all just stop with the accusations and name calling now? It's embarrassing...

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14 minutes ago, Draco said:

Rise above mate. If you feel you've been slighted by Skeksis or the baron, then either respond with superior arguments or don't, as long as you don't drag it down to a perceived lower level.

There's enough frustration on here with the radio silence and all, the least thing we can do is keep ourselves civil.

Other posters failing to speak to each other like adults does not provide the rest of us with a carte blanche to do the same and make the entire forum a kindergarden shouting match. It just makes you just as bad as them. Rise above.

You don't put out a fire by pouring gas on it. You use water... so please, can we all just stop with the accusations and name calling now? It's embarrassing...

As much as I understand what you mean, I do not, and will not watch as people hide behind the veneer of "nice" words to insult others. To me, it is worse than using less than savory words.
Anyway, let's move on and hope that the devs actually make this game as realistic as the 13 times it was plastered on their advertisement page.

Edited by ColonelHenry
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One of the reasons why military life in garrison is filled with busywork is that nothing is more dangerous than bored soldiers, or ones who are not receiving direction from their leadership. Even if it means sweeping the gun sheds and oiling recuperators all day, it gives Joe something to do.

What I see here is a solid community of naval enthusiasts chaffing for lack of things to do, and without leadership  from the devs to productively  steer feedback.

Apologies to @arkhangelsk for biting his head off. I think I speak for many people here that I’m hoping for an update, and to have new things to provide feedback on, and to see that past feedback has been received. 

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34 minutes ago, Commander Reed said:

And now we have a disagreement between ColonelHenry, Draco, & o Barao. It's just a never-ending loop, one argument clears up, another one begins straight after. 

-25% Hope Loss.

No no, me & @ColonelHenry have respectfully agreed to disagree, you know, like adults.

If baron and Henry wanna pick it back up that's their mistake to make 😜

I think I'll just be creepin until the next patch drops.

No more comments for me to add at this point really...

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36 minutes ago, Commander Reed said:

And now we have a disagreement between ColonelHenry, Draco, & o Barao. It's just a never-ending loop, one argument clears up, another one begins straight after. 

-25% Hope Loss.

Event 36

Another round of fighting has broken out among several forum members. What is your view?

  • It is deplorable that it seems impossible to stop the fighting in this region. (+1 tension to random forum members)
  • I wonder what they are serving for dinner at the flag officer's mess? (+1 tension to random forum members)
  • This is no doubt due to the meddling of XX. (+2 tension to a forum member of your choice)
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9 minutes ago, Evil4Zerggin said:

Event 36

Another round of fighting has broken out among several forum members. What is your view?

  • It is deplorable that it seems impossible to stop the fighting in this region. (+1 tension to random forum members)
  • I wonder what they are serving for dinner at the flag officer's mess? (+1 tension to random forum members)
  • This is no doubt due to the meddling of XX. (+2 tension to a forum member of your choice)

I'll go for option B, I want to know what's for dinner. 🤣

Either way, discontent will go up. Just send the guards to handl- Oh wait we don't have any.

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6 hours ago, Commander Reed said:

I'll go for option B, I want to know what's for dinner. 🤣

Either way, discontent will go up. Just send the guards to handl- Oh wait we don't have any.

Warbie gets + 1 tension and reaches tension limit. Throws his binoculars to the open sea. Tells the next lowest ranking CO to go fetch him new ones

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Well it is easier to get lost in this forum whilst waiting for a proper update or any news about the game development. Especially when it gets this long. So why not make a "Choose Your Own Adventure" forum until the next update comes? What do you say?


- "That's bullshit. I'm getting out of here" (You fell overboard to the docks without waiting for your orderlies to finish docking. - 100 health, +25 crew happiness, GAME OVER)

- "This is irrelevant" (+ 10% mutiny chance, -5 training nerf for carelessness admiral gains traits: Sceptical)

- "Maybe i could collect screenshots of this and post it on reddit or something" ( +10 screen efficiency, +5 signal range)

- "Is this a 'Forum' in being then?" (+ 10 Fleet in Being Doctrine, +5% mutiny chance for edgy Sealordship) 

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On 11/8/2021 at 1:12 AM, SonicB said:

Side note: it would be really great if we could have a 'point your turrets to port/starboard' function in anticipation of a turn, because it's really stupid waiting a completely pointless minute after turning before you can fire again.

Suggested this aeons ago, although it's entirely understandable why they'd not put the effort in to do so, even if such effort ought to be minimal.

At the very least it would be good if you could choose to enable a "return all guns to fore/aft train as standard after 'x' time" where you'd likely have time in minutes:seconds.

From what I've seen, the only reason ships had their guns trained anywhere other than along the centreline was in foul weather where I've seen BBs with their guns pointed away from the wind/spray. Seen some interesting footage of some Brit BBs/BCs in foul weather with their guns trained off the centre, presumably for that reason. Included in a clip with HMS Hood on her post-refit trials in 1939. You get a sense of just why Hood was nicknamed (unofficially of course, lol) the largest submarine. One other thing it does is give you a sense of just how spectacular a sight she would have been IRL, for many years the largest and fastest capital ship in the world (which of course is not the same as necessarily the most powerful, although to call her 'weak' as some who seem to think her loss wasn't a spectacular fluke by Bismarck and that the battle of the Denmark Strait could've ended very differently do, is patently silly).

It's entirely possible you'll have seen it already, but here it is. I'm pretty sure there's a glimpse of HMS Iron Duke, Jellicoe's flagship at Jutland, going past in the other direction, too. That's a pretty remarkable bit of film capturing 2 famous ships.


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On 11/8/2021 at 6:05 PM, Skeksis said:

could you elaborate. 

I could, but am not going to.

Why not?

I should think that's obvious to anyone who's been around this forum (let alone this thread, LOL) for any length of time.

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This Is Fine | Know Your Meme

This pretty much sums up the current state between devs and community. Perhaps in the mean-time we find something to not argue about?

Its more fun seeing the jokes than seeing ya'll rip each other to pieces needlessly over silly things to try to measure each others hotdogs on ship knowledge, disgrace!

How about a thread for stuff you want added and why, no arguing, no bs.

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