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Everything posted by Leviathan

  1. I remember when the reload rings where right in the middle of the screen. Now that was an aiming aid. You could hit a pimple on a gnat's butt at 500 yards.
  2. Default login was the method before the game moved to Steam. Only the people who were in testing before then can use it as far as I know.
  3. Primary is in Germany but they have also recently added a US based one for some instances.
  4. As soon as you log on the time switches to whatever timezone you are in. The developers are not responding because they are most likely asleep as I said in my previous post. At this point they are a very small team of less than 10 so they do not have the ability to sit on the forums 24 hours a day. Yes, you are frustrated because the game is down but they will resolve it quickly as soon as they are aware. This game has been remarkably stable with very minimal downtime for an alpha. Step back and take a deep breath and show them some patience. I have no idea and I am not aware of anyone playing the game. Everyone that I have talked to has been unable to access the game since we all got disconnected a few hours ago.
  5. Very likely a server issue. It's still very early in the morning for the developers so they may not be awake to be aware of the issue. They will get it addressed once they see it.
  6. This has only happened a few times before and the last time was due to a server issue. I'm assuming it's the same this time as it happened the same way. Once they are aware of the issue they will get it up and running quickly. It's not even 7AM there so they may not be awake yet to see the server is down. Keep in mind this is early Alpha and bugs and problems WILL happen.
  7. You have done everything correctly. The 'test idea please ingore' thing is correct although a little odd. When they receive the next batch of keys from Steam you will get an email with your activation key. It will be sent to the email tied to that paypal account so you would have to adjust the permissions in your email options.
  8. I'm not sure but keeping checking the server status thread for updates http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/649-server-status-updates-servers-are-on/page-14#entry62820
  9. I'm averaged down to less than $.06 an hour if that tells you how much I like the game. I've had more fun in this alpha and prior to sea trials than about any game i've played even with the limited content. I am anxiously awaiting open world however.
  10. You can freely move around in scope view without effecting your last cannon angle, but you must be careful that you don't move going between the two views. In my experience if you were in a small ship such as a Lynx it was probably do to the ship moving on the waves or a slight change in heel due to the wind. By the sounds of it falling way short I'd say that is what happened.
  11. Keep in mind that these player-selected ships will ultimately make up a minority of the ships in the game. The developers will make sure all the holes get filled with the ships that they are developing now or in the future. A Dutch ship is currently leading the poll after all.
  12. Here's a few that I was able to get
  13. I'm pretty sure that the ship had to be completed during the time frame, not just ordered. If that were the case we could get the 140 gun USS Pennsylvania that was authorized in 1816 but not built until 1837.
  14. There is a long way to go but I wouldn't be disappointed to see the current top 3 make it. There would be something for everyone. Powerful Warship Armed Merchantman Fast Privateer
  15. If you click "more reply options" it should give you the option to attach files below the text box. You can also edit your original post and click 'use full editor' and it should show the same thing.
  16. I do absolutely love the paint scheme of the Bonhomme Richard and hope it makes it one day. A very classy and historical ship. However, my vote had to go for the Rattlesnake.
  17. Nice info Alex. I have read that 6lbers were used originally (though the British opted for smaller guns when they had possession) but that operating was cramped as you said.
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