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Spot the difference:

9 hours ago, Cabral said:

 You can only blame yourselves, why do you attend their PB's? You know very well by now that they don't care about map win or all those ports, they just want to smash people in PB's. They come with those fine words and compliments "good battle", "you are getting better", just to make you come again and again to smash you. They feed their ego and you go home in a cutter.

 Have fun in OW pvp and let RVR to them.


8 minutes ago, Stepp636 said:

George's Town was my first shallow pb since the wipe.

I forgot how much fun they are.


Thanks swedes for the content and I'm looking forward to the next fight.


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11 hours ago, Peter Goldman said:

Since you spam it in every forum section (he spammed it in AHOY-Global, AHOY-EU twice and now here, he is very desperate to prove something):

I chased you in OW for 15 minutes.

I chased you in battle for 10+ minutes (all he was doing is running and using his stern chasers)

Once I caught you, I fought you and and at some point I decided to board you as I had more crew. I had no boarding mods and you had marines, muskets and other shit. I disanaged from boarding and sailed away.

You didn't want to fight me, I forced you to fight. You were lucky to have all boarding mods, that's the only reason why you survived. Also, I'm not a coward, because I actually was fighting you from the very start. You never wanted to fight, all you did from the start was running.

At the point I knew I can't win this fight without huge risk, I decided to disangage and sail away.

So again... Who was the coward in this fight, me or you?


Can't believe @rediii likes such posts lol.


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8 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

You didn't manage to kill me in boarding with full boarding mods and marines and me having nothing. For me you're still the loser. If I had all boarding mods, it would take me 2 rounds to kill you. I disangaged and sailed away and escaped. You failed to win boarding and you celebrate that you manage to survive a fight with me LMAO. Great achievment, congratz!

You was in pir frig vs renommee, and you running? for me you are the most cowardly player on the server

Edited by White Squal
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11 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

Moderators deleted 3 posts he made and he keeps spamming that screenshot in every place on forums. Maybe for REKT clan it's a huge achievment to survive a battle with me, as he was running for 30 mins and managed to make it out alive.

I wrote in your topic, without violating the rules, I wanted to show just what you are a coward, but the moderators have rubbed these posts

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5 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

I wanted to fight and I did. Is that what cowards do? You didn't want to fight and you ran for 30 minutes to avoid the battle. I think that's more of a cowardly behaviour. 

You wanted to fight, you ran away. Too mutch talking, not enouff tarning.

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7 hours ago, Quineloe said:

Are you too ashamed to use your real account for this anonymous trolling or can you not log into it anymore because it's banned?

This is my "real" account. I just did't care to make one before... and now i know again why...

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6 hours ago, troody said:

he sounds a bit like bernadotte, just a bit more stupid

Your mate has no argument and drops the generic "go cry in a corner" like some kid and my response is stupid? I really wouldn't throw the word stupid around if i didn't even know what a punctuation mark or case sensitivity is, you mouthbreather. Looking at your comments this beradotta guy is probably more intelligent than you will ever be... sorry to say.

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16 minutes ago, Peter Goldman said:

WhiteSquall, lets do 1v1 outside Mortimer Town, ok? Less talking, less running, less forum PvP and more fighting.

Sure, tomorow at 17:30 - 19:30 server time near MT, do not run, fight to the death.

Edited by White Squal
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