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Hotfix 9.91 - Prohibition is cancelled/Groups are fixed for full use of rum


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Crew management is fine.  500 gold per crew member is NOT!  I think this needs to be scaled back to maybe 250 gold.  It is just too expensive IMHO.  I found 2 bottles in 3 hours of sailing last night.  I am still trying to hash out everything.  I made the mistake of putting token crews on two 3rd rates I captured not realizing that I didn't have to do so to capture them.  Well, they were reduced to burning rafts by the AI before long.....  SO happy the group issue was fixed!!



Edited by Teamski
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Crew management is fine. 500 gold per crew member is NOT! I think this needs to be scaled back to maybe 250 gold. It is just too expensive IMHO. I found 2 bottles in 3 hours of sailing last night. I am still trying to hash out everything. I made the mistake of putting token crews on two 3rd rates I captured not realizing that I didn't have to do so to capture them. Well, they were reduced to burning rafts by the AI before long..... SO happy the group issue was fixed!!


So in another post you rant that you refuse to sail from one place to another because its not fum to sail (even if its strategically right) but in this thread you say you sailed for at least 3 hours in circles to find bottles lol. So basicly its not about sailing time or teleport for you its about "oh look a shiny !"

That adding shinny things wont work for long here. This isnt a fantasy setting with endless candy for you, this setting has limits.

Edited by Mrdoomed
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Did a fleet mission today using my St Pavel and made around 170K and a couple of grey/green upgrades. Spent 5K on repairs and another 50K on replenishing crew (from this and a few other fights). Was left with over 120K in pure profit. What is the problem with crew prices again?

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Crew management is fine.  500 gold per crew member is NOT!  I think this needs to be scaled back to maybe 250 gold.  It is just too expensive IMHO.  I found 2 bottles in 3 hours of sailing last night.  I am still trying to hash out everything.  I made the mistake of putting token crews on two 3rd rates I captured not realizing that I didn't have to do so to capture them.  Well, they were reduced to burning rafts by the AI before long.....  SO happy the group issue was fixed!!



It's only 500 gold if you buy them from the port. If you make your own med kits it is 120-180 gold each. Significantly less.

So you can buy them from the port in a pinch or if you are made of gold. But you are much better off to buy player made kits or build your own.

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So in another post you rant that you refuse to sail from one place to another because its not fum to sail (even if its strategically right) but in this thread you say you sailed for at least 3 hours in circles to find bottles lol. So basicly its not about sailing time or teleport for you its about "oh look a shiny !"

That adding shinny things wont work for long here. This isnt a fantasy setting with endless candy for you, this setting has limits.


Wow, you really are trolling me, huh? I sail all of the time to open new outposts so I can teleport my ships.  Your points is again.....?



It's only 500 gold if you buy them from the port. If you make your own med kits it is 120-180 gold each. Significantly less.

So you can buy them from the port in a pinch or if you are made of gold. But you are much better off to buy player made kits or build your own



Point taken.  Another detail to work on....



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Devs, keep on the track you're going.  You're doing a great job with the upgrades and the hotfixes.  ;)  And screw such naysayers who have nothing positive to say or any constructive input whatsoever.


I didn't see the item listed in the 9.91 hotfix that addresses the bug with pre-patch hired fleet cutters and lynxes.  Was that included here as well (as indicated in the other thread questioning it) ?

hehe you are shurly one of those guys who need 20 % more firepower then everybody else to have a fair fight .... and nobody said nay ... somebody said ... this way breakes the game .. and if you ask players with skill you get the same answer ...

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Now fix the BS 20% reload speed that stacks with other mods to make a 40% reload speed bonus and we will be good

We will have to see how this goes. From the stand point of OW battles it's probably not much of an issue. However, from the stand point of contested port battles it's a big draw back to the pirates. Now to be fair a player has to invest a lot of officer points strictly into fighting pirates, which is a disadvantage everywhere else. If pirates don't have to port battle in the future (Pirate nation revamp) I think it would be ok to leave this perk in game.

Edited by Bach
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nope. the pirate vermin needs to be eliminated. more reload buffs agasint pirates!

HUZZAH to this!!!!^^^^^^

The pirate nerf is here!!

The exodus from the pirate nation starts soon!!

Recruiters start selling your clan/ nation to those pirate refugees!!

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The crew costs with the med kits is also too high.


It has to be set so, that you want to fight even if you are not exactly sure if you are going to win, or see if you can escape, etc.  Not so that you just surrender, because it is so freaking expensive to lose men.


Radically decrease the crew costs.

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chance is the same for everyone Captain. 

to make it feel rare it must be based on chance ?

otherwise the rewards must be nerfed and it will feel meh then


It would be good to increase the chance eg. by 50% if you didn't catch the bottle for the long time, and decrese it by 50% after you cought one. For 10 hours of sailing I didn't catch the bottle, while my friend caught 3 in 10 seconds. This is strange.

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