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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. I am a solo player, but I am no noob. It is hard but not impossible. Here is some simple tips. -Start with the cutter it is free and everything is free. So everything is profit. -save up 50-100k in the cutter, you should max out the cutters knowledge slots while doing this (it sucks but it will be worth it) -LOOT EVERYTHING! -Attack AI trade ships and loot them too. You can easily make 20-100k off of one. -Once you have saved up your first 100k, buy a Snow, Privateer, or Pickle. All 3 of which are good hunting ships and cheap. I think it took me about 2 days to save up 100k, playing about 2 hours a day in a cutter. If I had hunted LGVs I could do it in about an hour or two.
  2. There was NO pirate in history that sailed a ship larger than a 5th rate. Black Beard's ship the Queen Annes Revenge was a small 5th rate, probably akin to a Cerberus or Renomee in game. Pirates were limited in what they could use due to several factors. 1- They had to buy or capture the ship they used. 2- They had to crew that ship. 3- They had to pay for provisions and outfitting of that ship 4- They had to keep that ship.. which meant getting places bigger ships couldnt. This is why vast majority of real pirates sailed in 6th and 7th rate ships, Brigs, Snows, Schooners, and Ketches. Their biggest advantage is they would hide as trade ships in major trade routes and wait in search of prey. No one looks twice at a fellow trade ship. They would mirror that ship for a few hours, sometimes days, till they were sure they had the element of surprise then run it down, and take the ship before it had a chance to escape. Each pirate had their own style on taking a ship, some were very methodical others were brutal and fast. One thing is sure, few of them lived very long. Average life of a real pirate was 12-18months.
  3. Being a fore-aft captain also, I can say it is possible to take LGVs, and Indiamen. LGVs are usually the largest I will hunt in a Privateer, or a Lynx. Most of the time I will stick to t-brigs or t-snows and running down t-lynxs. But you have a MUCH better turn rate than the Indiamen, and you are faster at all points of sail than them if they are loaded. It is doubtful you will see a full indiamen over 11kn in battle. So running one down is not an issue. It is taking the crew down enough to board it. You can easily get it below 100men, but then you will be working REAL hard to kill 30-40 more men off that ship. But with the morale bonus of the Lynx and Privateer, when added with the melee training bonus, and if you must rum rations.. but the other better melee options are available. Again avoid marines not worth the crew hit. Your biggest advantage is speed and constant rate of fire. Hunting in a fore-aft rigged ship takes a bit more patience and forethought than most 5th rates which you can get away with just sailing up along side and hammering it till it surrenders. (not that you would or should) The Snow is a good, go between when you cant afford a Surprise but dont want to sail a fore-aft rigged ship. You can get away upwind in most cases. You have enough firepower to take on every trade ship with ease, and you can out turn or out run anything else.
  4. I could see how this works from a program standpoint. The game will have a hard limit set to 15. But if you stack mods and get the bonus high enough you could push your top speed well past that. So lets take a Endymoin for example, 13.77kn at best point. So if you were to get 25% increase in top speed through mods, you would get that ship well above 13.77kn. (13.77*1.25=17.21) So you have a ship that COULD go 17.2kn, if it werent limited. IF you were to take a -10% to main sail power, it would lost 10% off of its point of sail. So you would lose 1.7kn off its top speed at 135. So 17.21-1.7=15.51kn. So still at the speed limit of 15kn. This is another reason why we need to get rid of this 15kn hard cap on all ships.
  5. Most of the southern states laws are still on the public records to this day. With that as a baseline it is not hard to see where the thought pattern would have lead to. The common belief of the southern gentleman of the 1860s was, voting was a privilege and burden for a (white)man. Over time this view would have soften a bit. I doubt they would have had the support they gained during the 1910s do to the outbreak of WWI and the primary opposition being the German-American distillers and brewers who were against women gaining the right to vote. Being one of the largest industries and ethnic backgrounds along the boarder states with the north and south, the German-American population would have held a lot of pull politically.
  6. To be honest, not sure. The CSA did make it well known they had goals of expanding into Central and South America. I even imagine that Canada would look VERY different today. First and foremost Texas would have became a sovereign nation probably controlling most of the south western US (Arizona, New Mexico and southern California). I also figure that the CSA would have made moves into Mexico, but would have ultimately ground to a halt and ended up in an uneasy peace accord drawing a line a bit further south than the current boarder. CSA and Texas would have became close allies, much like the US and Canada now. Canada would have became a very crowded nation, with northern blacks and native Americans leaving the new CSA in droves. Canada and the CSA would have had a uneasy peace between the two for a while, as they would have been where most runaway slaves would have headed to, as it at the end of the Civil War would be a British Territory and thus slavery was outlawed. This would stay with the CSA over the next few decades, as racism would have been the foundation on a large part of the CSA psyche. Alaska would have never been purchased by the USA, and the CSA would have never had the funds or the gaul to make such a frivolous purchase. Thus missing out on one of the greatest oil reserves in north America and when the Klondike Gold rush happens it will be in a Russian Territory, where it would remain such through the 1900s and well into the current day and age. The Cold War would not have happened. As the USSR would not have had the geopolitical clout it had after WWII, as they would not have been able to overcome the onslaught of the Nazi German war machine in 1938. And with the CSA staying mostly out of the war, but supporting Germany with raw materials, Germany would have been able to supply the war, and fight the war. Leading to a MUCH different Europe. But the North America would have had fewer states. The states we have would be far more independent, and the government would have been far smaller. State taxes would very wildly between states. Most of the states that were formed after 1870, wouldnt be what they are now. Some I doubt would have been formed at all. Hawaii, is one of them, Alaska being the other. Several US Territories wouldnt be formed, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Guam being others. I feel England would have been the CSA's biggest thorn after the war, they would want payment for the support they were getting during the war. With little in the way of hard assets, or real income outside of the cotton and tobacco exports the CSA would have been strapped for real cash. This with the increasing outside pressure to abolish slavery from European nations like France and the UK. The CSA would have been more dependent on European industry than the USA would have been. Overall the continental CSA wouldnt be too different than the USA.. except for Texas and most of the south western parts being all a separate nation.
  7. No slavery would had ended in the CSA, but it wouldnt have been till MUCH later than it did. I am talking well into the early 20th century. And without the USA, there would have been no pressure on majority of the outside world to abolish slavery. Outside of most of Europe getting rid of it, the USA was the spearhead of ending it around the world.
  8. No offense but the Confederacy wasnt exactly sugar plums and candy canes. They would not have changed much over the next 150years since the Civil War ended. It would have been as extreme as some of the things said in the movie. But it would have been much the same. They would not have abolished slavery, they would not have aloud for the push of equal rights. They sure as hell would not have let women vote. There would have been segregation for all races not white. It would have been an agricultural and rural society where the difference between rich and poor would have been astoundingly distant. Without the US, WWI and WWII would not have ended the way they went, odds are WWII would have ended with a Nazi victory, as the Confederacy would have most likely sided with them. And in WWI the lack of US industry, as the Confederacy was a rural based economy wouldnt have been able to come up to the challenge. For the most part I feel the CSS would have been little more than a 3rd world country in the 20th century, and would not have been able to curb the expansion of Fascism or Communism. Some major world linchpins are pivotal moments based on the fact the United States being there.
  9. There is a "Mockumentary" that covers the South winning the war. It was by Spike Lee, it is called "Confederate States Of America." Worth a watch... it is a bit frustrating and will make any decent person mad. But it is a plausible outcome for the war.
  10. Really? It has always been this way. Back when it worked in favor of your side it was ok.. but now that the tables are turned it suddenly is wrong? They do need some balance to the nations, as has been said before and will continue to be a problem.
  11. When I am out hunting my perks are different and my choice in ships is a bit smaller. But the Surprise is a great hunting ship, that is what it is designed for. But cheaper options would include. -Snow, 12.95kn base speed, easy to get to 15kn, great upwind abilities and handles like a dream. Lots of guns bow and stern chasers(mini-surprise), and good crew. Downside; weak hull, and thin armor, pencil masts. -Privater, fast, and small.. Boarding morale bonus. Good all around hunting ship. Low BV means your tagging options are limited. And down wind performance is just bad. -Lynx, much like the Privateer, just smaller, but better down wind speed. Also limited to 8 guns, but good rate of fire, and easy to manage same boarding advantage as the Privateer. -Pickle, Best all points sailing ship in game... small though, no chasers, but 12 guns, and 55 men good armor. But slower than all the rest. Until we get the Rattlesnake back, the Snow is the best option for 6th rate hunting ships out there. The Brig, while faster at 13.0kn is less armed, and has worse sailing profile. It struggles at some points upwind and is slower than both the Surprise and the Snow into the wind. It lacks all forms of bow chasers making it completely inadequate to the task. My personal perk setup is as follows. -Carpenter; additional bonus of repair done makes it worth it. -Area Control; no need to tag every 90sec as long as I can see their name. -Double Charge; great for penetrating those masts at the edge of range. -Prepared; same as Koltes listed -Fleet 1; goes without saying
  12. And it was only 6 screeners. And this is not the place for your salt, take it to the Global Server discussion Mr. Chairborneguy.
  13. The devs took out several ships from crafting because of limitations on the current game engines memory. These ships have been removed from crafting. -Ingermanland -Rattlesnake -Niagara -Heavy Rattlesnake These ships have been removed for now. -Gunboat -Wasa -Santa Cecila
  14. There are more in the Pirates than just your clan. I know I have sunk a few pirates not in BLACK.
  15. So BLACK is the pirate nation now? Sorry but you all are always saying how few of numbers you are. Well maybe you should stick to being pirates instead of nation builders. Hmm.. just a suggestion.
  16. Honestly though what are you wasting to run 1pt for fleet 1? I have all 10 pts burned right now and have fleet 1. Carpenter Prepared Double Charge Fleet 1 Area Control All you need right there for a decent hunting setup.
  17. The problem with incorrect usage of the word, is it means something different than what you are intending on it being used for. It would like saying witch way to go? While it sounds right it is the incorrect word witch, when it should be which. Or if I were to say can you hear me now? Of course you cant this is text, so you wont hear me, but you can see what I am saying.
  18. Honestly if you want a fleet ship you should have to pay for the other officer to command that ship, AND that means less money for you. The crew will come out of your pool of crew but the officers you have to pay for. Do you think Sir Pellew just got free officers to command his ships, nope, he paid their wages from the portion of the prizes they captured while under his command. So for now the perk offsets that.
  19. RvR= Realm vs Realm, or in this case Nation vs Nation.
  20. No I could have easily ran down the T-Lynx and let you go, and kept the T-lynx and what ever it had, OR I could have capped and sunk you. Either option was viable. I chose to let the NPC ship go and go for the bigger fish. Which was empty LOL.
  21. Seeing as this is a text based medium, it is not and cannot be slander. Liable is what you are looking for. Trust me I slept with a lawyer.
  22. Slander- the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation. I dont think that word means what you think it means.
  23. Hey.... I represent that remark, mostly.. except I actually PVP.
  24. So Chairborne is Honeybadger?
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