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Patch 9.97 - Events, minor crafting changes and other things


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Ну я даже не знаю...

Если никаких изменений в огромном количестве NPC в боях не произошло, то боевку тестить, мягко говоря, не хочется.

Непонятно зачем добавили команду Brace и одновременно снизили дамаг по экипажу. Как снизили тоже непонятно, в борта он и так был никакущий.

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Just saw an admiralty event pop up that chat is saying does not start for 3hrs! This is the time sink I am talking about. Even if I logged on when their was 15 to go I would never be able to sail their in time. Events need to be short and sweet not even an hour long and close enough to sail to in good time. Their should be any number active when you log on so you can do your business and get off.


Is this the top of the line event and others will be like I say above?

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1 minute ago, Destraex said:

Just saw an admiralty event pop up that chat is saying does not start for 3hrs! This is the time sink I am talking about. Even if I logged on when their was 15 to go I would never be able to sail their in time. Events need to be short and sweet not even an hour long and close enough to sail to in good time. Their should be any number active when you log on so you can do your business and get off.

I believe it last for three hours not that is when it starts. 

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57 minutes ago, admin said:

20% ow speed buff was applied - lets see how this will affect the travel times

shrink large circle or reduce tagging timer.

Or remove NPC drag to battle from large circle. what is a pure pain in ass to find enough room for good tag without any npcs


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12 minutes ago, Otto Kohl said:

No RoE and crappy Maginot Line changes ? Inscreased OW speed.


"Good" job, now every noob will run to forts or AI fleets even faster. Could you PLEASE introduce some meaningful changes and not pointless PvE events or towing ?


Where are promised raiding or announced centuries ago changes in pirate mechanic ? WE WANT CONTENT !


I fully agree with Otto Kohl on this one! Get rid of most of the fortresses and towers. Only place them at really strategic capitals and please for the love of god reduce the AI fleets by a factor of 2... places like Christiansted are infested with AI...

Please bring back positional spawns again. Those were perfect. I ... hate... the huge drag circle and the small tag circle... it ruins our SAILING to every port battle every time...

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I kinda have to agree that there could be a small hot fix related to AI fleets and forts, at least for the AI fleets.

Removing AI fleets is better than having every places filled with 1st rates.  Fast fix to cap the AI fleets to 5th rates, or to remove all.

You could make it so that the forts do not fire, for now.

One option could be that players could invest resources at port to build towers/forts/AI.  We should also be able to destroy those then as well.

Also the hostility PvE, this is a grind that is way more tedious than to buy a flag and sail to PvP.

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PvE looks a lot of fun, I will try PvP tomorrow.

I note in the time trial the top player killed both ships in 4 mins with 400 damage ? So is boarding allowed in time challange, I know its not in the Kill Challenge as my boarding didn't register. I have F11'd. And have no issues with the player who did it. Just asking for game mechanics.

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Just now, Chijohnaok said:

Ibut there were many people that had concerns about it.

Its same in every hardcore MMO! Best players and clans win and have lots of resourses and noobs suffer and have bad equipment - its fair and called "Might is right"! I also lost two 1st rates and had to gather fine live oak for a weak to build a new one! Why i didnt whine about that?

If you are weak and poor - find a good clan that can help you and make you stronger - its easy man! And if you are a solo player, dont know how to make money and dont have lots of fine wood - its your problem! I can tell you that i know lots of solo players who did not suffer from the lack of fine wood!

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3 hours ago, admin said:

resource control remained. You still have to own certain regions to have full access to some types of wood or materials. 

fine wood removed for the following reasons. Its goal was to limit the number of rare ships and first rates, the goal was somewhat achieved together with the removal of players :). It was not a good feature and has to be rethought completely.

really? fine wood used to take 80-85% of the whole price of the 1st rate! other resourses are very cheap and are in numbers in a warehouse of every noob! You already made lots of "soft" players left so dont make also "hardcore" players leave cause of making the game much softer and easy-breezy. PVE/PVP events are good but this removing of fine wood control made the game much worse cause fine wood was the ONLY really valuable resourse.

Edited by Henry d'Esterre Darby
Keep it respectful please.
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2 hours ago, Palpatine said:

really? fine wood used to take 80-85% of the whole price of the 1st rate! other resourses are very cheap and are in numbers in a warehouse of every noob! You already made lots of "soft" players left so dont make also "hardcore" players leave cause of making the game much softer and easy-breezy. PVE/PVP events are good but this removing of fine wood control made the game much worse cause fine wood was the ONLY really valuable resourse.

Palpatine, if it wasn't a problem for you before, it won't be now. Players who were fed up with the Fine Wood mechanic will rejoice. Win/Win?
Or do you fear 'noobs' in equal ships?

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Just now, Snoopy said:

Palpatine, if it wasn't a problem for you before, it won't be now. Players who were fed up with the Fine Wood mechanic will rejoice. Win/Win?
Or do you fear 'noobs' in equal ships?

Why I, who took part in all battles for strategic regions and spend hours and money to craft best ships should fight on the same ships with noobs who did NOTHING to win and just did a lots of whining on forums and asked admins to give them free 1st rates (cause 1st rates without fine wood are really built for free)? Those who did nothing for their faction to be stronger DO NOT deserve good ships!

Edited by Palpatine
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51 minutes ago, Jeheil said:

Will the ships you use in PvE rotate around ?

yes of course.. ships and enemies. If this one is popular the content of course will be expanded

i will post a separate post on pve challenges ideas requests

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20 minutes ago, Palpatine said:

Why I, who took part in all battles for strategic regions and spend hours and money to craft best ships should fight on the same ships with noobs who did NOTHING to win and just did a lots of whining on forums and asked admins to give them free 1st rates (cause 1st rates without fine wood are really built for free)? Those who did nothing for their faction to be stronger DO NOT deserve good ships!

But, when people who do have a life that keeps them from hunting precious fine pixel wood for a week get fed up and decide to move on, leaving the servers and crafting scene empty ( personal remark removed). With fine woods gone we all get to stay and have some fun, isn't that wonderful ? 

First patchnotes in a while where I read things I liked. Not all of it, but some. Keep it up guys.


~ Keep it free and clean judgemental negative personal remarks ~

Edited by Hethwill
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3 hours ago, Palpatine said:

Only those who have little money or who lost the control of strategic ports were [upset about that]! Admins should not listen to [these people], only for adequate players who have balls to fight and win even after defeats and lack of resourses!

The only way Fine Woods could have worked without losing player interest in PvP would be some mechanism to make gold rated ships not a de facto REQUIREMENT for PvP and port battles.  Fact is if you don't have a gold rated ship you will always be the underdog in pvp be it OW or PB atm.  Right wrong or indifferent fine woods only magnified how bad an issue that is.

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