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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. He is unable to head back to that location due to hostility reasons, and did the next best thing. Posted screen shots with detailed information as he could give. I am sorry if that is not spot on perfect but it is damned close. If you are so bothered by it, you can gladly sail to the square fort next to Saint Nic and F11 yourself.
  2. You sir are the most literal human being I have seen on these forums.
  3. Exactly how I feel right now. There are a lot of issues in this patch that I feel are steps in the wrong direction. What is this Victory Marks crap, and the removal of Conquest marks and just lumping them into combat marks. Doesnt really help anything.. if anything it makes it more like WoWs than a proper OW sandbox.
  4. Fleeing wasnt seen as treason. Loss of a vessel due to incompetence or due to cowardice in the face of the enemy. (striking colors without a fight against an equal or lesser opponent) There would be a tribunal of peers, they would go over the logs of the fight, listen to the senior enlisted and junior officer accounts. And any letters written by the opposing captain. Nelson himself surrendered a vessel once.
  5. Name render range in battle is 750m (+/- 5m) The max range of a medium 6lb is about 1500. Or 3 squares, IF you have a good heel and can fire at max elevation of around 45deg.
  6. IF you cant figure it out from that screen shot that it is outside of the square fort of Saint Nic, then well I feel for you. Because I can tell you exactly where that is, and could probably find that exact point in real life on Google Earth.
  7. While I dont agree with everything... This is by far the best suggestion post of the year!
  8. Then you fail to understand what it means to hunt sir. Good day.
  9. Well there is the screen shot, if you cant figure it out from the screen shot then perhaps he should... but I can sail there at any time I am in game and do it myself if I was so inclined. Which I am not.
  10. If he is super fast, he is hauling nothing of note, so why bother. A T-Lynx is only as fast as its hold is empty. I know I have one. Empty it will do 34kn OW, loaded at 80% max it will do 26kn OW. HUGE difference, seeing as my hunting Lynx does 34OW and my Privateer does 32.
  11. No but I can drop sail and get out of the tag circle forcing a reset in the counter. And most of the time I can close the distance long before the timer runs down on a d-tag anyway. Putting them well with in Control range before the fight gets underway.
  12. I wouldnt say more tactics, just more patience in those tactics. Everything is slow and deliberate, you have less room for error due to its lack of mobility, but seeing as you are often facing other slow and lumbering ships that room for error grows exponentially. I dont think any one ship rating requires more skill to sail than any other. I do think it takes a different mindset to sail different ships. And I dont have that kind of patience to sail a slow 1st rate.
  13. Sounds like a latency issue. One of them was streaming and this may have been effecting his ping to the server. Causing him to drop packets thus showing him in a different place on his screen then he was on the server.
  14. They are slow. Every OW fleet is about 10-20% slower than the player version of the same ship/ships.
  15. I am sorry but I have to disagree. I havent had a trader lynx out run my lynx or even my privateer in battle. And they are hard pressed to counter tag that puts them in an advantage vs my Lynx/Privateer that will allow them to get away. Unless I am sleeping or lax in my pursuit then they are mine if I am in tag range. But I am also that oddball hunter that runs area control.
  16. Damn people get off his case. He is reporting it... he isnt like some other people in this game who are repeatedly abusing the same bugs and exploits without ever mention about it till they get busted.
  17. Now you just need to be better at the tag. Bad tag means you just gave them a free get away.
  18. You cant even hit a ship at 3km in game. None of the guns in game can fire 3km. 1500m maybe... 3km no.
  19. No offense but wars are often won by the one with the most numbers. I dont like the cowardly act of hiding in a battle before a port battle, exploiting a broken mechanic. Yes it is an exploit. You abuse a known issue, there is no timer from joining a port battle from any battle. Thus bypassing the chance at an OW fight with anyone.
  20. @Loco Bandito I thought you were Christendoms alt?
  21. o7. I will never get used to this.... While I never met the person, I have heard of him. And he has my respect. May he find fair winds, and calm seas on his way to the forever and beyond.
  22. Well people dont want to surrender because there is nothing for them in a surrender. The surrender mechanics are in desperate need of revamp. There should be an option to give quarter on surrender. Sometimes I am not at all interested in the ship and I just want the cargo. Why should I bother with taking the ship when it will slow me down.
  23. In reality fights would last hours, and pulling off for 2 hours to repair was not a huge deal.
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