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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by Leviathan

  1. Your gamerDNA is:Killer "No enemy left standing!" 87% Killer 73% Achiever 40% Explorer 20% Socializer Apparently i'm a dick
  2. I've shot a muzzeloader that was accidentally loaded twice. I couldn't imagine pulling the trigger on anything with more than that.
  3. I voted multipe as well. Damage Model: I would like to see the rest of the damage ideas implemented. However, it's pretty good overall right now and getting better with each update. Open World: Everyone has touched on this a lot so not much more to add. I would like to see as an immersive environment as possible to explore and have encounters. Not just instanced combat scenarios. I think a huge part of this game will be the graphics and overall beauty of the game. Add all ships and customization: I'm not sure how many ships are completed now but I always like to see more ships. However, quality of ships > quantity of ships. If there is 5-10 ready then this could possibly wait a while as that may be enough to start with. I would like to see detailed customization at least some time in the future. The ability make your ship your own will add some depth and help avoid a sea of doppelgangers. Overall, the sailing is good in my limited experience. I've only tried the Victory (which is great) so i'm excited to try some other ships.
  4. Probably brigs and 4th/5th rates....or whatever I can get my rum-soaked hands on
  5. Not the best angle but tried to get a shot of the mast damage in the game
  6. Myself I like 'looting' for items. It also gives others who may not be hardcore pvp something else to enjoy which ultimately means more players and more money. Understandably some will get lucky early and find an item quickly (that is the nature of luck) but overall everyone will have to work for it. I feel it makes the game more organic instead of the quick gratification of simply buying the stuff you need. I was simply saying I prefer a monthly sub fee and some asthetic items being sold in the 'shop' which will give the developers a steady stream of revenue. I prefer the loot method for critical items so that everyone has access to the items as long as they pay the sub fee for the game. Again, it's all my preference and certainly may not be the best option for this game. This method will probably fit better once it reaches MMO status.
  7. I don't mind purchasing the game and then paying a monthly sub especially once it reaches the MMO stage. I'm not a huge fan of the P2W format but I can see paying for asthetic upgrades or specialty items. However, I like the idea of looting in the game to find premium and special items instead of just paying for them. I do feel that the rep bonuses etc are in a way a P2W format. I understand that it doesn't give an advantage with equipment or weapons, but it does allow someone to advance in the game faster and therefore gain an advantage by accessing better ships and experience earlier than someone who doesn't pay for it. All of which is why I personally like the subscription format.
  8. Would love to test the game and have been folloing the development since the beginning. I'm able to participate in most of the testing (at least 2 possibly 3 of the days each week) and would love to give some feedback,
  9. Looks fantastic! Can't wait to get my hands on this.
  10. I'm really looking forward to this game. I have played many pirate and sailing games and would love the chance to test this out when it's ready. The ships and the seas look great!
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