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Everything posted by DeRuyter

  1. Wait what!?! Mr. PVP sailing around in a trader hauling and crafting say it ain't so! I capped an Endymion made of Bermuda Cedar -fast. I think it has the speed of Fir but without the strength penalty.
  2. +1 and I'll add: Are there any plans to test variable wind and weather conditions for battle instances?
  3. I think the spread of strategic resources is meant to be unbalanced to promote conquest.
  4. And the Russians appear to be paying their respects as well: http://news.sky.com/story/russian-warships-to-pass-through-dover-strait-shadowed-by-royal-navy-10625732
  5. That's my experience as well, but often you do have an acknowledgment of the command. For example the helmsman always repeats a steering command. Also didn't you sing shanties while hauling lines? For example: Officer: Hard a starboard; Helmsman: hard a starboard aye sir, or Steer ENE with the reply: ENE aye sir. Master and Commander did a goo job with commands - "We shall beat to quarters!" Someone else posts other quotes. Also when checking depth of water - "sound the lead" or cast the lead. Some quick samples of sail handling commands: "Avast!" - stop what you are doing "That's well" - sail handling line is properly set Make fast or belay - to secure a line to its' pin or bit. Haul away - start hauling on a line - usually followed by shanties or 2-6 heave to keep tempo. Sheet home - haul the sheets until the sail is taut. Clew up - haul the clew lines until the sail is raised into the yard (not furled). About ship! or Ready about - Command to prepare to tack ship. Hard-a-lee or Hard-a-weather - helm is taken to extreme position to either side of the ship. Brace about or Let go sheets and braces - bracing the yards up on a new tack. Sequence: "Let Go the Sheets and Braces!, Slack Windward Brace and Sheet!, Haul Lee Brace and Sheet!, Make All!" Mains'l haul - another command for tacking sequence. Make all - command after a sail evolution is complete. Make sail or Shorten sail. There is a whole sequence of commands for tacking and wearing. Gunnery commands for individual gun crews: Cast loose Sponge your piece Worm your piece Load cartridge Ram cartridge Load round Ram round Prick and Prime (before flintlock firing mechanism) Run out Make ready to give Fire - Fire! or from the Captain or LT to the gundeck: Fire as your guns bear!
  6. My point was that there was a variety in the build quality of a wooden ship which can be related to her designer and builder. Yes I was referring to US shipbuilding ports famous at the time. Some areas were known for building fast merchant ships for example or for the Americans privateers (Lynx). I believe that the Spanish did a fair amount of shipbuilding in the Caribbean, but maybe someone more familiar with that could weigh in. Even assuming that most of the larger ships sailed over the effect is the same. Certain French shipbuilders were known for building fast sailing frigates for example. So this is a way to differentiate one ship from another within the limited designs we have available to sail with in NA.
  7. Actually it does matter. Certain ports were known to excel in shipbuilding, such as Salem, MA and Bath, ME in the northeast US, and those ports would have the skilled and well known shipwrights. Building a wooden ship at that time was more of an art than a science and the skill of the builder and craftsmen really could and did make a difference.
  8. With a double level the recovery could be longer. They should be shooting updated X-rays to make sure the bones are properly fusing and the hardware is in the proper place and not loose. At least they got the sciatica. Hang in there could be still in the healing process. Just make sure you tell the surgeon where you are symptom and pain wise at each follow up. They should be concerned if you have no progress with the pain and function after 3-4 months. Good Luck Maybe the new patch will take your mind off the pain for awhile!
  9. A pirate hunter - perfect ship for Naval Action in the Caribbean
  10. Sorry to hear about your painful recovery. Did you have more than one level fused? Which level? +1 to what Wind said. Also do you smoke? Smoking is a major contributor bad results from fusion surgery because it inhibits the bone growth. Where is your pain when you try to walk? Mostly in the back or also going down your legs? After a certain point in the healing process movement, physical therapy and stretch will become very important even through it may be painful. Stay in one position to long can lead to more pain and stiffness. All the best for your recovery.
  11. Better to take the extra time to get the patches and development right the first time - as they say in woodworking - measure twice, cut once!
  12. Why? Low level players can run missions in the newbie zone or somewhere not on the front line of a contested region. Many high ranked players will be participating in big battles for RvR and not concerned about someone running around in a cutter or brig.
  13. Found this interesting graphic showing real time global wind patterns. You can rotate and zoom in on the Caribbean. Clicking on a particular spot gives you the wind speed at that location. Of course the pattern is a bit thrown off because of the hurricane/tropical storm lingering off the coast. https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-75.85,22.10,1018/loc=-63.175,13.990
  14. Yeah like everyone sailing around with full sails in storm conditions Need to have effects of high wind and sea states at least in battle instances like failed tacks and rigging damage.
  15. Leaving out issues being changed/fixed in current patch: 1. Lack of real pirate mechanic - ie; just another nation. There are exceptions of course but we want to emphasize the lone hunter/small fleet pirates who terrorized merchant shipping, etc. 2. No Wind speed effects or real variability in the weather. High wind/storms should damage sails and force some ships to reduce sail. Having wind velocity effect would highlight different ship characteristics as well. Have a baseline allowing for decent speed advantaging small ships and go from there. 3. Lack of a ship draft mechanic. Should have some account of draft more for PB and OW battles. Maybe a ranking system more than just shallow/deep. This allows for more variety of ships in PB when real forts and land are introduced. 4. Ability to see outside of port. So now we have ppl hoping in and out, but really you could see what ships were stationed outside the harbor and ships outside could see if a fleet was in port as well.
  16. Use a speed fitted trader Lynx, then they won't be able to catch you in their big ships.
  17. Lots of back and forth about 1 dur ships like it is some kind of noob killing zombie apocalypse. That's a lot of speculation from one line in the entire patch note! Lots of new mechanics in the other 95% of this large patch coming soon.....
  18. Once upon a time a few patches ago the AI warships were aggressive and did attack players on the OW. It interfered with port battles too much and AI attacks were removed. AI traders used to have one behavior - just sail mindlessly along. Now they will at least attempt to run at their best point of sail. I would like to think that the AI/NPC traders had an effect on port resources and that the trader holds had goods in relation to what ports produce along their trade route. Not sure if this is in game now but it should be.
  19. You hit on the motivation behind the multi-dura system, ie; to allow for sequential battles. They wanted a player to have sequential battles without delay. A number of the mechanics are based this premise. Get sunk and you show up in a nearby port in the same ship. Same effect now with crew loss if you surrender.
  20. Clipping the gun ports? Ah I see. I saw that the ship model was riding low in the water- even may be taking in water through the gun ports further back than those highlighted.
  21. I think you have it - essentially similar types of ships. I believe the term "Corvette" was used more by the French than the British or Americans. There may be some difference whether you consider ships with a quarterdeck and/or forecastle to be corvettes. I suspect it may come down to a 19c ship vs. a mid - 18th c ship. Good point about the Cerberus.
  22. Flag exploits will be irrelevant in a couple of weeks, just sayn'......
  23. Didn't the French use the term "Corvette" for a flush decked warship carrying the number of guns you noted? Very similar to the later American ship sloops like the Wasp? What about the Cerberus? ship sloop or corvette? Actually the Renommee was a frigate, just an earlier design. http://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=6154
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