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Everything posted by Leviathan

  1. Sailing home after a fun and successful evening. Cheers to the Tattered Flags members that joined us! Beers are on us
  2. I can't remember the last time I actually used these to disable a deck. I think it may have been on the Renommee.
  3. Remember Bungee that was changed http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/6419-warning-friendly-kills-for-all-nations-are-not-allowed/?p=121997
  4. With the current gold rewards it's easy to pay for a ship plus some over the course of 5 duras.
  5. I've exited without waiting before so I don't think that's the issue but you never know. It seems this current build is a little more unstable than the previous one. It may be something they have to reset internally.
  6. I removed some of your personal information from the post Bob. Only provide that if asked by Admin and then do so in private.
  7. I agree with Bubbles. It's easy to spend an hour just trying to divide up the teams evenly since they are multinational. This results in a single battle taking 1 1/2 - 2 hours total time investment. It would be nice if we had the skirmish room available for perhaps Saturday only for arranged battles.
  8. Yes, please post screenshots and hardware specs if you can. Has this only happened recently in the open world?
  9. The main problem with the positioning (mostly against the AI when they attack you) is the length of the timer. You may have favorable wind to start, but by the time it hits zero they have sailed 3 circles around you. It's not as much of an issue against players. Perhaps lower the timer for the AI? The only way to mitigate it for now is to try and catch the AI sailing upwind toward you so you can control how close they get.
  10. Once you initiate the attack you don't have to do anything else except let the timer run down with them in the circle. It will then automatically start the battle intance. No need to click anything once the timer has started.
  11. Solved. Locking the thread
  12. I've never had a BSOD but I have had the game freeze up completely a few times when I tried to send a bug report. It was always when I clicked send as it was trying to generate the reports. It seemed the longer I went between sending F11's the longer it took them to send so maybe it's a build up of log information? This usually occurred when I was on my older laptop.
  13. Position of the yards will of course influence the speed and the heel of a ship thus effecting aiming.
  14. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/6266-open-world-patch-5-list-of-changes/ and http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/6040-official-patch-notes-thread-current-version-open-world-5-updated-july-22nd/ The next patch (hopefully this week) will be accompanied by a new topic in the 'open world' section of the forum by Admin detailing the changes.
  15. I think this is more of a personal roleplay thing. You can't actually change the name of your ship in game.
  16. A pirate can still attack another pirate, but if two pirates are on the same side (green) it is now forbidden that they shoot each other.
  17. When I had the rudder bug before it gave me a fully manual rudder and would stop anywhere I stopped it. I know it's not exactly what you are suggesting but I absolutely hated it. To me it sounded like a good idea until I witnessed it first hand.
  18. This was the first Trafalgar i've been apart of since Sea Trials and it was a blast. I was only there for the first one but I can't wait until these happen regularly in the open world. As a bonus you get a ton of gold from these battles.
  19. No worries. Many people have mentioned their desire to have alternative views and this further shows interest in that.
  20. This was discussed before. On some ships it would be fine but on others you wouldn't be able to see anything because of the location of the wheel. The best we can do is use the zoom function we have now and zoom all the way to the deck. I'll do this often to add some immersion. I believe admin has mentioned we may get some hotkeys for different views in the future but the developer for that has been busy working on other things.
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