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Everything posted by DeRuyter

  1. This ^^. While epic fleets and more PVE content may be a hot issue right now, I think working on the W&P plus Pirate mechanics may well make the OW more exciting without the additional PVE. With the land in battles ( varied depth in ports maybe?) and a rework of Pirates just maybe we'll not have to grind away in PVE to all get 1st rates for rinse and repeat port battles. I would go with more PVE variety - different missions, etc as #2. Although the same people voting for PVE will also be the ones complaining about sailing to far to get there!
  2. Admin said: "Lack of port capture is not going to make pirate gameplay interesting. Henry Morgan captured a lot of towns using his own forces (at some point he had 1400 infantry under his command - all buccaneers), if henry morgan could do it (he had funds and could hire people on the promise of riches) then any JackSparrow111 could do it too if he has enough funds and friends. But you can try to persuade us to the contrary." Well Henry Morgan operated in an earlier time, 1650's - 1680s when there was more government sanction of pirate activity against an enemy nation. Pirates in the core time period of NA operated much differently. Hopefully implementing the other game features such as the land in PB, etc will create more incentives for gameplay some pirates want - raiding in smaller ships etc, without a bunch of special rules or nerfs.
  3. Something similar was attempted prior to EA. You had to kill a certain number of ships with a certain type of ship at each rank to advance. Could have been PVE or PVP though. This honor kill requirement was dropped. See this thread for example: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7571-honor-kill-clarification/?hl=honor+kills#entry144015
  4. AFAIK your ship furls sails and stops if you are disco'd. I had this happen during a port battle - lost a dura but still got xp, gold and drops from battle.
  5. "caveat emptor" Seems to me finding a mechanical solution would be a waste of development resources at this point in time. Hopefully the OP will only hit accept when the ship is in the trade box next time.
  6. Good point. Question for admin is whether these are unintended consequences or something they thought through in the chat ban process. Although the limitation on trade should be rare, how many times are 2 chat banned players going to be trading? I would hope that situation won't come up often.
  7. Nelson certainly didn't waste time salvaging what little was left of L'Orient after the Nile.
  8. I think a good example of this was during the War of 1812 on the Lakes both the US and British pressed merchant ships (usually schooners) into service as small warships. In game this would be the Lynx. Unfortunately IRL it didn't always work out well in terms of the sailing characteristics and armament capability of the ships. Didn't the term "en flute" refer to warships converted to troop transports?
  9. Ditto on Gardiner - also some of the Conway Maritime Press titles and of course Harland - "Seamanship in the age of Sail" . "Line of Battle" is a good one: http://www.alibris.com/The-Line-of-Battle-The-Sailing-Warship-1650-1840-Conway-Maritime-Press/book/3953495 Some of the Osprey titles may help as well, but really only for an overview. Here is another suggestion: http://www.amazon.com/Dutch-Warships-Age-Sail-1600-1714/dp/1848321570/ref=pd_sim_14_47?ie=UTF8&dpID=616nxcaDcJL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR136%2C160_&refRID=082Q4TG1ER2VMS13KE11
  10. Never mind the mast, as admin said a broadside from a 74 should pretty much destroy a cutter sized ship. There is an example at the Battle of the Nile when a frigate was wrecked by a single close range broadside from a 74.
  11. It was an advantage of having the leeward position in a line fight, your disabled ships could withdraw to repair or run. It should be harder to withdraw and repair any significant rigging damage in a 1v1 otherwise you may get the extended sail shooting drawn out battle.... +1 Exactly, it was the standing rigging that was shot away which took away the support and weakened the masts, particularly the top masts or t'gallant masts. A ship could withdraw to repair standing or running rigging, but once a section of mast fell that would be a much more extensive repair. There is a video in one of the L'Hermione threads showing the crew taking down a royal mast while underway which is helpful. The smaller spars could certainly be replaced but you wouldn't do it in close combat I like the idea of some mast and rigging repair with limitations in the OP - Just no more magically reappearing bowsprits in battle please!!
  12. Actually if you look at it from a ship design point of view rather than simply who had the biggest navy it is not so absurd and not "at the expense of history". Note also that the US ships other than the Constitution are all smaller ships, 6th rate and smaller. Lets take the Lynx , and Privateer. These ships represent a new design of fast schooners known as Baltimore Clippers. They featured in the War of 1812 as privateers and blockade runners. They were part of the shipbuilding industry in the US after the revolution. Some further reading: http://www.maritimeheritage.org/ships/baltimoreClippers.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltimore_Clipper The Niagara is a similar design (sharp hull and tall rig), although with a brig (snow) rig. So I think these ships represent differences in ship design particular to the US shipbuilding industry of the time. From that point of view these ships represent a unique ship class for NA and should be in the game. As for the Navy Brig I did not know that modeled after a US ship. I thought it was modeled after British brigs like the Cruizer class. Actually it may have been a response to calls for a more powerful brig.
  13. I remember during the early days of the OW you could see the storms coming and avoid them. You wouldn't want automatic damage, but I hate seeing ships in the OW or battles on full sail 24/7 without regard to weather conditions or potential battle damage. A storm does not mean gale or hurricane force either, even a rain squall like we see in OW now would cause smaller ships to take in sail or risk losing parts of their rigging. Exactly. It should also change the way ships interact, say a 74 would have to close the lower gun ports making it easier to fight in a large frigate, or that 74 is faster in high winds and can catch a smaller ship. BTW I wouldn't count the Niagara (your states tall ship I see) out - the Great Lakes can have some fierce storms as well. She'd certainly have to take in a lot of sail and strike the royal masts though!
  14. Sadly no love for the small ships. We already have good selection of SoL with more on the way. How about Venus a Chapman design and another 24lb frigate?
  15. Well I suppose I should be voting for Admiraal de Ruyter But we need frigates and 4th rates and Spanish ships so Arvenski may be spot on!
  16. Stuns'ls would be a great feature but you need to implement varying wind speeds and damage to rigging in OW & battle for weather effects first. Agree - low priority atm.
  17. Yeah you don't get much from breaking a ship. People do it for the random chance of getting a ship blueprint - which is very random.
  18. I dunno William did you check the BR totals on that Morgan's bluff battle - something like 900 Pirate to 600 US! I noted it when I entered in a Pickle. Only one or two US players in a Merc rest in smaller ships.
  19. Welcome to Naval Action. o7 I'd join but I am already in a clan as you can see - We do have some prior service/retired folks in TDA. Does MG have a War Thunder branch?
  20. ^^ Yes and other brigs. She was a shallow draft vessel and over canvased in comparison to British brigs like the Cruizer class brigs.
  21. Justme - I thought I saw a response to this question in another thread about a Steam family sharing account that may solve this issue? Can't find it atm though. Anyway - 1 character per acct for me - no neutrals for the reasons others have stated. I think a fair number of ppl will buy multiple copies which will help support the game. I mean ppl spend far more on the supposedly FTP MMOs!! Here is the other thread - Steam friends and family system: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8366-question-for-devs-regarding-character-account-limit/
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