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Testbed Feedback - Battle UI, Localization, Patrols, Delivery quests

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Hi, i agree with Marquis de la Fayette. The interface of the battle is better thank before and the graphics design are good. I hanvent the opportunity to test more the beta due to the maintenance at the moment. But i've seen that the battle group invit and clan invit windows havent text (bug maybe). See u soon.

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2 hours ago, Hullabaloo 'The Thief' said:
3 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

Give option to turn off Random mode. 90% of NA players hate it and accidently use from time to time. Causes a lot of annoyance.

THIS. I do this all the time and have lost fights because of it. It's made worse because when in aiming mode there is no visual difference from Rolling front (bow to stern). I have yet to work out any possible use for random fire mode.

This please! Pretty please :P Give us an option to disable it or at the very least stop lighting it up the trajectory closest to the bow. That is the main reason I use it by mistake, because it looks just like "Bow to stern" firing mode when looking at the broadside aim.

I have never needed random fire mode. 19 out of 20 times I use it is by mistake, because it lights up the trajectory closest to the bow so I can not distinguish it from "Bow to stern" with out reading small text. I try to check quickly for the "R" from random, but the fact that I have to do this to not waist a broadside is annoying. It could light up one of the cannon trajectories in the middle of the broadside aim to clearly separate it from "Bow to stern" and "Stern to bow" firing mode.  

Edited by Tiedemann
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3 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

Bow to stern and stern to bow is very confusing to me. Not because it is new, but because you must pay more attention. 

Before: I see 1 word, either FRONT or BACK.

Now: I see 2 same words, bow and stern. I must think twice in which order they are and I still make mistakes.

In intense battles there is no time for thinking. Players must make no mistakes in order to win. Also, while in the topic... Give option to turn off Random mode. 90% of NA players hate it and accidently use from time to time. Causes a lot of annoyance.


I would rather the game be intuitive and easy to play than offer better text explanations. 


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Thank you so much Developers for your efforts to perfect Naval Action. 

There is only one observation regarding the Boarding Battles information Panel that i would like to comment on.This large Info Window tends to obscure the view of the Ships. Is it possible to alter it's size or place this window at the side or along the bottom of the Screen.

Otherwise the Game is looking good and Playing well. Thanks!             Kind regards to Captains of all Factions.

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16 minutes ago, scottydog said:

Thank you so much Developers for your efforts to perfect Naval Action. 

There is only one observation regarding the Boarding Battles information Panel that i would like to comment on.This large Info Window tends to obscure the view of the Ships. Is it possible to alter it's size or place this window at the side or along the bottom of the Screen.

Otherwise the Game is looking good and Playing well. Thanks!             Kind regards to Captains of all Factions.

Hold the left mouse button down over the boarding window, and you can move the window around the screen.

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5 hours ago, admin said:

Testbed will shutdown until next week for long maintenance, patch deployment and improvements based on your feedback and based on your bug reports. It will reopen early next week.

Ya'll should of left it open until Sunday night or something.  I know a lot of folks that don't play much during the week and only have the weekends.  Giving you better feed back of the player base.  Right now it's mainly seems you just open it for the hard core and elitist to jump in mid week.

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Currently the test bed is down. This is the first test bed I have been privy to (I missed the last one). Should the test bed come back online at any point within the next few days I will be sure to add more to this. These are thoughts/bugs encountered in a short time of playing (two combat missions).

When looting, confirm is greyed out. While moving loot does get confirmed. Players must press escape to close the window as per usual.


Gun control: What is water and parallel suppose to mean exactly? I have been playing for well over a year and I do not even know what this means. Switching between these two does not appear to reveal a difference in cannons where as the old (current) options describe exactly what I need to know both from a new player perspective. If it is kept that means you must provide a way for players to learn what these are in tutorials and I think you may be just making yourself more work with this edit.

Boarding: Looks fantastic, I love the way it sits on the screen now. However I must say that now, Boarding is, instead of being almost rock paper scissors, IT IS rock paper scissors. I can see what the enemy uses for preparation and when/what their firepower is and such, which still gives me opportunities for outplay. However this now tells me I must learn the exact math of every option in boarding, and calculate for possible mods, and good luck on new players learning boarding at all before the perma-log off. Already I hear of too many new players getting insta-boarded by A.I. and quitting. But I digress.

The Battle UI:

You may not like me for this but here it goes.

The UI looks good, but it is very underwhelming. The icons have changed and it looks a bit smoother which is nice. Wind power on the compass was a nice touch. Wind inclination was a nice touch.

1 minute ago, elite92 said:

wait what? are u sure u are not talking about ship inclination? (roll)

The mini map still looks like dev tools status. Throw a boarder or something around it. while you are at it do the same around the compass. (maybe you kept it so it can be seen through?)

Icons: It is not clearly obvious where my crew is allotted. Please make it clear at a glance. Maybe a red border around the icon's when crew is turned off for that particular slot.

My wind direction still does nothing to alert me of a wind change. Make it wave in aspect change or something. Realistically if i was on a boat I would feel the wind change, only thing i can do through the game is feel the cannons through sound.

I hope the test bed comes back up soon so i can stretch the limits a little. I really hope @admintakes the time to read this and understand that this is just feedback an attempt to der'mo na nikh.


Edited by Molder169
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small improvement:

In the repair options where the cooldown is running, or which are not
available due to lack of material, you can colorize the background of the buttons like in this example:

No big thing and not an absolutely must, but it would maybe help that the hourglasses and the running timer not missed
Edited by Holm Hansen
evil grammar
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5 minutes ago, Molder169 said:

Gun control: What is water and parallel suppose to mean exactly? I have been playing for well over a year and I do not even know what this means. Switching between these two does not appear to reveal a difference in cannons where as the old (current) options describe exactly what I need to know both from a new player perspective. If it is kept that means you must provide a way for players to learn what these are in tutorials and I think you may be just making yourself more work with this edit.


Water = old unlocked auto. Aiming point converges at far distance. 

Parallel = guns fire straight out from broadside (like firing as they bear), or no convergence of aim point. 

Should be an explanation from admin further up the thread. 

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29 minutes ago, DeRuyter said:

Water = old unlocked auto. Aiming point converges at far distance. 

Parallel = guns fire straight out from broadside (like firing as they bear), or no convergence of aim point. 

Should be an explanation from admin further up the thread. 

You should be able to understand the meaning of a core game feature without getting on the forums for an explanation. If it doesn't make sense in game, then the words should be changed.  

I understand the development team does not speak English natively so it's understandable that there are some translation issues. It's our job as English-speaking testers to let the development team know when language is being used incorrectly. 

Edited by Capn Rocko
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How about "focused" or "auto focus" since the cannons are focused on the reticule? TBH "locked/unlocked" made sense and i don't see why a change needed to be made at all. 

Words like "water" and "free" just sound too vague since they are nouns/adjectives and not action verbs. 

Edited by Capn Rocko
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11 minutes ago, Chevalier du Ethuville said:

Convergence - Free 

Convergence - 100m

Convergence - 250m


( of note that at 800 yards/731m(?) all convergence precision is lost )

I have been thinking of a good term for it. Water is confusing and grazing fire is not right as that implies 0 elevation and thus point blank range.  

"Free" - maybe the simplest is it! 👍

I am not sure how often converging fire was actually used but that's another subject. 🤔

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Actually there should be the following gunnery modes (names may differ):

  • Parallel (unlocked) - you set the aim (horizontal and evevation) by mouse, but guns are parallel
  • Fixed Aim (locked) - you set the aiming point by clicking on it and locking the guns (both horizontal aim and elevation) on that point
  • Fixed Aim (unlocked) - as above, but you fix only horizontal aim (convergence) and can adjust elevation by moving the mouse
  • Auto Aim (unlocked) - old Unlocked Auto

That would be enough

P.S. Actually you could not aim the whole broadside of SoL at one point in 100 meters



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5 minutes ago, Malcolm3 said:

Actually there should be the following gunnery modes (names may differ):

  • Parallel (unlocked) - you set the aim (horizontal and evevation) by mouse, but guns are parallel
  • Fixed Aim (locked) - you set the aiming point by clicking on it and locking the guns (both horizontal aim and elevation) on that point
  • Fixed Aim (unlocked) - as above, but you fix only horizontal aim (convergence) and can adjust elevation by moving the mouse
  • Auto Aim (unlocked) - old Unlocked Auto

That would be enough

P.S. Actually you could not aim the whole broadside of SoL at one point in 100 meters



Sounds complicated and far too accurate.  In real life it was individual gun captains who aimed, and it was very inaccurate (catenary...).  We don't want it to be TOO easy...

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