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Sweden declares war on France


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4 minutes ago, Cornelis Tromp said:

Especially when reinforcement zones practically touch.

But what I am trying to say is that war will come soon enough. Let all build up a bit before declaring full on war. You want worthy opponents or your victories will be empty.

To this I agree.

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When Sweden get bored of whipping the French puppy there's an usa poodle that thinks it's a bulldog which is in the need for some training to the north.......!

Is this "war" over already!! I'll get the updates printed and sent out to all news agencies...

Any chance for an official statement!!

I feel like monkeys needs to add an award for being a "surrender monkey"...

Edited by monk33y
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8 hours ago, Peter Goldman said:

Danish didn't attack Swedes either. It is very pointless to attack nations with huge reinforcement zones. They are very weird at the moment and not logical. Swedes would have to attack Danes on Haiti and Danes would have to attack Swedes... close to French nation? It would be all messed up.

The problem with danes and swedes is: Their capitols are too close together and the devs dont want to see that as a problem. Every war against the danes wasn't fun for me, not the same with all the other wars against other nations. Doesnt matter wich nation. This is my personal experience as a player on the swedish side and the reason why I dont want a war against the danes until the devs understand the problem. Maybe others on both side feels the same. You cant keep such a war locally limited to Haiti it will always turn back to the small area between danes and swedes (and with that to the capitol areas). But i think only danes and swedes understand the "capitols too close"-problem in relation to rvr.


Edited by Sven Silberbart
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8 hours ago, monk33y said:

When Sweden get bored of whipping the French puppy there's an usa poodle that thinks it's a bulldog which is in the need for some training to the north.......!

Is this "war" over already!! I'll get the updates printed and sent out to all news agencies...

Any chance for an official statement!!

I feel like monkeys needs to add an award for being a "surrender monkey"...

The US only has a lot neutral harbours without any neighbour close, but most of them dont even produce a profit. And i suspect we will loose in a 25 vs 25 1st´s with screening. But i also think we would fight at least the 4th and shallows, its not like thoose ships are still expensive. Maybe Nations like Sweden should arrange PB like you have only 8 1st ok wie bring 8 to and both sides dont screen.

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2 minutes ago, rediii said:

Even the US had a 1st rate project weeks ago when they lost Ays and wanted to take it back from the pirates. Imagine spain took Ays this round. Would you attack them even tho you know that spain lacks the spirit to fight?

danes and french are acting like we are realy close to oneporting france with our plan to take guadeloupe, pretty funny. You guys are whining more than brits did when spain declared a total war to oneport the british nation.

Of Course we would :/ and iam pretty shure spain would defend.

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4 hours ago, rediii said:

France is killing their playerbase again by not defending instead of defending, gaining experience and even winning since its way easier to defend like we saw in cartagena

Instead you wait on your ass and will attack us later when you have the hard mode and be the attacker

Sounds like it will work to motivate france like that...


I'm getting so tired with this stupid assertion... Really, Rediii, you're a master in sophisms...

To put an end to this, i propose someone to make a meme, i have no capacity nor time to do it, (maybe anolytic who seems very good for memes).

So, this meme would be from the Disney's Jungle book, the scene when the snake is strangling Mowgly with the hypnose eyes thing and with the writing : "you don't want to breath" or better "you're forbiding yourself to breath"...


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17 hours ago, North said:

lol, good defense on beating a dead horse:D

Next target is Pirate i guess:rolleyes:

The pirates are already destroyed by the danes. Put down the gloriole that dazzles you and look at the map.

French were crying all times about their bad bad neighbours. Before the big whipe the brits were the bad enemies that want to destroy them, now the new ugly guys are the swedes.
Come on we don't play a little girls pony farm game (but even there you have to muck out the stable).

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I'm the only there noticing the only people here whinning is Redi? The port we own are under our control and we make what we want with them. It's the sweden that are whining on this thread and i don't have to give them an explaination about french tactic, french moral ore french plan.
We are not defending specific port, deal with it. If you are mad about not fighting, don't point your finger in our direction. There is plenty of ennemy outside that will fight to keep any port because they play for the win. We play to build a nation, we're far away from fighting for win and if we have to losts ports/islands/region to build a nation so we will. Nothing will interefer with our main plan and we don't care on the small problem we may encounter into the way.

Suiciding our fleets will lead player to leave the map in a more sure way the one you describe. I take responsability on giving edr the best condition to enjoy the game and i've been on many roseau pb where we losts plenty of ships. People spend 3 to 4 days to go back after a collossal loose. We never face a huge drama but with 5-6 ships destroy we were already badly hurt in moral. Time is not gone to suicide ships ; playerbase won't support it. We were not able neither as society neither as nation to defend pap and keeping it would just have made people come to screen collossals ships in frigates meaning french would have feed you.
We then decide to make the port free to make all the french know we don't care on the port and don't want to risk their ships for it.


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18 minutes ago, PIerrick de Badas said:


Suiciding our fleets will lead player to leave the map in a more sure way the one you describe. I take responsability on giving edr the best condition to enjoy the game and i've been on many roseau pb where we losts plenty of ships. People spend 3 to 4 days to go back after a collossal loose. We never face a huge drama but with 5-6 ships destroy we were already badly hurt in moral. Time is not gone to suicide ships ; playerbase won't support it. We were not able neither as society neither as nation to defend pap and keeping it would just have made people come to screen collossals ships in frigates meaning french would have feed you.
We then decide to make the port free to make all the french know we don't care on the port and don't want to risk their ships for it.


I....so has your group and other french just sailed south of FR to get away from all Swedes....? Is it that you wish to fight on your terms? Or are you just saying that you won't fight any swede no matter how many ports are taken from you?


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Just now, Baptiste Gallouédec said:

@Teutonic Aren't you from the global ? Are you just here to troll ?

I'm sorry I couldnt hear your muffled reply.... Maybe if you come out from your doomsday bunker and talk like adults I'd respect you more....**click, bang, bang, click** nevermind I think he's now taken to hiding inside a safe inside the doomsday bunker....

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1 hour ago, Baptiste Gallouédec said:

@Teutonic Aren't you from the global ? Are you just here to troll ?

I play on both servers mate. If you believe that to be trolling then so be it.

So again, the current patch makes it easier to get ships and by doing that, pvp. So it is just a little eye popping to see folks seemingly run from a good fight.

Now don't get me wrong, I prefer OW pvp and I did a lot of that in the previous patch, but this new patch also makes pprt battles a more common occurance and the option to have some good fights. 

Maybe I will put it another way. Does the french community on EU plan to fight anyone? Speaking as someone who was going to join KoC and WO in france, i can see why they decided to stop playing the game due to others simply not wanting to pvp.

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so embarrassing - the great french nation (at least in the history) gave up their last port in Guadeloupe...

u just would have needed 25 (!!!!!!) players - dont tell me or anybody else u dont have these 25 players in 4th rates and 1st rates - to defend more than this 1 port u did

u could have gained alot pvp/rvr exp but u decided to do PvE or nothing.... have fun.

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Peace in Guadalupe!

Swedish Caroleans have intruded Fort Royal in the night and freed the Guadalupe women of pleasure and escorted them to their home.
Seafarers of the Caribbean got a heavy burden lifted from their heart and have the very demanded service of pleasure back at their disposal.


Meanwhile, the military campaign has been concluded with the take of Basse-Terre, the Royal Swedish Admiralty offers peace to the great nation of France.
We salute you for the bravery we faced at Camp du Roy and La Desirade as well in the many battles outside the ports.

We wish all well to our former enemy and are open for trade agreements as soon the dust settles.

In the name of the Swedish Council I salute you,
Konteramiral sveno

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On 19/09/2017 at 8:28 PM, Louis Garneray said:

I am on both servers (but mainly on Global) and I have to say one thing: I am always amazed by people reactions when France is involved in the conversation.

Not long ago (before the patch) on Global France decided to concentrate on PvP and not do any RvR and everybody was talking about how we didn't want to fight we were cowards, and we had lost the war, etc... And every time someone will reach what I came to call now the French variation of Godwin's law...

Every time there is a conversation about a war involving France someone will talk about white flags and surrender... which is stupid and only show historical ignorance of the one commenting there with the flag reference.

The 'White flag' thing is plain trolling. Just don't feed the troll. :)

The history of France speaks for itself, whatever a bunch of insignificant trolls might say. ;)

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