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Everything posted by Leviathan

  1. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/649-server-status-updates-servers-are-off/?p=73957
  2. I do like the looks of Mordaunt but never realized it was so small.
  3. "Goatish sheep-biting horn-beasts"...I think I know these guys
  4. Leviathan


    This is about all we have to go by in the near-term. The overall development is too early and fluid for them to give a definite timeline for release yet. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/3006-development-plans-winter-spring-2015/?p=60657
  5. Seeing that the Bonhomme Richard is in 11th place you could change your vote to the Rattlesnake and receive a cookie
  6. Leviathan

    Ships reset.

    It will happen eventually and will definitely happen before the game is officially released. It has already happened to those of us who started before sea trials.
  7. Right now avatars are definitely not of any importance. However, when I think about the open world aspect of this game having an avatar could be useful. Often in MMO's certain areas will serve as hubs for people to meet and interact in the open world. I surmise this will be possible without avatars but it would certainly be easier with one instead of everyone sitting on ships chatting in an area.
  8. When they first switched to the horizontal configuration it was confusing for me as well but now I hardly notice it. I believe the admin said horizontal was chosen over vertical because it was less obtrusive especially when sailing a ship such as the Santisima with 4 decks. In the future we may see an updated UI but I doubt the entire thing will be scraped.
  9. Looks great. 150 kn? Time compression or is the developer ship rocket-powered?
  10. We tested a mortar brig a few months ago but it was taken out for time being to be reworked. It should be back later.
  11. No, it hasn't ended that I'm aware of. I just posted that as a reference to the voting as of the 28th and how much it has spiked.
  12. It was actually 20+ at the end of last week. Indefatigable and Christian were practically tied.
  13. The rate at which it has closed has me a little suspicious. It could be coincidence however.
  14. You're welcome. Besides, we had to drink the beer before David's goats found it. You know how they like their beer. Party animals
  15. I can echo the others that I'd be happy to fight the British with you if possible. I'm not sure but I am assuming that unless there is some negative 'rep' between the two nations based on some in-game metric they should be able to fight a common enemy. It's all speculation though so I guess we'll have to wait and see how it works out.
  16. Did you disconnect any during the battle and then reconnect? Usually when this happens to me the damage decals will appear exaggerated (both hull and sails) like this once I reconnected.
  17. I don't believe so. They will typically post in the "News and Announcements" section when they send out a new batch.
  18. I'm surprised it shows up anywhere really. I have the original on my computer that I made a few years ago. Anyway, back on topic I don't want to hijack your thread.
  19. I think the waves were larger then than what we have now on the current storm map. Also the waves didn't get clipped on the edges.
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