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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by Leviathan

  1. What are your PC specs and most importantly what graphics card?
  2. No access to screenshots on this computer but TDA and some members of Tattered Flags had a good fight against a heavy fleet of pirates from FTS that lasted the full duration. Hats off to FTS for being friendly even in defeat.
  3. Having "G" as my push-to-talk key for TS. It's very convenient until you are slowly going for a rake on a 3rd rate and have to ask someone a question.
  4. I agree that the grind shouldn't be forced or rushed and I think most feel this way as it takes the fun out of the game. This truly is a game to be enjoyed visually and at a pace you are comfortable with. The problem we ran into however was defending port battles from those who had been grinding missions and fleets. We would show up in a Surprise or Trinc trying to stop a fleet of Connies and 3rd rates.
  5. This is the exact situation we had in TDA. We all prefer to PvP so we almost exclusively did this at the beginning of early access but we quickly realized we were behind other groups in ship size who were exclusively grinding NPC fleets and missions. Lately, we've been grinding missions trying to catch up and I can tell you it's been much easier to gain XP by grinding high level missions. When you do get a good PvP fight the XP is nice but it's also much harder to find to make it efficient compared to NPC grinding unfortunately.
  6. Servers couldn't handle it with all the calculations that are going on in real time let alone the individual gpus. That's why battle size is capped to keep performance at acceptable levels.
  7. You asked for it. Now brace yourself for the Kraken...
  8. The obvious ones such as myself are pretty easy to figure out. The others that are anonymous should stay that way unless they decide to reveal themselves.
  9. It's been said many times that the current UI is a placeholder and will be one of the last things addressed, but it will be updated in time. There are too many other priorities right now that need addressed first. Quote from Admin User interface User interface artwork and polish will start last. We expect several changes to the UI during the testing and there is no point to spend resources on art that will have to be redrawn again and again. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/7231-development-plans-until-early-access-release/?hl=user+interface
  10. This is odd especially since you can sail the other two with no problem. There should be no reason that you can't sail the Surprise except that it's glitched somehow. Hang tight until Admin or one of the developers respond and see if they can fix it for you. Worst case scenario you could try selling the Surprise and then purchase another one and see if that works. However, it would be best to let them look at it and see if there is a bug they can locate.
  11. This. Forum pvp or recruitment to other clans is not allowed in another clan recruitment thread.
  12. This is all falsified lies by the way. I'm leadership in TDA and have been for over a year when it was formed. I have never been in TF or under Sams leadership. Locked for Admin review
  13. I 1 day banned Richira for telling players to "STFU" in chat twice after I warned everyone to stop and keep it civil. There is record of that chat and it will be reviewed. I specially told you to report the other incident here as chat was overwhelming to cover by a single mod. Topic will be reviewed by Admin
  14. 26 May 2017...the day the Jack Sparrows take over the Earth. Better grab that "Jack Sparrow1, Jack SpArrrow, Jak Sparrow" while supplies last http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1790809/
  15. These are the types of ideas we need when it comes to pirates. Less national shipbuilding empire and more of this. Since these would be off the map it would offer a nice ambush spot to attack unsuspecting traders.
  16. Leviathan


    This. Go to "My Settings" and then "Notification Options" and you can manage settings there.
  17. Not just another nation...one of the 2 largest nations with a massive shipbuilding operation. I know we joke about this a lot, but if they acted more like Jack Sparrow it would at least be closer to the real thing than the massive empire that's roaming the seas currently. At least he stole things instead of crafting them. I think we missed the target by initially allowing players to choose pirate instead of encouraging acts of piracy to become one. As others have said they are much closer to a real nation than groups of raiders wreaking havoc on trade and commerce. Many of us assumed by default that the pirates would compete among themselves therefore limiting their ability to organize and work effectively in larger numbers. From what I've seen so far this isn't the case and they are as organized as any other nation. I'm not against pirates and If it wasn't for the US being added to the game I planned to go pirate for the unique and challenging gameplay, but to be honest I don't think I would in it's current form.
  18. Trading/Econ and PvP are entirely different skill sets so debating and comparing them seems like a futile effort. No offense to the OP but I don't see much positive coming from this topic by letting it continue.
  19. If you hit "M" while in battle and select the AI ship icons of your fleet on the map it will allow you to do that.
  20. Nothing concrete yet but Admin has been silent which usually means they are in the background working overtime to get things ready. As soon as he's confident with the patch we'll hear something.
  21. I'm only disappointed in the rotgut rum taken from the captured ships. I expected better from you guys.
  22. No problem. Post back if that resolved the issue or if there is something else.
  23. You have the transparent sails option selected? I've used the traders snow but I can't remember ever getting into combat with it. Odd indeed.
  24. I don't want to derail the thread myself but I agree. Pirates are already crafting 3rd rates in the game as we speak. I can't help but think something is awry when pirates are building more volume and larger ships than anyone else. *edit* I completely agree with your status as well
  25. Snagged this from "The Art of Age of Sail" Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/aoshipmodels/photos/a.297825893561076.82263.221777191165947/1122115731132084/?type=3&theater
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