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Battle Started With Both Ships Floating Upside down Mid Air

The last of the Philippine

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Entered combat against an AI and at the beginning of the battle both the target and I was above the water, after a few seconds the target was upright in the water and I was inverted.

If possible I would like the ship replaced mostly due to the 52 Pood cannons that were onboard


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I tried to engage a Pickle with my Snow outside of Charleston (I know not very sporting but I'm new).  When the battle screen resolved both ships were upside down and in the air.  After the 30 second timer elasped the ships descended into the water and the battle ended as, I guess, both ships sank.  My character was sent back to Charleston and the snow was removed from my inventory.  I filed a bug report in game but didn't take any screenshots

Whaile strange, at least the logic in the battle system held as a capsized ship should sink!


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Hi guys.

My in-game name is Christiaan Meinard.

I have an issue tonight on the PVE server following maintenance.

I left La Navasse in my Trincomalee to enter a battle with a Spanish Indefatigable. Upon the battle instance loading, I found my beloved Trincomalee and the enemy ship both upside down, in mid air. We were both rotating barrel roll style, alternating left to right (I attempted to take some screen shots of the occurrence but for some unknown reason, my screenshots have not saved). Following this, both ships began to descend towards the oceans surface with the camera position not following the ship (both ships were still inverted at this point). They both disappeared from the camera's line of sight. I then received the "Battle Over, Press ESC to leave battle" message. I complied and left the battle. The game then dumped me back to La Navasse without any choice of where I was to spawn, and my beloved Trincomalee was nowhere to be seen (Not in my Navy at La Navasse, nor any of my other outposts. It had simply vanished). I have tried logging out and re-logging, but to no avail. I have now had comments from 5 other players who have said to me in text chat they have experienced the same or similar issues after tonight's maintenance.

Please look into this with the utmost urgency, as it renders the game virtually unplayable :(

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13 minutes ago, Prussian Devil said:

Hi guys.

My in-game name is Christiaan Meinard.

I have an issue tonight on the PVE server following maintenance.

I left La Navasse in my Trincomalee to enter a battle with a Spanish Indefatigable. Upon the battle instance loading, I found my beloved Trincomalee and the enemy ship both upside down, in mid air. We were both rotating barrel roll style, alternating left to right (I attempted to take some screen shots of the occurrence but for some unknown reason, my screenshots have not saved). Following this, both ships began to descend towards the oceans surface with the camera position not following the ship (both ships were still inverted at this point). They both disappeared from the camera's line of sight. I then received the "Battle Over, Press ESC to leave battle" message. I complied and left the battle. The game then dumped me back to La Navasse without any choice of where I was to spawn, and my beloved Trincomalee was nowhere to be seen (Not in my Navy at La Navasse, nor any of my other outposts. It had simply vanished). I have tried logging out and re-logging, but to no avail. I have now had comments from 5 other players who have said to me in text chat they have experienced the same or similar issues after tonight's maintenance.

Please look into this with the utmost urgency, as it renders the game virtually unplayable :(

So fascinated that no screenshots were made? Use screenshotter by steam. It works like a breeze. Go to settings in team overlay and set up a convinient button. For example F12 (right near F11). F11 report makes screenshots automatically so you could have reported a bug when you seen that. 
Screens of comments of 5 other players would also help. 

Please report F11 and make screenshots next time it happens. We cannot help without reports and screens.  


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I just lost my redoutable in the same way, it was a good boat but the worst are the upgrades and repairs in addition to the artillery I had, please look at it as soon as possible, anyway I made a communication with f11 and sent the screen. Thanks in advance.

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