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Everything posted by Leviathan

  1. You guys do what you want but I think pirate is the perfect fit for you.
  2. I don't spend much time on other game forums besides this one but I spend a lot of time on various forums of interest. This one is pretty tame in my opinion with the occasional uproar.
  3. Part of the skill in a line battle is situational awareness. You need to be able to shoot, maneuver, watch the ship in front of you, communicate with the ship behind you and so on. Yes, in real life you had someone do that for you, but the only way to keep the game skillful is to leave this to the player themselves. Otherwise we take another element out leading us toward a point and click game with less skill. To simulate what you want they should have designed the game around a player crew. 1 player steers the ship, other players man the guns, others repair the ship, others check the rum stores... I respect your opinion but I feel the very things that set this game apart from other age of sail games (yard and sail control, realistic ballistics, unique aiming system, and physics) is what many people are trying to take out of the game.
  4. I think I like the color scheme the most about the ship. I saw a few in ports last night but they were mediocre so i'm still looking for a decent one to purchase and try out.
  5. I'm fine for fighting to the death but now that we have the surrender mechanic working with no durability loss wouldn't this be the preferred method to bow out?
  6. I wouldn't mind an extra 30 minutes especially now that the ships are harder to sink and there is more incentive to board. It would be a rare thing but nice when it is needed. Once all parties are captured or sunk you could have the instance auto-kick everyone after a few minutes to avoid people sitting there as well.
  7. The server is still down for update and maintenance. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/5421-open-world-server-status-servers-are-down-for-maintenance/?p=119010
  8. I prefer the players of each nation to be what defines it.
  9. I've been in open world for months and never noticed the pig cloud until Mac or one of the guys pointed it out. Since then I see the damn thing everywhere I look in all of it's multi-position bacon glory. I do agree it should be removed or at least chop the snout off that thing. The problem is that it's so unique in shape compared to the rest of the clouds that it draws your attention to it.
  10. The air cooled variant (Fury) is supposed to be $549 so that will help them out assuming the temps aren't astronomical. I'm just not sure what kind of margin they have even at $649 with the radiator. I almost bet that they intended to price it higher but didn't expect Nvidia to price the Ti where they did.
  11. Plans are nice but a model is better http://shipmodeling.net/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=981
  12. All of the independant reviews I have read shows the 980Ti ahead of the Fury X at 1080 and 1440 but it's relatively close at 4k due to the HBM of the Fury X. It's a nice card but it's not the Titan X/980Ti killer that they claimed it would be.
  13. Try sailing right to the end of the dock and you should see an "enter X port" box at the top middle of the screen. Sometimes you have to move around a little though. Flags and crew are currently not shown in open world due to graphic demands.
  14. I finally got my 980 TI installed but forgot to update. At 1440 i'm getting around 80-90 fps in open world (over 100 if I zoom in to deck view) on ultra and higher in instances. If i turn on 4xAA i'm getting around 40-45 fps.
  15. Tea is just wasted space that could otherwise be used for beer...and we love our beer.
  16. Instead of you choosing which of your allies you want to join the battle, each ally should have the option to join or decline. That may be more appropriate.
  17. No worries Scepo Okay, back on topic. What should the criteria for player invitation to port battles be?
  18. I don't see any confirmation of multiple instances? Each port battle will consist of one battle between the defenders and the attackers. If another port of the same nation gets attacked that will be a separate port battle itself.
  19. Maybe i'm misunderstanding but the battles will still be capped at 50 players (25v25) and it's just a matter of determining who gets the invite out of the 300/100 example and the criteria involved. It will never be a 300v100 battle.
  20. Looks like Pirates Online with updated graphics
  21. That sounds much more like it
  22. Is that at 1440 or 1080 Prater?
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