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Everything posted by Leviathan

  1. I haven't been able to locate any hard numbers for it.
  2. I think I know the discussion you are referring to. My understanding was that the name removal proposal wasn't because people were using the visible name as an elevation or reference marker for aiming, but that certain players due to their status or reputation, were being focused on with extreme fire because people could see which ship they were and single them out. The argument was basically for the ships be to more 'anonymous' during the battle. I'm not arguing for or against but wanted to clarify.
  3. That's a tough one. With it's characteristics I could see it being either top dog of light pvp or the smallest of the large ships and being tossed in regular pvp. It could really go either way but I may lean toward regular pvp.
  4. Keep in mind in the end there will only be PvP and no light version (I think). The Snow is limited to 6lbers but even with the same size guns the Rattlesnake will play quite differently due to it's much higher speed. It would also be a great island hopping ship for quick errands while still packing a punch.
  5. It is a sweet looking ship and would be a little terror fitted with 6 or 9lbers. *shameless Rattlesnake spam*
  6. I personally wouldn't have any issue with it. However, I can see it turning into a hot-button issue and causing problems. It would need to be implemented carefully.
  7. If the Indefatigable makes it I hope it's in frigate form (at least as an option) as I think it looks much better that way. Any idea how much longer the initial poll will go?
  8. If the names were to be removed there would still need to be something above the enemy to help designate a target. You could focus but just wouldn't know who you were focusing on. The ability to see friendly names as is would be a good idea as well.
  9. Everything I've been able to find has routinely talked about how fast the Rattlesnake was. One source said it was the fastest ship in the British fleet when they captured it. I'll have to try and find it again.
  10. If we are indeed lucky enough to get the Rattlesnake we could keep that in mind. It's not the most armored of ships but it was a burner by all accounts. This ship could be slower but yet more armored in comparison to add some diversity while the Rattlesnake would be the fast and nimble counterpart.
  11. I don't think the devs are too worried about it in the current state of the game since we are testing. However, once the game is released they have mentioned that doing such things as friendly fire or attacking people you shouldn't, will result in negative reputation. If enough crime is committed you will stand trial (player trial similar to that in ArcheAge) and be punished accordingly. The worst offenses will result in pirate status and you will have limited port access and be KOS.
  12. I updated the original post with the most recent graphic
  13. Nice find. Very nice lines and I like the drab coloration.
  14. That is a good point that I wondered myself since it was originally an East Indiaman. Could be very diverse.
  15. When I originally posted the Rattlesnake it was due to it being a unique ship that would slot in under the Surprise and it's plans were readily available. My thought was it's speed, maneuverability, and firepower would make it a very fun small ship and it also looks nice. It is a US ship but it was captured by the British and renamed HMS Cormorant until they realized they already had a ship by that name. *edit* There is also a thought that the ship later became the French Le Tonnant 1793 as the lines are the same. I tried to suggest some US ships because I figured that the nations such as Britain and France would have many more ships by default based on the sheer volume they had.
  16. I would think that would come into play perhaps as a tiebreaker if the voting is close. I know some of the posters said they could not find any plans when posting their ships. Hopefully the admin will chime in.
  17. Yes it is. I hope they are successful and make a quality game to represent the genre. It's been neglected for a long time.
  18. It will appeal to a different audience as it won't be as focused on realism and will lean toward the arcade side of the spectrum. It will also only be based around team battles without the open world/mmo aspect that NA will have.
  19. The real QAR would be very cool to have in the game. You could also make the Whydah and have the two most famous and successful pirate vessels in history.
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