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Patch 30: General feedback

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12 hours ago, Vernon Merrill said:

ALL new players get clubbed  when they first venture into PvP.  It doesn't matter where that happens.

I was clubbed, you were probably clubbed, everyone I sail with was definitely clubbed when they first started.  All reinforcement zones did was provide a false sense of security, while preventing new players from actually learning the skills they needed to successfully navigate the waters of the PvP server.

And again, it all stems from the mistaken meta that a person needs to level up at all costs, instead of learning the game (which yes, includes being sunk repeatedly) and applying lessons gleaned from each battle.

Stop assuming that all new players WANT some sort of dumbed-down rules to try and spoon-feed them.   The one thing that separates, in my mind, people who stay in this game long-term and those who play a few hours and leave, is the ability to cope with loss and not expect to master the game in 6 hours.

Again, just my $.02

You are correct. 

But please remember, economy was not this difficult. Now establishing a running economy for a single player is much more difficult. 

Aside from economy, now crafting ships are much more difficult. Rare woods already impossible for new players, most ships behind permits, combat medals and vm. Npc shop does not sell frigate, renomee etc., but cerberus only. 

I remember my first time I could afford renomee, afford guns, some repairs. I attacked npc, barely about winning the battle, enemy player joined, lost my ship. Economy, crafting being much easier, I still felt it was a huge loss for me, economicaly. 

I hope statistics/data of boss and understanding of some pvp guys like reverse are beyond my logic, I hope it will work. 


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I agree with you and Vernon, and that was also my experience when I first started playing NA. First time getting into a frigate, went down, sunk some ships, started feeling powerful, attacked an LGV a few ports under my Capital, trying to stay in safe waters from gankers, got into instance, enemy player instantly joined in and I had to battle both. Managed to sink the NPC with ease, almost sunk the enemy player but he managed to sink me first, with all his structure and left side gone, he left the instance to save his ship before sinking and I lost mine because I didn't know you could that xD

But right now, with craft and economy getting way more harder to get around and stablish a wealthy warehouse of resources to keep a frigate in your navy, things got really hard. Few days ago, before the economy patch even, I was sailing from Charlestown, all the way up from the US coast towards the only 1 neutral port (I think it's Tumbado), near the Russian coast and the prussians, after 1~2 hours of sailing, I finally see the port I'm aiming for, I'm literally 50-feet away from the port and I see a British enemy player on a Indef, I was sailing a Belle Poule CA/WO, he attacked me and we end up fighting for almost an hour (trust me, I gave him hell, almost sunk him twice), he finally got me and then he asked me why I had too much stuff on my hold (also one of the reasons why he was able to caught up with my BP), and I explained to him that I was sailing from the US coast towards that port to join the Great Britain's nation (choice that I've been thinking for AGES now and I wasn't able because I had so much stuff in the US that I wouldn't be able to get out of Charlestown), and he just gave me "Oh f*, sorry bro". Understandable, but now I've been avoiding joining the PVP server because 1; I don't have a ship and 2; I don't even know where to start to get one, since there is almost NO free town/neutral port and I don't know ANYONE from the GB nation to even start a conversation, so yeah, that has been my experience so far from few days ago. I've been playing on the PVE server for a long time now and I've got everything in the PVE server, so PVP doesn't seem appealing to me at all, since I don't have anything to do there. Only things that actually pushes me to try out PVP is RvR and PBs, other than that, I'm not really into 1v1s.

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2 hours ago, admin said:

reals are not final but reals are better reward for delivery missions.  

I agree with this to a point... would you consider having some delivery missions available still with the Dabloons as an optional payment? Just a thought.... maybe the player could choose either Reals or Dabloons for the reward for the delivery mission?

If Dabloons should be a limited reward then I could certainly see them only available as rewards for combat... as they once were.

Any way those are my thoughts on that.

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1 hour ago, admin said:

reals are not final but reals are better reward for delivery missions.  
rampant inflation can happen if costs go with inflation if costs do not go with inflation it will happen slower. (Oak price in building is fixed, and doubloon supply is unlimited just like reals)
For your numbers some trade routes were already making 1 mln reals per 1.5 hour trips (3 times faster than your casual route).  But people were complaining they COULD NOT FREAKING MAKE MONEY. Deliveries were tuned to make a bit less compared to trade routes. But now everyone sees them. 

passenger missions should be cut i think. Or they should carry baggage. 

Currently, I feel the Reals Rewards for Cargo missions to pay out a bit too much. However, I have not calculated it compared to Resource Trading. I like the shorter distances for these Reals moreso than the long haul trades. Today I ran only half the distance (From Dutchland to Dominicaland, rather than all the way to Disneyland) and still made a sweet profit. Anyone complaining about not being able to make reals now...or even before, just wants things handed to them rather than sail. Sure they may not have time to make the sail, but then they wouldn't have time for a good length of PvP or Port battle either.

Please, don't kill Passenger Missions. These are the only things our TLynx can carry atm. I do agree you could add baggage weight or something, but don't over load our TLynx.

32 minutes ago, Borch said:

[1]- you moved enemy AI fleets to nation borders

[2]- you made crafting ships harder due to random permits drop

[3]- you made rare woods hard to get

[4]- you announced wipe but not on PvE server

1 - Disagree as there are tons of AI everywhere, even capitals
2 - Somewhat agree as not every rate needs to have rare permits for the best in class, but I like the rarity of SoLs...(personally, I think SoLs should be reserved for PBs)
3 - Live Oak in IRL was not rare and there should be more ports than 1 to have them, but it should be up to RvR to capture these ports..as it was before. Upgrades can make a ship act rare
4 - This has always been the biggest reason people have stopped/paused their play of this game or any game for that matter. No one likes wipes, but being wiped won't make me quit having fun in this game. Hell, over the last month my clanmates and I have been reminiscing over grinding to the next best ship...from being annoyed in the cutter not being able to hit anything but waves, to bring able to sail the Brig....oh but then the Navy Brig has more guns and with a better paint scheme to boot....but then the Snow, it has BOW CHASERS!....then....i could go on. My point is that the grind is what made this game for me, always pushing for the next best thing, and grinding out the XP for our OFFICERS (heh) along with the uniqueness and beauty. I'd grind it all again...especially if I knew others were in the same boat. But either way, there's no reason to quite a game unless you just prefer playing something else. If that's the case, then nothing can make anyone stay.

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3 hours ago, admin said:

PvP is horrible ,

In my opinion... and just for the sake of argument... :)

The PVP is great... because players are scared to lose their stuff. Gameplay is expensive until you have an economy built to support your own personal game. I love this aspect of the game... if certain ship designs are intended to only be craftable by effort... such as a random draw from a rewards chest, I could see this as a good way to motivate players to do more PVE combat for sure, especially in the games current state.

As far as PVP is concerned... I know I have done my job right when my victims run and try to get away... aka I have sunk them before. This doesn't start happening though until you have sunk them several times... or word gets out... people start sharing stories about how you men are from the Deep, and how they jump aboard their ships eating the sailors as victims... aka propaganda is real in this game... some players, mostly vets, are not afraid of anyone and can easily replace ships in a day or two. But the players that generally have only 500 or less hours are still learning the PVP aspect of the game. This is the side effect of a game full of open world content that is player driven. Its what makes this game so cool in the first place... for me at least anyway.

That's my opinion on that... and forged after many lost … then many won battles. If a person is willing to learn from their mistakes in this game they can go far on the PVP server. For newer players I highly recommend placing an outpost further away from capitols and free ports to learn the mechanics more on their own terms, not fool proof, but will decrease the effect from what I call easy town hunters... they stick closer to shore and look for prey around key ports and capitols. Sure use the Trade hubs and Capitols to your advantage... just be prepared to lose your ships earlier in the learning process. It is for this reason that I have run many schooners... they are easy to replace, simple to build... and they can easily escape while sailing into the wind.

Anyway... sorry , their I go rambling on again.

Three cheers for the frigates and their gallant Captains!

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2 hours ago, admin said:

Same with some hardcore players - they are very vocal. 

Oh yes... so many vocals... we should do a choir! I know what you mean… as I am one :).

We take this game very, very seriously. This is why we get good at it after all.

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58 minutes ago, Aerospace said:

But please remember, economy was not this difficult. Now establishing a running economy for a single player is much more difficult. 

Agreed here! Was this because of all the ship parts that could be sold? I know the crafting has been streamlined to players requests, so I don't intend to suggest going back again... the competition is tougher now as other newer players have to compete more for prices... fewer items to craft in game to sell means less variety of goods available in ports to buy. Don't get me wrong here as I like being able to replace my ships faster! We also need to remember that the economy has been shrunk in a way... or sized down... by a factor of... what was it... a factor of 15 or 25? Something like that... so theoretically the value has remained the same... just now 1,000.000 silver is equivelant to 40,000 or 60,000 reals now, or so. Some of the slower economy is actually more like downsized economy... we have fewer parts needed for building ships... hours aren't outrageous but seem balanced... and the economy in my opinion seems relatively balanced. I am not new to this game and I have not had my head in the sand... I am an active player now... I trade in game... I sell goods through contracts... and also through the traders instance. I see it working, and even though I have a smaller number of Reals on hand than silver in the past... I can continually be making Reals in game. So we do need to remember these points...

#1 The economy has been "shrunk" if you will, in size.

#2 There are fewer available parts for players to craft to sell.

#3 Also to mention... some permits for certain ships are harder to come by now as they are not readily available through the admiralty. They must be earned in the crucible of combat by fulfilling certain mission requirements, and are also random, thus making such ships values in game sky rocket... these ships are novelties and are worth something to the collectors, but may not offer an altering advantage in combat. The Renomme for instance is an example of one of these ships... unless it has changed recently and I am not aware of it... this ships permit is not available in Admiralty. I am Ok with this, just doesn't make sense to me as a player that likes to craft everything for himself, that's all.

Well... that's all folks! That's about as mean as I get... my opinion presented... hopefully not too long winded.

Three cheers for the frigates and their gallant Captains! :)


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The Developers want this game to be something specific... we can give our opinions and ideas to them, however... in the end it is their game to build... we test, we play, report errors or glitches. The game has come a very long way from what it once was....  some of the players ideas have been implemented, this is good, many ideas have not been implemented. 

This is Ok in my opinion from a standard point of view. If you have some good ideas... feel free to share with the rest of us, the Developers are curious to see what players have to say... I just recommend to keep advice in a positive tone and let them do what they want to. Right now they are tossing around ideas about full XP wipes or resets … or something, many players are against this, I am as well. But this would not keep me from playing the game either... so yeah. I see your point... but I will likely do what I do best and watch from the shadows as the game progresses.

I am a hopeless positive thinker so... I will try to find a somewhat even ground here... maybe a flat spot of ground will do on the hills for now?

I have seen the Admins claims and the players claims... its a hot field indeed, but the hatchet has to be buried somewhere. I enjoy the forum and like to discuss matters with other players in game or in forum. The Admin did mention that we should be "prepared for the worst"... as the grammar was somewhat lacking to some players I read through their lines and saw the possibilities of such a statement. I also know that I saw the possibilities of such statements as "promises", or suggestively strong forum content that may have stated a claim … " This is how its going to be"... but for me... I know that many, many players have been trying to bend the Admins ear about making sure all players start the game after release at the same level... or rank as each other. They got a lot of heat about players wanting to leave if the Admin allowed anything other than equal ranks at the start of the game. This does hurt me as a vet player... I will have the advantage of knowing how to play over the newer players. I may even progress much faster than them... because of what I know... but I will be there to help guide them in the way when I am on also.

I understand the Admins concern about the equality problem that was so vigorously presented to them by certain players. I did advocate not losing learned experience though, and the keeping of ranks upon release of the game. I was sorry to hear that they were considering doing an experience wipe... not sure if they actually will do it... I really hope not as this was a lot of hard work... but I am getting the special ship HMS Pandora, I just hope other players get the reward they wanted also... this has been a fun game, and I hope it continues to be for players in the future. As I don't know the Admin personally, I cant cast judgement on them for anything they do in an Alpha or Beta state game.  I like to think they are doing what they can for the community, maybe not exactly what they said they would do unfortunately, but hopefully they do what is best in this scenario for their game.

In my opinion... if the Admin mentioned something as a promise, then they should stand by their word. This is important in all business... big or small, I know this from experience. I am not mentioning this to defame anyone... I am only trying to strike a chord for others to follow. Simply put... I think the law of the land dictates they can do really anything they want to until the game is fully released... its not between me and them... it will be between Steam and Naval Action, its their business contract, not mine.

Keep in mind, I am a hopeless optimistic dreamer... so the side effect is, I don't really care what they do... I chose to buy into their game, I play the game. I am stubborn. Like a bull and don't give up.. So I continue plowing regardless of the storm. I don't expect any one else to be that way. I just am. 

I guess I just judge my in game experience by what I enjoy over what I get. This game will always get two thumbs up from me.

I hope you understand... I just want to play a game and have fun.

I do have to say that there is a voice in me head that does say.... I have played this game so much, I want my XP to stay! But I never did any grinding... I was hard core PVP from day 1 essentially. A trader hunter by trade :). So in short… I will play as I always have... just in smaller ships for a while if I need to.

Sorry for my wordiness, I cant help it.


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I like this game.  I would have made it differently but I enjoy playing it, alot.   It is a good game,  especially considering that it has tiny dev team.  I think the Admin is incorrect about why players are using the Peace vs War server.   I hear the that the population is low on the PvP server because players are waiting for the wipe.  I used to hear that players chose the PvE server because they did not like; PvP server combat mechanics, and aggressive e-sport mentality.

Respectfully I offer a sincere opinion, in hopes of being helpful.     If a game has 98% positive reviews it's because of the way the game was made.   Most players do not love a game because it has good reviews and complimentary forum posts.  

I like the War Server.  I used to play on the PvE server also, but I play exclusively on the War server now.  The risk adds excitement for me. I'm a trader so I don't lose ships often and have found lots of great personalities here.  Seems that I can do everything on the war server that I could do on the peace server... plus more.

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@admin i support the ban of R-zones i wait for this a loooong time so Thanks!.
Also i strongly suggest to put more NPC ships everywhere and not only in enemy waters, cause if you are not a trader, you are poor as hell and also like PVP and you DONT HAVE ALL THE TIME AVAILABLE TO PLAY you need a fast cheap way to sustain your fights and NPC are just great for that!!.

move NPC to enemy water respond to people not going out of the R-zone, now without the R-zone please bring back NPC everywhere.
I personally use a lot of NPC ships for PVP against well crafted ships and i like those challenges, is hard to do it but still Posible to win a few fights... this also would help with the concern of "DLC free risk ships" and bring some balance between Hardcore/casual players.

so im begging please put more NPC ships everywhere and make it capturable to quickly replace loses and go on in the next hunt... this will help with player grow/fun/retention

trust me many of the people i know in game will love to have 4th rate capturables, so in the PVP server you will enjoy doing some PVE with some purpose to replace and replenish your fleet... and we all know NPC are trash for PVP but at least they give you some quick fun, wich i believe after 2600hrs is what this game needs... quick source of "good" ships to sail with your friends and have some fun.

NPC must be populated with all ships in game... even the rare ones... those rare make them very light build (fir/crew) just for grind them and enjoy some "premium stuff" with quality of shit.

i would love to see yatch, pandoras and santa cecilias even gun boats in OW !!! for now is all the same again and again and again... lack of diversity is a really borring thing.

PVP imo is fine, just some adjustment to ROE, specially in pvp zones.
Damage model is also good, but i will suggest to increace damage 10 to 15% for mediums and long cannons only. also Limit the ability to put carronades only in chasers and top deck.


Edited by Carlos_Condell
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@admin   What you have here, in both PvE and PvP Servers is a POTENTIALLY amazing game.

I would argue that your game is more attractive to older / casual players than most games -  as nostalgia for this past "Age of Fighting Sail" runs deep.  And, in my opinion, many older players / casual players are more interested in the Sandbox side of the game than the hardcore PvP element.  As one Player told me once in game:  "I PvP all day long at my job, why would i want that in my Gaming time as well?"

The issue for me is it seems that as the game has progressed in the development process, it has morphed away from being a wonderful Sandbox in which MANY types of Players can coexist AND have a sense of accomplishment / success -  each playing their own style -  into a game where only hardcore, Clan affiliated, PvPers can succeed:

A)  If I want to play solo, I can not access the rare woods and can not Craft great Ships to sail or sell; UNLESS I am lucky enough to have the auto generating rare wood Ports within my Nation.  So, then I need multiple Alts, or, I am forced to join a Clan who owns or is friendly with a Clan that owns the Contracting rare wood Ports.  This basically eliminates the solo player from your game.

B )  If I want to engage minimally in PvP, then I have little chance for the Permits and Combat Medals needed to Craft MANY of the game's Ships.  This hampers another style of player from being able to enjoy the game fully, and arguably a sizeable part of your target audience (which is those interested in the age of fighting sail).

When the game drives away players who want to play your game, then you increase the risk that your product will not be nearly as profitable, nor for as long, as it might otherwise be.

You could say, "These Players should go to the Peace Server then."  But the problem with the Peace Server is that the Map is stagnant, and over-all there is a lack of Content to keep a player engaged / interested.  Many Players have told me they would rather be on the Peace server, but that it is just too boring.

Therefore, I would argue that what should be done on the War Server is the following:  

-  All of the elements necessary for the Crafting of 95% of the Ships, whether it is Permits/Victory Marks/Combat Medals/Rare Woods should be within the reach of a solo Player who does not participate actively/frequently in PvP activities.  I would say ALL Ships, but I can understand the holding back on 1st and 2nd Rates to try and keep them rare.  (But, please keep in mind that Players WANT all Ships, so they will find a way to get them no matter how hardcore you make the hoops they have to jump through.  And, if the game is so hardcore that only a few can get all the Ships, then the game will collapse from a lackof a sufficient Player base as discouraged Players give up and move on.)

As for the Peace Server, to make it less "boring" there needs to be on-going flux to the Map.  So a mechanic would need to be created wherein every so often a certain number of Ports are placed in jeopardy.   Maybe Players would be asked to "Defend a Port from Hostilities" and failing to do so would result in the Port being flipped to different Nation.  Or, certain Ports would be declared as "Port Battles," and Players could be required to either defend or attack vs AI to help determine the outcome.  One possible means of doing it would be to have 2 simultaneous "Port Battles" for each "contested" Port.  Then the Nation who scored a better Victory vs the AI in "their" Port Battle would be awarded the Port. 

I guess what I am saying is re-asserting what I have tried to bring up before in various form posts:   Let the game be a Sandbox wherein ANY style of Player can feel successful.  Let people play how THEY want to play. Don't try to force Players to play the way you want them to.  Don't tether any the Craftable Ships to any one aspect of the game; don't make it, "Hey, if you don't PvP you can't do X" or "If you are not in a Clan you are up a creek without a paddle."

Truly, for the War Server to be a ROCKING success, it will need non-PvPers and part-time PvPers as well as the hardcore folks; all fully engaged and finding their own pathways to a sense of accomplishment!!  The more Players who feel marginalized or excluded, are less Players playing your game, less Players enjoying your game, and ultimately less Players buying your game.


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I like the way we are thinking here... this is good, let the brains fire away with ideas says I.

22 minutes ago, derekticus said:

Truly, for the War Server to be a ROCKING success, it will need non-PvPers and part-time PvPers as well as the hardcore folks; all fully engaged and finding their own pathways to a sense of accomplishment!!  The more Players who feel marginalized or excluded, are less Players playing your game, less Players enjoying your game, and ultimately less Players buying your game.

Yes, solutions... we need solutions. This is matter of fact and good for advice.

24 minutes ago, derekticus said:

If I want to play solo, I can not access the rare woods and can not Craft great Ships to sail or sell;

I concur here, can be frustrating for an advancing crafter.

25 minutes ago, derekticus said:

This basically eliminates the solo player from your game.

This I have to disagree with as there are many players that simply want to fight in light ships or frigates and have fun... but I still see your point, some players would get turned off if they felt like they could not compete with others in the crafting arena. But this also encourages team play, and I think the developers want this to a point. The solo player has to be very creative if he/she wants to survive in the open PVP world. In many ways I think this is a good thing... but I am a die hard open world hunter... so.... yeah, I am crazy.


30 minutes ago, derekticus said:

I guess what I am saying is re-asserting what I have tried to bring up before in various form posts:   Let the game be a Sandbox wherein ANY style of Player can feel successful.  Let people play how THEY want to play. Don't try to force Players to play the way you want them to. 

Yes we are forced to "play according to others rules day in and day out... we have to abide by the employer or the taskmaster, when we get home we want to relax and enjoy a game or two. We listen to others every day weather we want to or not... sand box games are like a vacation... a minni vacation to our minds where we can induldge in a character that we made up... or just exercise our creative juices to do ingame constructive activities to our liking. While this game in the end is the Developers game... such a game as so many players have mentioned would be a monster game indeed. I hope we will see this in Naval Action in the end. I know that the developers want what is best for their game, I believe they will deliver in the future when they are ready.

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Hello @admin, you haven’t tried +1 -1 captain rank battle limit, just through I’ll pop it in while you’re in the moment!

NPCs excluded, only for pvp.

Base on WOWS, in their system a tier 10 ship can’t battle a tier 1 ship, so essentially new players are protected. Also new players for the first 3 tiers play on another server before they are moved to the main (which also has a set of the 3 lower tiers).

Of cause any group formations will have to be compliant to the +1 -1 rank limit, players ranks within both groups will have to be within +1 -1 rank limit to engage in battle.

It’ll be open slaughter for anyone at Commodore or above and it’s at this level that you should see pvp content thrive.

Base on WOWS method you should have some success for growing a playerbase and also vets won’t be able to destroy that growth (the whole reason for the mechanic).

It won’t stop ganking or ganking within the +1 -1 rank via OW contact but I think ganking can only be stop by group formation, clans or other gankster anyway… or in another words, the promotion of joining clans.

Moreover solos and casuals would get a fair go of reaching Commodore, a huge source of player growth.

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What did you guys do to the damage model with tuning down to sustained DPS? It completely screwed PVE combat overall. I got 42pd cannons loaded on my Vic and it feels like I'm firing 9pd cannons at my enemies! What the hell happened?

I got a Live Oak/White Oak Victory with plenty of thickness and HP bonuses upgrades and yet it feels like I'm getting shot like paper by NPCs, and I cannot return the same DPS or even higher DPS because the cannons got nerfed to something unbelievable. Fighting NPCs became a joke, they do tons of damage in you while you can't do the same dmg because your cannons are nerfed down.

Edited by Portuguese Privateer
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31 minutes ago, Portuguese Privateer said:

What did you guys do to the damage model with tuning down to sustained DPS? It completely screwed PVE combat overall. I got 42pd cannons loaded on my Vic and it feels like I'm firing 9pd cannons at my enemies! What the hell happened?

I got a Live Oak/White Oak Victory with plenty of thickness and HP bonuses upgrades and yet it feels like I'm getting shot like paper by NPCs, and I cannot return the same DPS or even higher DPS because the cannons got nerfed to something unbelievable. Fighting NPCs became a joke, they do tons of damage in you while you can't do the same dmg because your cannons are nerfed down.

what are you talking about? There are no changes to DPS .. Where do the patchnotes talk about changing damage or reload? Please read and quote.


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6 hours ago, admin said:

But we indeed stopped supplying peaceful players to wolves.

Peaceful players are directed to peace server by all means possible. And because of that we have no plans to provide protection to wolves and their cubs. Sinking near capital means your wolves do inadequate job and if you do not like it you move to peace server. Protection of their national water is players responsibility. War server means war server. Resources have to be fought for, ships have to be earned and areas must be protected (new roe allows to even out battles and they do even out based on data if you know what you are doing). Despite lower numbers there is more pvp. So stop complaining and start fighting. Or move to peace servers. they are also awesome.


You tried to make the r zone safe, but never implemented the correct change despite the same Feedback you got from players. 

1.Attacking with lrq made a Brig spawn.

2. 1st rates spawned in which made in much safer because the player could actually take cover from the PvP. Which was  best

3. Why would you spawn equal ship that attacks as reinforcement let alone one rate above, its not like you should give the attacker a chance to survive. 

4. The speed mods made a teak teak frig go 15.5 knots out running the ai.

5. The ai usually uses carronades chasers so they cant tag. 


That are some of the mechanics that are there/been there. The point 2 is the best one because it actually helps the player

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3 minutes ago, Routan said:

You could trow them at me. I’ll even take of the shirt and wrickle my behind a bit😱


13 minutes ago, Ligatorswe said:

Yes. I am curious too. I stand here prepared with my wallet, that i am just about ready to throw to you!  😉


16 minutes ago, Routan said:

@adminany date on when we can expect the new dlc ships?

Thank you guys.. 
They are under review from Valve
46 gun L'Hermione
70 gun Rattvisan
and 46 gun Pandora

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35 minutes ago, Wyy said:

You tried to make the r zone safe, but never implemented the correct change despite the same Feedback you got from players. 

1.Attacking with lrq made a Brig spawn.

2. 1st rates spawned in which made in much safer because the player could actually take cover from the PvP. Which was  best

3. Why would you spawn equal ship that attacks as reinforcement let alone one rate above, its not like you should give the attacker a chance to survive. 

4. The speed mods made a teak teak frig go 15.5 knots out running the ai.

5. The ai usually uses carronades chasers so they cant tag. 


That are some of the mechanics that are there/been there. The point 2 is the best one because it actually helps the player

Reinforcement zones are gone and R zones test the failed to achieve any tangible results. No need to discuss their benefits or negatives any more.
Port investment patch part 2 will switch off all forts (they will have to be constructed by players). 

And please no more  oh "they were not tuned properly" and could have been better. If the feature has potential it is immediately bringing results (time saving, or usage, or online growth). R zones were in betwixt two worlds. They did not give ENOUGH protection for peace players and did annoy war players. Thus they are gone. Peace players go to peace server. War players do not need reinforcements - they call friends

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There have been some interesting comments recently on the "war server vs peace server" theme and the types of player each attracts.  I play on the war server. I am a solo player, I regard myself as a casual not hardcore player although I probably play more hours than what most would regard as casual.   I do both PVE and PVP, and some trading and crafting, I build most of my own ships.  With all of the changes in the game my playing style has remained more or less the same, needing only minor adaptations along the way.  As far as in game finances go I would say that my PVP activities are largely funded by PVE.   In my opinion the war server is suitable for all playing styles, yes there is more risk involved but that makes any PVE activities a little more challenging and interesting.


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19 minutes ago, LeBoiteux said:

46 guns, really ?

If so, still waiting for a 24 to 38-gun DLC 9-pdr light frigate / corvette (such as La Renommée)

Why are you jumping to conclusions? Why you post in a negative way "really" etc?
What do you know about those guns? Maybe you should wait for info before assuming shit and starting outrage??

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4 minutes ago, Bartholomew.E.Dogg said:

There have been some interesting comments recently on the "war server vs peace server" theme and the types of player each attracts.  I play on the war server. I am a solo player, I regard myself as a casual not hardcore player although I probably play more hours than what most would regard as casual.   I do both PVE and PVP, and some trading and crafting, I build most of my own ships.  With all of the changes in the game my playing style has remained more or less the same, needing only minor adaptations along the way.  As far as in game finances go I would say that my PVP activities are largely funded by PVE.   In my opinion the war server is suitable for all playing styles, yes there is more risk involved but that makes any PVE activities a little more challenging and interesting.


Thanks mate, for your words, my thoughts exactly.

As a typical family-casual-solo-player i can't see any real drawbacks with the recent changes. Especially the new damage model does supports my playstyle because it shortens the battle time and breaks the thickness meta. Even before the last big patch i used mostly maho, sabicu and caguiran as building woods for my ships and didn't feel a real disadvantage. Imho the most influence in a battle have the number of a ships knowledge slots you could use and position. Both things you could acquire with training and patience. Reals and doubloons never were a problem and i even had a 3rd lvl shipyard - but as a solo hunter i only use up to the heavy cruisers (4th rates) and i only rarely attend at a port battle. This because as a casual and family man i don't have enough time for them-

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21 minutes ago, admin said:

Reinforcement zones are gone and R zones test the failed to achieve any tangible results. No need to discuss their benefits or negatives any more.
Port investment patch part 2 will switch off all forts (they will have to be constructed by players). 

And please no more  oh "they were not tuned properly" and could have been better. If the feature has potential it is immediately bringing results (time saving, or usage, or online growth). R zones were in betwixt two worlds. They did not give ENOUGH protection for peace players and did annoy war players. Thus they are gone. Peace players go to peace server. War players do not need reinforcements - they call friends

There are things like these that makes people Wonder whats the plans for the future. Why did you even implement the r zone if they was supposed to care for the casual player AND the PvP player?

To draw a example. In wow, durotar and the barrens are Horde zones Even on PvP serveres. You have to enable PvP or attack a npc flagged as PvP to risk getting attacked.

Reworking that to NA would be the call reinforcement when ever a player on opposite side joins, and spawn 2x first rates close to player, or not calling reinforcement and instead have a nice duel.

The reason PvP players complained about it is because its near capital they could find PvP, maybe add something that would make people want to go outside their comfort zone. Instead of scrapoing the idea. 

The player base had a jump in 2017 with over 1k players for a week but then dropped why is that so? It would be smart having a survey on the topic, but instead you move on as nothing happened and say that players will come back. 

Dont take this personal, but alot of people care for this game and want it to succeed, but if you make a decision that 70% of the player base dont agree with maybe you should rethink the idea instead of forcing it on to players and risk losing 40% of those 70% players

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