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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. Sure I would love this.. not like I wouldnt exploit the hell out of it with my trade ship. I would be out in the middle of nowhere, attack an NPC ship and then run from it and teleport BACK over an hour to where I started after getting a shipwreck.
  2. Real life cannon reload times is actually pretty fast. I think the Royal Navy could reload the big guns on the bottom deck in under 5min a gun.
  3. Oh ships sink WAY to fast now... faster than the SS Titanic. It takes a while for a ship to sink it isnt an instant thing.. that is my biggest complaint. Ship wreckage should be a danger in large fights. Things you will have to avoid.
  4. It does not cost to much preparation, so dont use that excuse. I dont know how many store bought ships I have sunk while out and about PVPing. Even I have used them and still use them on occasions. If you cant afford to sail it then you shouldnt use it. Now that's
  5. It isnt realistic that we can magically fire with nearly pin point accuracy from gyro stabilized cannons on a ship rolling through the waves. You can bring your ship to a stop just as fast by using your manual sails.
  6. I think he expected GB to win. I kind of did too. But I could tell from listening to the TF TS3 that they were far more organized than when NPG lead the attack on West End a few weeks ago. You can even tell in the recording the level of organization is drastically different than the famous "Lionshaft Blunder" at West End.
  7. The top speed of the ship should be base on its base speed. NO vessel should be able to have more than 10% over its max designed speed. So no matter how many mods you stack on a Indefatigable it wont go 15kn. But an Endymoin, Lynx, and even the Privateer can get to 15+ kn.
  8. Well the answer is easier than you would think. When you know the ship is about to sink, slow down and sail just out of its gun angle, so when it sinks you can swoop in, drop sails and snatch and grab. I can loot a ship and get going in under 10 seconds from 13kn to 0 back to 13kn.
  9. He did, but he has yet to pipe up and say anything one way or another. In the testbed we had 60sec invisibility which was good. But couldnt test it with revenge fleets because of low numbers or players. Now that we have more than 10 people online we cant test it because he wont put it back. There has been several good options. And to be honest I think most of them would work at fixing the problem.
  10. I dont think you can read. ELITE92 said.... "no, thx , i will wait arena" And Tommy is right the problems is everyone has the same top speed ships. LOL not likely unless I screw up. Look I am not disagreeing that revenge fleets are not an issue. BUT you have to learn to be Sempre Gumbi and stay flexible. I am sure it is a bigger problem on the EU server than on the Global server. There has been several dozen if not hundred suggestions on how to fix, or alleviate the issue but unless the @admin does something it wont change.
  11. Then sail in a ship that is faster. You want to be a "privateer" but refuse to use the tool that was used by them. Odd but whatever. I know of another guy who does quite well in a Renomee hunting, and I know I have seen a Snow that was faster upwind than most 5th rates. So again... your tactics are bad it isnt the games fault. And perhaps Arena games are more your style anyway. Not everyone likes dealing with the chance of fighting outnumbered or having to use actual naval strategy and tactics to prevail and they just want to mindlessly slam balls into each other.
  12. I am of the same view point as Vlad. You have to adapt to the changing tactics. I hate revenge fleets but it is easy to avoid them if you plan properly from the start. I generally dont tag a ship in sight of other ships. I wont jump someone right outside their capital unless I am sure I can get away, like when I am sailing my Lynx or a Privateer. I dont understand how hard these things are for people to understand. You come out of battle you have 30seconds. Pick a direction that is your best point of sail and their weakest, and put some distance between you and the gank fleet. The bigger problem is the tag'em till they rage quit tactic. I personally refuse to tag someone again if they have gotten way from me the first time in battle. Because I dont want someone to keep tagging me in OW wasting my time and theirs just to annoy the piss out of me.
  13. If you have logged in and not redeemed any of the redeemables then yes. You can delete the character and remake it.
  14. I find it funny that people think 3 min is not enough time to get to the fight. IF you werent in sight of the battle to start with then you dont need to be joining the fight. IF you were out of position when the fight started and it takes you longer than 3 minutes to sail to the fight, then you dont need to be in it. IF you have no life and want to wait outside the fight till it is over instead of hunting for other fights, then that says you really dont want to fight or are scared to hunt alone. Sorry but I often hunt by myself, and the trick is simple. Right tool for the right job. Dont go hunting in a ship you cant run in. DONT go hunting things you cant take alone. DONT go hunting in enemy waters and not expect reprisals. I enjoy the PMs and the global tears as I scream in cap and sink a couple of ships my Lynx outside of their home ports, then fly away from the slow revenge fleet. I should honestly save the screenshots of the PMs I have gotten from people. "Comeback and fight someone your own size" - While he is sailing a Constitution and I am in a Lynx.
  15. Odd because NPC fleets its not on them. Take a look at the next NPC Essex in the OW.
  16. As Redii said, ships lose value the more duras they have. Not to mention they are pointless in trying to hurt an enemy nation by taking away their ability to effectively fight back. There is no attrition and selling ships becomes a pointless en devour because there wont be enough demand and supply will be plentiful.
  17. Sounds like you are trying to start to big. I started in my cutter till I saved up a few thousand to put guns on my Pickle then I sailed that around for a while. Once I could afford to equip my Brig I did a few dozen missions in that till I could build a shipyard, then I built my own ships from there. It took about 4 days at 3hours a day to get to that point. Then I changed nations, now I am set up again, with a shipyard, oak farm and hemp farm. And nearly enough money to upgrade to a level 2 yard. I am a solo player who does PVP and PVE. I will spend 2 or 3 days hunting on the US east coast or around Mortimer, then I head back to my base and start doing ship building and PVE grinding for that ship or test out new designs.
  18. Seeing as I have in a 3 hour hunting trip.. captured 2 trader brigs, and an Indefatigable I would say it was worth it. OH and you can sail a decent ship and have it leveled in no time if you concentrate on it and put forth some... EFFORT. I only sailed 20min from my base and then 20min back. So I spent 2hours and change fighting.
  19. While these are interesting "solutions". I fear they are more of a step back than a step forward. For me personally NO to the shipping to and from freetowns, it kills player shipping and commerce. My counter is simple, a new contract - Shipping/Delivery contract, where a player makes a contract to move goods from one port to another port for a set amount of money in a set amount of time. Teleporting to free towns is also a NO, but I purpose this. Pirates should lose ALL national ports and be forced to operate out of free towns. They would be the ONLY nation to be able to teleport between free towns. Transporting/teleporting captured ships to a friendly port/outpost... as much as I would LOVE to do this, I feel it is a gamey tactic to teleport my prize safely away. While I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do this... it isn't right.
  20. Unfortunately due to the nature of the game design there is no way we can come up with a "perfect" solution. Ideally the perfect solution is we have a MUCH smaller map, and we only sail around in real time in a "battle" instance that is the size of Grand Bahama. No one will ever leave that instance unless you are in dock.
  21. What I am seeing is a tactics problem more than a mechanics problem. If you attack someone near their ports, and they can come back out and find you and attack you, well you were to close to their port OR you stayed in that spot TOO long. I rarely see any REAL counter to anything I have done, and the few that have tried were in the wrong types of ships to get the job done.
  22. I was getting some stupid lag at times too last night, but it was due to my ISP being crap.
  23. You can find images of ships being towed during the age of sail, and there are none of a single heavy frigate pulling 3 5th rates. Most of the time if a victorious captain took a combat vessel prize he would assign a junior officer to command it, and have it set sail with a minimum crew and a guard detail to transport the ship and its prisoners to the nearest "friendly" national port. Where they would have the vessel turned over to the prize court and the crew would be sent to prison as POWs, and the junior officer and the prize crew would await till their vessel returned to port or catch a ride on a schooner headed to join that fleet.
  24. Thank you... I spent ALL last night moving that Indefatigable. Man those things are slow in the OW, I dont know how anyone wants to sail those.
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