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Patch 27 - Combat missions, events and challenges feedback.

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2 hours ago, BuckleUpBones said:

It would seem 350 players agree with you.

However, us, the missing 3500, don’t.

hold your hat here mister of those 350 players i wouldn't be exaggerating if i said 10-20% were alts

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1 hour ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

Best spot for AI routes feedback is in here

Yes Sir, I know but a reply is a reply, would be weird to post a reply in another completely different thread!

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26 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

A niche game that only hardcore or fully dedicated players can fully enjoy will fail. This is not a space game, a shooter or something taking place in a time loved and known by a majority like the world wars. 

Many of the changes arent friendly to those with limited time.


I should start a new PVE server character and see how it goes as a fresh recruit in a Basic Cutter.  As an established player the economy changes are mostly adding some extra expense, and then the teleport annoyance fee.  My view of the game has narrowed to the daily routine of the Great DaBalloon Chase, since nobody is really doing anything else anymore. 



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4 hours ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

I see it this way... have to kill 10 ships.... each one of those has a chance of a good reward, by the end of 10 reward collected i will have the overall reward. Sum it all up and it is a nice cake.

That Kill mission greade is really challenging but worth it.

In the end the final reward is just a piece, you have to count ALL the possible rewards along the way


The rewards I may/may not find in the ships I sink have nothing to do with the mission. If the mission spawned those ships for me at a location then maybe that could could be considered. But no, those rewards aren't given by the mission so counting them as part of the reward for doing such mission makes zero sense. You seem to fail to calculate any risks involved in your 'rewards cake'.
Nobody treated Peace in any particular way, maybe devs should take the time to think that putting the same exact missions in two different servers doesn't make much sense. 

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Sure :) that's your take on it and I respect it.

Kill mission is fixed position, and a certain rate ship - in the case I posted a 4th rate ( last time I did it it was a Ingermanland ).

The open world Hunt and Search&D. missions are more fun though, as they can be fulfilled by killing AI or killing players. Plus the added up amount of loot and the final reward make them my favourite.


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@Hethwill the Red Duke I don't really care if it's my take or your take or whatever, but how many players are actually taking on those missions and then going out there and actively trying to complete them. Currently from people I play with, none take on such missions. It is not interesting enough and the reward isn't enough motivation either. 

Separate suggestion for the thread, make wars between nations be goal oriented. Indefinite war makes little sense when there's no goal for the nation, I think giving an entire nation massive goals to complete together to achieve victory in war might bring more pvp and also more fleet activity. Too many players seem to looking for battle that serve no purpose, which makes a lot players not want to take a risk to go looking battle because they feel there's nothing to gain. They don't want to lose a ship for nothing. If they got sunk but least added to their war effort somehow, then it wouldn't feel like complete loss. 
The game seems to rely on players creating the gameplay and setting the goals for their clans and nations. I think it would do better if the game gave players and nations altogether more goals to achieve that had tangible rewards to look forward to. Short term goal and long term as well. Make players want to come together as nations, encourage fair play, give people reasons to join those smaller nations. Get rid of nation hopping too. 


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On 11/24/2018 at 3:53 AM, Barbancourt said:

I should start a new PVE server character and see how it goes as a fresh recruit in a Basic Cutter.  As an established player the economy changes are mostly adding some extra expense, and then the teleport annoyance fee.  My view of the game has narrowed to the daily routine of the Great DaBalloon Chase, since nobody is really doing anything else anymore. 



Because its a sandbox - everything is in the hands of the player himself. Game is brutally honest and if you don't look for targets you will be eternally bored. If you look for action you will find it. 

One of the streamers have recently taken a challenge
He started a new account and got 7 pvp kills in the first 4-5 hours of the game, earning 2500 doubloons in the process. No books, no slots, pure fresh account.

We suggest everyone to take a look. 

We asked a streamer to add english subtitles and make a 25-30 min video out of it. You can all view it in all entirety. 

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17 minutes ago, admin said:

One of the streamers have recently taken a challenge
He started a new account and got 7 pvp kills in the first 4-5 hours of the game, earning 2500 doubloons in the process. No books, no slots, pure fresh account.

При всем уважении, но это все же Реверс.
По-хорошему нужно что-то типа фокус-группы из реально новых игроков, а не старых опытных ветеранов

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What a suprise Captain Reverse farmed 6-7 noobs with a fresh account. 

This is a very good example how skill and experience are much important than rare books, refits etc. Proving nothing more than that. 

Good point for evaluating wipe before release. A full wipe is only more meaningless grind for veterans. Developers plans for wipe  are good so far. 

Edited by AeRoTR
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3 hours ago, Borch said:

@admincould you ask tottaly new NA player to do the same please?

Also brutally honest doesnt mean good.

Your suggestion makes no sense. Of course no skill based game expects the new player to perform on the first day. But he can perform it once he accumulates experience which is the main selling point. Practice - practice - and you will get better.  Its a skill based game - books help but they do not matter in the majority of cases.

If you practice you can do well and find action if you want it.

+ we are totally fine that the game is not good for some players. Its good for Reverse though for some reason. He is always able to find both PVE and PVP (even without skill books). Are you sure you are playing the same game as him? What you are not doing that he is doing? if you are constantly unhappy why are you here? 

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5 hours ago, Intrepido said:

Really? Reverse is your model? A guy that spend his life in the game and knows a lot about everything.

Reverse is what many incoming players want to be at least in some areas. Winning all the time.
PRO streamers sell more games to the right audience. PRO Streamers are good for skill based games  - all games. 
You are not a new player = perhaps you can go and copy what reverse is doing and you can get constant PVP every day?

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5 hours ago, AeRoTR said:


What a suprise Captain Reverse farmed 6-7 noobs with a fresh account. 

This comment has ZERO sense. Its a PVP game - its an action game. Getting 7 kills on a fresh account IS PVP.  

How do you determine those are noobs? I think you even mentioned that ALL noobs are in reinforcement zones sinking to PRO xebecs (not in shroud cay patrols) :) - have they suddenly moved to bahamas? Some players tell us they are struggling with tutorials or uninstalling the game - how they all met reverse on his first day?
Or those are ghosts that some veterans never see - only reverse finds them?- that's why they complain of the lack of pvp and importance of skilbooks? :)

Players who look at pvp this way (separate some pvp kills from others) you will never be happy with anything. 


ps. sorry for teasing but its important to make this point across to everyone to be passed along. There is pvp if you want it. And new players can do everything once they learn how to play. There are no casuals in Naval Action. All are hardcore crack sailors even on PVE server. This is a hardcore game - its not for everyone!

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35 minutes ago, admin said:

There are no casuals in Naval Action. All are hardcore crack sailors even on PVE server. This is a hardcore game - its not for everyone!

In my mind, but I'm no game specialist and not anglophone, "casual" means "who don't have much time to play per day", not necessarily "unskilled" as that kind of player can become (at least a bit) skilled over time.

NA combats are skilled-based. That's great.

NA should also enable 'ppl who don't have much time but want to learn skilled-based combat' to play the game. DLC ships that don't have to be crafted/captured/bought in game is a good way to enable that. Kill missions are too. I'm sure there could be other ways.

And more DLC ships are needed (7th-6th... rates). 🙂

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@admin consider a “Third Server Mode” for casual PvPs,  it’s the answer to satisfy the disparity.

There’s real sizeable group of players in-between PvE and the current PvP server meta.

True PvP, and as to your current PvP server, is that players want to resource up by searching out other playing characters with whatever they have, attack, win, build better, repeat and search-out again.

Casuals want to resource up with NPCs, build a attackable ship and then search-out to for playing characters to attack (new server targeted group of players).

You don’t have to understand casuals players, just provide a server for them, us, just like you did for PvE. Its not to late, need to catch them as they pop in for a test run, before they commit to another game, before they gone for good. 

Casuals think you will change the situation at some time, you won’t, they’re waiting for that change to make it easier, but it will never happen, if you give them a server (meta) to play on then they will come back and play on that server.

Like you said, the PvE server is healthy, in time a “PvP Casual” server will become healthy too.

"PvP Casual" server = all NPCs as per post patch 27. And return/include "Combat Missions" as per post patch 27.


PS, What's needed (if possible increasing from 1500)  for OW NPCs on a PvP Casual server is, 7th, 6th rate ships/fleets returned to all coastlines, of all national’s, including those sailing in and out of capitals zone, as per post patch 27. And also include an even distribution of 5th rates throughout the whole map (new), meaning alot more.


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14 hours ago, AeRoTR said:


What a suprise Captain Reverse farmed 6-7 noobs with a fresh account. 

This is a very good example how skill and experience are much impotant than rare books, refits etc. Proving nothing more than that. 

Good point for evaluating wipe before release. A full wipe is only more meaningless grind for veterans. Developers plans for wipe  are good so far. 

Back on global I did this with my Second account "Dead In the Red."  Know one knew it was me and I slaughter US/GB players in the shallows with him.  I later did this with my 5th account Suicidal Tendencies which has level up to Commodore only by PvP/RvR (any PvE was Hostility grinding).   It's not hard to do this and get things done, now ask some one completely new to the game to do this.  There has been streamers that come along and tried (any one remember Appolo?)   Most of them didn't last long cause the game just didn't hold attention of it's followers or was to hard core.  The pirates kinda destroyed him and his group when they where lead to believe we would have a friendly fight with them.  Which we would of if some one told us it was for a stream and not US just attacking us again.

As said this is a sandbox and players do make most of the game content, the problem is we need to keep the casuals and new players around long enough to let them get into the other content and explore.  If they get killed over and over at capitals and never get to explore before they give up on the game than they won't add to the rest of the player base grouth and we end up with dead servers like we have now.

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3 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

As said this is a sandbox and players do make most of the game content, the problem is we need to keep the casuals and new players around long enough to let them get into the other content and explore.  If they get killed over and over at capitals and never get to explore before they give up on the game than they won't add to the rest of the player base grouth and we end up with dead servers like we have now.

sorry my bad english

agree. it's not simple to find pvp for your skill level, then you are going to patrol and be under the bus of skilled party

then you are going to training in pve and ganked while trying to find fleets

but ships are not cheap now

old times: cheap ships, many easy/same level targets to boost you skill

now: expensive ships, few easy/same level targets, most of players who are ready to fight are skilled veterans

so, we have biggest gap between new an skilled players because newbies do not have the same abilities as old players to boost skill

in the world of sport  such a thing as grades, leagues existed. All these things let ppls grow and protect them from situations like "wolf in a world of little pigs".


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Just a heads-up for those that want to access mission content and at the same time drive nation/clan conquest

- pick missions ( like a nice amount of them :) to hunt or search&destroy ships ( whatever rate you want to kill )

- pick hostility missions against your "favourite" nation

- go in with your buddies and do the hostility ( will spawn 1 enemy per player )

- fullfilll hostility drive and at the same time fullfill the hunt and search&destroy missions

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On 11/25/2018 at 8:42 AM, admin said:

Because its a sandbox - everything is in the hands of the player himself. Game is brutally honest and if you don't look for targets you will be eternally bored. If you look for action you will find it. 

One of the streamers have recently taken a challenge
He started a new account and got 7 pvp kills in the first 4-5 hours of the game, earning 2500 doubloons in the process. No books, no slots, pure fresh account.

We suggest everyone to take a look. 

We asked a streamer to add english subtitles and make a 25-30 min video out of it. You can all view it in all entirety. 

When opening a new account you get 500.000 reals?

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3 hours ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

Just a heads-up for those that want to access mission content and at the same time drive nation/clan conquest

- pick missions ( like a nice amount of them :) to hunt or search&destroy ships ( whatever rate you want to kill )

- pick hostility missions against your "favourite" nation

- go in with your buddies and do the hostility ( will spawn 1 enemy per player )

- fullfilll hostility drive and at the same time fullfill the hunt and search&destroy missions

Can you only effect hostility now during the timer of the Port Battle window?

Has it been recently changed so that Hostility is only effected during port times and not at any time?

If so a clan with members at different time zones around the world will have a more difficult time being all online at the same time just to effect hostility...

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Just now, Kilo60 said:

Can you only effect hostility now during the timer of the Port Battle window?

Has it been recently changed so that Hostility is only effected during port times and not at any time?

If so a clan with members at different time zones around the world will have a more difficult time being all online at the same time just to effect hostility...

Correct, during Port timer. There's plenty of ports with full open window.


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On 11/25/2018 at 12:42 PM, admin said:

Because its a sandbox - everything is in the hands of the player himself. Game is brutally honest and if you don't look for targets you will be eternally bored. If you look for action you will find it. 

One of the streamers have recently taken a challenge
He started a new account and got 7 pvp kills in the first 4-5 hours of the game, earning 2500 doubloons in the process. No books, no slots, pure fresh account.

We suggest everyone to take a look. 

We asked a streamer to add english subtitles and make a 25-30 min video out of it. You can all view it in all entirety. 

If you really think like this and are proud to announce it. Explains why the game is today what it is.

Ask from yourself what kind of gear bonuses would make the game gear based then? Gear has to give 100000% more damage to make it gear based?  Would that be enough for you?  Or maybe 100000000000000000000000% more damage?

Combat balance is also so bad and wont be better as long as you believe in this.

You are a game developer and I am really disappointed to see this post. If this is the starting point it will take long time before this game will be good PvP game again, if ever.

Cant remember who said it before. It is like the development team changed after 2015, early 2016. Why the game was so good PvP game then and now we are here? If they were the same people, how the game can be so different now and then? Who was able to make so good PvP game that time? Why are we here now?

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On 11/25/2018 at 6:42 AM, admin said:

Because its a sandbox - everything is in the hands of the player himself. Game is brutally honest and if you don't look for targets you will be eternally bored. If you look for action you will find it. 

One of the streamers have recently taken a challenge
He started a new account and got 7 pvp kills in the first 4-5 hours of the game, earning 2500 doubloons in the process. No books, no slots, pure fresh account.

We suggest everyone to take a look. 

We asked a streamer to add english subtitles and make a 25-30 min video out of it. You can all view it in all entirety. 


Me and my clan mates have never been this lucky in dozens of hours of killing AI traders post patch!

Of all the recent 1st rates we have killed in much smaller ships there's been nothing but crap upgrades on them and no Dabloons at all!!!!!

In fact the last 1st rate we killed took almost and hour and we got a crappy "Basic Ballast Relay" upgrade on it and that was it!!!!!!!!!!!

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Due to all the recent game changes and subsequent serious lack of players online now PVP has been horrible, especially in the daily patrol event zones...

My clan and I spent and hour and a half sailing through the daily Patrol Event circle the other night and did not see a single enemy ship to attack neither player or AI...!!!


This is ridiculous and idiotic!

There were less than 150 people online at 9PM EST.

The daily patrol event zones need to spawn more AI ships to attack especially when there are so few human players online!

It's bad enough that AI ships don't sail out into OW and just spawn and disappear in disappear close to Ports.  And when a daily event Patrol zone is out in Open Water there are hardly any AI ships ever that go through those areas!

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