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pls change timers


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1 hour ago, Banished Privateer said:

Let's see the prime fleet of RSC.

>sets all timers on one window and not even prime time for his clan

>gets mad about multiflipping

I heard they will be able to fill them and defend.   Glad we will bring our "A" Game or maybe "A-" as that is kinda early...

1 hour ago, Christendom said:

my only regret is someone blabbed and they moved little harbor.  oh well.  There are a lot of unhappy US players that are upset we're generating content.  

Yep we plan to only flip one port and it turned into two cause of it. I did say I wanted Marsh any way so well looks like I'll be getting my clans first port in an old school Pirate port I use to have as home.

52 minutes ago, Christendom said:

We also sunk Gregy in battle, he said he was gonna turn all of then neutral.  Fine by me.

That was honestly why we flipped La Desc cause of the agro we got from sunking him. I still think we had time to flip the one we where actually going after lol.   I think we will save that one for next weekend?

12 minutes ago, Cornelis Tromp said:

Maybe setting a port to neutral should take 2 days instead of one? To avoid exploiting it like Greg is now to avoid points gained/lost on conquest board?

Because now you have to PVE TWICE to get a port.

Should cost you to do it in maybe locking up your ports where you can't change timers or other things for 24 hours when you drop a ports.  Each port you drop adds a day to the cool down.



@admin or any one else what is the limit of ports a nation can flip?  Is it 3 per nation or 3 per clan? I think they have more ports we can flip in later hours and want to flip them if we can.  

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9 minutes ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

But someone might take the ports that cost me time to maintain and losing them will make me richer, whatever will I do!

Well with all that gold we can haul some of that salt away for ya...

Edited by koiz
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1 minute ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

I take all this attention as a compliment 'cus you're too incompetent to fight us so you have to multiflip lol. Please do keep broadcasting your incompetence.

Dude, expect a tribunal for griefing for setting all the ports to neutral.

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1 minute ago, Cornelis Tromp said:

Dude, expect a tribunal for griefing for setting all the ports to neutral.

I wonder what would happen if Brits would turn all their ports neutral. And start living out of KPR only (ofc, most Brits do this already anyway).

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Well according to Greggy baby my main is still Russian.  So I guess I didn't flee too far.  My evening guys were already planning on going to the US to follow the other US based clans who moved over prior, there's been no content for them in Russia for months at night.

I didn't push Carta defense btw.  I think it's a good thing we lost it.  Over extending is a bad thing, just take a look at the bahamas this morning.

Edited by Christendom
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2 hours ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

Clearly can't defend all of them so we'll drop up them so they can fight AI. Fighting AI is content after all.

"Herp derp all the timers are at the same time"




Yeah you changed the timers... thats why they aren't the same. Good job I guess? So much salttttttt

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12 minutes ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

The term "bad sport" comes to mind but hey ho, not my problem at the end of the day. As Batman said earlier, some people take this way too seriously.

Do you think three nations came at Great Britain flipping eight ports without reason or cause?  You reap what you sow mate. To every action there is a cause. You and maybe a few Great Britain players are taking it too personally to the point that it is spreading to multiple threads now. The remarks you are making and the recent actions of the major leaders of Great Britain has done nothing to help the image, trust, or reliability of Great Britain. 

Edited by Davos Seasworth
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15 minutes ago, Davos Seasworth said:

Do you think three nations came at Great Britain flipping eight ports without reason or cause?  You reap what you sow mate. To every action there is a cause. You and maybe a few Great Britain players are taking it too personally to the point that it is spreading to multiple threads now. The remarks you are making and the recent actions of the major leaders of Great Britain has done nothing to help the image, trust, or reliability of Great Britain. 

Everyone keeps declaring war on and attacking GB, how dare they respond?!

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