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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. I like having to take everything... makes it so you have to plan it out or wait till you have a bigger ship available. My largest wreck to date has only been 450.. so I havent had to worry about much more than my Trader Lynx, seeing as I sail in schooners a lot lately. I dont mind sailing around in my Trader Lynx.
  2. I have noticed this too, but it must be on a fraction based scale. It barely effects the 7th rates I sail but I do notice a slight change in the 6th rates.
  3. I actually got 1 PVP mark, and about 5k and some xp. But when the Reno boarded the Surprise, I sat behind the Surprise grapeing the crew.
  4. I think it is broken down by vessel rating.
  5. No more 5 dura ships, ALL ships are 1 durability now. This is to give them value and a reason. The previous 5 life ships was cartoonish and broken.
  6. As a privateer, this is right up my ally, now I have a question... What nation is ICS and what does ICS stand for?
  7. I agree with some of your thinking and suggestions. But there is a role for smaller ships now, but most people dont want to do it. A few days ago I was out tailing a Pirate Surprise until he attacked a traders brig, I knew I had backup about 90sec away just out of site of the surprise. I went into the battle to aide the brig and the Renomee came in about 15sec after me. The Surprise broke off his pursuit of the Trade ship and turned to flee. But due to the speed of my Lynx and its long guns I was able to keep him in the fight and disable his sails for the Renomee to catch him. All I did was keep the Surprise in the fight. The Renomee did the actual killing I just kept the Surprise from running.
  8. All I need is to hear about people crying that I am hitting their shipping on their coast and no one can catch me... That is my favorite part.
  9. Likewise. I have made what I want to sail in, until one of two ships come back to the game... Either the Xebec, or the Rattlesnake return. Until that happens I will continue to use my Lynx and Privateer.
  10. The only reason I could see the use of an Endymion over the Constitution is the acceleration. The Endy would accelerate and retain speed better than the Constitution. But I agree with Chustler 100%, the lack of speed caps based on ship not a blanket cap would fix some of these issues.
  11. It should be on your main mast, or your fore mast. Personal flag of the ships commander or squadron was flown along with the admiralty flag if one was available.
  12. On the upgrade slots. A combat ship has to grind to unlock those slots. A trade ship has to be bought to unlock all of its slots, there is no grind. That is the difference. And the above build will sail great at all points where the wind effects the square rigging. You can never get above 100% sail bonus in any one direction with the sail bonuses in game. So stacking like that does nothing for your top speed as far as I know. And does absolutely nothing for your OW speed. As that has to be an absolute value, which is Speed trim, Copper plating.
  13. Here is a common problem I see with most trade ships. Perk choice. You all choose the +20% hold space -2.5% speed. So you go from 12kn to 11.7kn. Then you pack it full of cargo, which drops it further a full load can drop you down to almost 50% top speed. So you wonder why you are going slow... how about you build your ships to go faster, and dont pack them over the top with cargo. Because even my Privateer, if I slapped 150t of cargo on it will move all of 15kn in OW, that is 7.5kn in battle at its BEST point of sail. So I have to say learn to properly spread your load on long trips so you wont be slow as dirt. Because I have trade ships that can do 15kn and hold cargo.
  14. They are only slow if you fill them 100% or over 75% for that matter. When I ran a Trader Snow I would run 60% of my cargo and move just fine. I did the same for a trader brig still had no problems making 12+ knts in battle.
  15. Option C- Handle it like WWII Online. Nominate a Admiralty for each nation, you will be granted a limited number of Attack Orders per day/week (what ever works best). These attack orders will open up regions to gain hostility, thus focusing your efforts in that area. IF you manage to get enough hostility you will trigger a port battle in 22hrs from that point. This way you ALL know where the target is, and where the fighting is. Conquest marks will be awarded to those who defend or attack the port in the port battle (as is now), AND a smaller number will be awarded on a 1pt per PVP victory in the region on top of the PVP marks you would gain in that fight. If you fail to generate a port battle in the allotted time you will have to place another AO and try again. But you will only have 2 AOs per nation. Thus again focusing the PVP and the efforts of everyone in a limited number of regions. New missions will be generated for merchants, these missions will be smuggle war supplies or bring reinforcements (counter war supplies). Just a idea.
  16. Exactly. The grind is still there, and it isnt to horrible on Global, while we have our share of drama, we have been pretty cool about it. We call each other names, and make fun of our nation choices, but we all more or less realize we are the bastard children of Naval Action.
  17. No you should have redeemables on both servers. I still have mine on PVPEU and PVE.
  18. I play 2-3 hours a day and can do anything I need to do. The difference is I dont sail around in a lumbering 4th rate, or a slow ship. I go in a quick small ship that I can easily replace and doesnt take more than 15-30min of my time to do.
  19. Do you not have any xp on that server from before? And XP isnt an issue it is the lack of money and resources that kind of sucks. But a clan that works together can over come that in a matter of days.
  20. As Sir Texas Sir stated and... The system doesnt promote pvp it promotes trades. Why fight for something if we can just trade for it. Conflict comes from economic, religious, or cultural differences. Currently in game we dont have 2 out 3 of those and the economic differences are minimal at best.
  21. Well Global is looking for willing captains to balance out the nations. France is looking and so are the Dutch and Swedes. ALL are welcome to Global, the water is warm and winds are fair.
  22. Or set it if you have used to much rum on your crew and enter port.
  23. Never seen this before. Fascinating.
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