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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. Well the UI can wait, as Unitiy stated there is a new update coming to the engine. So I can see the UI taking a backseat to that. IF the developer chooses to upgrade to Unity 5.0 he will have more options and the ability to add more ships something he cant do currently.
  2. So far in the war my HMS Jackalope (Lynx) has captured 3 prizes, 2 traders brigs and a trader cutter. Then the HMS Needlefish (privateer) has taken 1 Pickle as a prize. But this was just in the first day of the war. There are already plans of this British Privateer taking many more prizes.
  3. I know for a fact I am not the best PVP captain on this server, BUT I have adapted my tactics and style. I took notes from watching Pagan Pete and his Banshee on PVP1, I would learn from his attacks on shipping, I would engage him and watch how he would time his movements to put me at a disadvantage before the timer ran down. So I then looked at the Privateer and the Lynx, studied their sailing profiles, tested against the AI... then took time hitting easy targets first, Player trader Brigs... then they armed them... that was a rude awakening for me. Still captured 2 trader lynxes but it was far from easy LOL. So I have adapted to the fact they are armed now.. I have learned how to mast snipe, and I have learned the weaknesses of each ship I may encounter. While I will make mistakes, I will often not let you know they happened.
  4. As an outside (not quite impartial) former GB, then US, now GB again, privateer... I can say that I have seen most of this "in fighting" in the US. It was mostly due to ego clashes. While I like the guys in TF and VCO, and barely know the guys in NPG, I can say that VCO and TF tried to work with NPG. Giving them all the rope they needed to hang themselves, and they did... not once, but several times. Florida Keys, West End, Grand Bahamas, and Sandy Cay/Crown. Yeah when people were telling them the tactic of giving up the wind is never a good one... nope ignored... when people told them to screen the port LONG before the battle, ignored... When people told them that trying a double flip wont work if you dont work fast, hit hard and do it as a team. I watched, TF and VCO tell the NPG leadership these exact things... and the response was simple, "we did it before the wipe its easy." NPG has made countless errors in under estimating their enemies and over estimating their own fighting prowess. Which are sure fire recipes for disaster. Then the other clans involved in this issues, IGG, while there are some good captains there, unfortunately they have some real children too. Like the guy who went off in Teamspeak because he brought a brig to the port battle, when it was made abundantly clear than only Mercuries and then Navy Brigs would be let in... Note I said a BRIG, not a Navy Brig. Then we had the famous IGG guy who sailed RIGHT under the forts guns and promptly got sunk by the square fort... Yeah... good move. Or the captain who was stuck in irons for 5min because he didnt know how to manual sail. Then from my personal encounters with all of them. When I went raiding the US coastline recently in a Lynx, they brought Indefatigables and Surprises to try and catch a Lynx... yeah that always works... LOL That is like bringing a bulldozer to deal with a humming bird. Not only was it a bad call but then I managed to get them spread out so far that if I had been inclined I could have began picking them off one at a time. There is a reason why so many pirates have great success against the US forces.. it isnt because they are carebears, it is because they lack experience and refuse to adapt.
  5. Its not there in the OW. And I dont think it is there in battle either.
  6. Sorry old post but deserves a reply. Marines are used as manual labor in game. When you are sailing in the open world marines are not counted against you for crew. BUT once your ship beats to quarters and goes to combat stations marines have postings that do not allow them to be extra sailors.
  7. I think Spain is the only player ships I wont attack currently. They are an endangered species.
  8. So something like out of a cartoon or a Disney movie? And I think the Devs have other plans for the figure head slot on the ships. If you noticed they have removed the Trincomalee and Essex figure heads from the ships.
  9. Aren't they on the EU server not the Global Server?
  10. Spain, really? There is no Spain, only the Iroqoius Nation. And last I checked their not after land only scalps. So they are a minor threat at best. Pirates, well if it werent for BLACK they wouldnt be much of a threat either. Seeing as BLACK is the most organized of the bunch and the largest of any of the pirate clans.
  11. I think if the majority of the clans voted and it poled positively it doesnt matter if they are new or not. I know I had no vote so I dont care one way or another. I just do as the letter of marque tells me.
  12. Not meaning any offense by this, but the US doesnt leave the US east coast 90% of the time any way. The vast majority I have seen are either sailing into the Bahamas, or down to La Habana and Cayo Biscano. I think I have seen one or two brave American ships out around Northern Haiti and that is it.
  13. I didnt say I approved of the message over there either did I? No need to answer, it was rhetorical. Dont go away mad, dont go away angry, just go away.
  14. I for one enjoy this announcement, for several reasons. It means I have few "no attack targets" But as I am currently on sortie elsewhere in the Caribbean it means I am effectively out of this fight for a while. No offense to the American Nation, but many of your captains need training and are easy prey for even someone like me. A case and point. I spent 1 week out of La Tortue northern Haiti. I captured maybe 4 pirate ships over that time. It was a challenge each time because they understood the counter tag, and how to use their ships to the best of their abilities to avoid mine. I spent 1 day on the US east coast and captured 3 ships in less than 2 hours. Of them only 1 was moderately difficult.
  15. This post was made by someone who feels threatened and is obviously mad. You can tell by the lack of spelling in the title of the thread. So while you rage about being mad at someone elses post in your threads, why dont you climb back over that fence and go back to your kingdom of dirt.
  16. Need to update your sig Jacktar. And welp... back to work for me... to many targets not enough time!!!!
  17. Active GB clans on Global.. AUSEZ CKA- Canada Kicks A** TF- Tattered Flags AGW- (no clue honestly, but a group of good old guys) VCO- (again I am bad cant remember the name but good guys)
  18. Sorry I didnt understand you....
  19. Global server.... This is how we feel. We are the unwanted children of Naval Action.
  20. LOL Teak ships, i have been running around in Mahagony ships.
  21. No it changes the number of planks needed based on the wood type. I noticed this with my 6th rate builds.
  22. No offense, dont like it leave the pirates and join a nation, stand for something.
  23. Hodo

    PVE Missi Bug

    Was this on the PVE server? Because they are having issues over there right now.
  24. Some of us like me, sail around in small ships, like Privateers, Pickles, and Lynxes and hunt like real privateers and pirates. So the thought of not gaining some kind of PVP reward for taking on nothing other than the chance at cargo. And seeing as now that trade ships are just as armed as the non-trade versions this can be quite a risky job. You try taking on a Trader Snow in a Lynx.
  25. Easy now.. I represent that remark. Lately I have been hunting trade ships, in my Lynx... but I guess the difference is a traders brig or snow has a chance against my Lynx unlike a Surprise or a Constitution.
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